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Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc hangs on XP.

From: edSteve
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc hangs on XP.
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 05:58:50 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6

Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the help.

On Wednesday 16 May 2007 20:12:39 Preston Wilson wrote:
> What version of avr-gcc/WinAVR are you using?


> What version of Cygwin are you running? ($ uname -a)

1.5.24 updated last week.

> Are you compiling to and from a local file system or are you building over
> a networked file system (SMB, NFS, AFS, ...)? If you are building over a
> networked file system, have you tried compiling with everything on a local
> file system?

This is all local.

> Is the file you are compiling open in another program?


> Is the problem with a specific file or all files that you try to compile?

Haven't investigated that.

> What is the command line used to compile the file(s) when the hang happens?

avr-gcc -Os -g -Wall -mno-tablejump -mmcu=atmega128 -DF_CPU=16000000
-I../src -I../inc -I../lib/inc -c -o blb.o ../src/blb.c

> If you using the -M option(s) to generate dependencies, have you tried
> compiling without -M and its friends?

Not using -M options at this time.

> Have you tried to compile the file from the command line (outside of make)?

Yes, same result.

> Have you tried compiling an empty file?

No, I haven't. Just a moment.....

> (Or ifdef out all of the code in the file where the hang happens.)
> Create an empty file (contains a single new line) xxx.c and run
> $ avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega16 -Os -Wall -o xxx.o xxx.c
> $ ls -l xxx.o
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 pwilson None 657 May 16 22:51 xxx.o
> $ od -c xxx.c
> 0000000  \n
> 0000001

Works fine. Same results as above.

> If the problem goes away when you ifdef out all of the code, add in
> sections of code a small bit at a time to narrow down where the problem is
> happening.

This will take a while. I'll let you know what I learn.

Thanks again,


Steve Isaacs
Embedded Domain

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