On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:21:15 -0600
David Kelly <address@hidden> wrote:
OK, but if you don't commit the code to svn (as Vincent has stated in
other messages in this thread) then the svn version number is only
than or equal to" the real version number.
Yes that's why I give up on this :-/
I think if you don't like the format of __DATE__ then drop it into a
const during compile then pick out the parts you like when
Should be able to find them at constant offsets at run time.
Hey that's a nice idea, going to fiddle with that as soon as I hit the
Send button ! Thanks Dave.
The rule in the Makefile for the file containing __DATE__ needs to
be an
"always build."
Oops, good remark, noted.
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