"Dave Hylands" <address@hidden> wrote:
Yeah - In this particular case, I was just compiling a snippet of C
code. Normally I would dissassemble the fully located elf file.
Just compile it into assembly then.
(loop counting direction)
To me, I don't really care which way it counts (internally).
Not only to you, it doesn't change the code, so it's a valid
I was shocked to see a working bootloader grow by 60% when all I did
was go to a newer compiler. A big portion of the increase was due to
the way it was inlining stuff.
There are some known bugs with the inlining (wrong cost calculations),
but when reporting one of these, it also became apparent to me that
GCC has simply no chance to realize that:
void foo(void)
asm ("some" "\n"
"fairly" "\n"
"complex" "\n"
"stuff" "\n"
"goes" "\n"
would *not* get smaller code by inlining the calls to foo(): to GCC,
the entire inline asm statement just looks like a single instruction.
As by inlining, the overhead of CALL and RET vanishes, regardless how
many invocations of foo() you've got, it will always calculate that it
gains code size by inlining foo().
The reason why you see that change with a new compiler is that GCC 4
obviously tries to make a detailed cost analysis about inlining
already at optimization level -Os, while GCC 3.x only considered
automatic inlining when optimizing for speed (-O3).
The second reason for a code increase caused by inlining is if you've
got functions that are only used internally, then legitimately inlined
by the compiler, but are not declared "static". The compiler is then
forced to keep one physical copy of that function in case someone
declares that function as "extern" from another module, and wants to
reference it from there.
The failure to optimize out the int promotions i small potatoes in
comparison to the inlining decision.
You've still got a completely wrong conclusion here: there was *no*
resulting int promotion in your assembly snippet. The only missed
optimization was to roll the loop the other way around (counting down,
and checking for 0), which it did do in version 3.x. This caused a
second register to be pushed and popped, as well as a more complicated
end-of-loop comparision.