>I would like to use Netbeans to develop AVR-GCC but I had just started a small problem.
>I created a new Netbeans project using source code for atmega324pa already successfully developed previously.
>The editor of Netbeans correctly recognize all symbols except two: MCUCR and JTD.
>Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
I have with Codelite.
MCUCR and JTD are defined in external AVR header files that aren't part of the project. The IDE needs to know the path to
the AVR header files. I have no idea how to set that up with netbeans but there should be a way.
In my case I had to add C:\WinAVR-20100110\avr\include to the parsers search path.
In my current setup MCUCR and JTD are defined in 'iousbxx6_7.h'