From: | Karl O. Feger |
Subject: | [avr-gcc-list] A Question Of Optmization |
Date: | Tue, 15 Apr 2008 20:12:01 +0200 |
Dear all, I'm relatively
new to AVR-GCC and try to do something, that is standing
procedure in C51 for me. I want to program a delay
based on a timer-ISR. The code looks like this: ********************************* //isr-test, very
basic // cpu:
ATMega128 // speed: 16 mhz #include
<avr/io.h> #include
<avr/interrupt.h> unsigned char
TimerTick; //--------------------------------------- //
Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A //--------------------------------------- ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect)
// timer_compare_a { TimerTick
? TimerTick-- : 0; } //--------------------------------------- // main //--------------------------------------- int main() { unsigned
char a; //
--- TIMER1_COMPA irq --- //
selected time = 10 ms (160000 ticks) //
prescaler = 8 (8 ticks ... 32.768 ms) TCCR1B
= (1<<WGM12)|(1<<CS11); OCR1AH
= 0x4e; OCR1AL
= 0x20; TIMSK
|= (1<<OCIE1A); //
main loop sei(); for
(;;) { TimerTick
= 10; while(TimerTick); a = ~a; } return(0); } ******************************** When I compile
this without optimization (-O0) Everything is
just fine and as expected. When I select ANY other
optimization level, the resulting assembler code looks like
this (starting at "TimerTick = 10;"): ********************** 45:
TimerTick = 10; +00000086:
R24,0x0A Load immediate +00000087:
93800100 STS
0x0100,R24 Store direct to
data space +00000089:
PC-0x0000 Relative jump *********************** so the program
stops here and loops. Where is my
thinking wrong? I tried all sources I could imaging. Thanks for any
help Karl |
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