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RE: [avr-gcc-list] AVR ADC

Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] AVR ADC
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:24:23 -0500

" Just use common sense. "
I like to think I have some level of common sense, but I try to know my
limits.  I believe "common sense" comes with experience, and I have very
little in this area.  I too had been guessing what capacitance to use to
decouple the AREF pin.  I wish I could have common sense in every field
excluding politics and law. ;-)  Thank you for the suggested range and
just wanted to say be careful when referencing common sense.  The best I
could do for something I would make a large run of is hook the scope
that I wish I had to the AREF signal on a prototype board as the AVR
runs through my test plans.  For my one-off projects I just copy what
Atmel or others use on their boards.

Ben Nemec

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf
Of Adam Wysocki via ArcaBit
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:21 PM
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR ADC

13.04.07 address@hidden wrote:

> I want to use ADC in AVR Atmega8 and using the  2.56V internal voltage

> for the reference. It said in datasheet we have to decouple the AREF 
> pin with capacitor, but it didn't said the value. Does anyone know the

> value ?

Just use common sense. It's not a resonant circuit, value does not to 
be precisely specified. Anything between 100 nF and 470 nF should be 

[ Adam Wysocki, +48 22 532 69 07, +48 514 710 213, www.chmurka.net ]
[ Software Research and Development Department, ArcaBit Sp. z o.o. ]
[ Ul. Fortuny 9, 01-339 Warszawa, Poland * http://www.arcabit.com/ ]

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