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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Endless loop: uchar c; for (c=1; c; c++)

From: Bob Paddock
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Endless loop: uchar c; for (c=1; c; c++)
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 09:36:09 -0500
User-agent: Opera Mail/9.10 (Win32)

On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 21:31:09 -0500, Dmitry K. <address@hidden> wrote:

My results for 3.4.5 and 4.1.1 for the follow program, below:


/* This program is compiled as endless loop: condition `c1 != 0'
   is not tested.  In original (real) program there was an another
   error: in conditional expression based on c1 and c2 inside the
   loops (here this is removed).

   Compiler: avr-gcc 4.1.1
   Options: -W -Wall -Os        */

void exit (int);

void foo (const char *s1, const char *s2)
    static unsigned char n;
    if ((*s1 == 1) && (*s2 == 1)) {
        /* The big number 10 is to enlarge a simulation time, number 1
           is sufficient to demonstrate an error.       */
        if (++n > 10)
            exit (n);

int main ()
    unsigned char c1, c2;
    char s1[2] = ".";
    char s2[2] = ".";

    for (c1 = 1; c1; c1++) {
        for (c2 = 1; c2; c2++) {
            s1[0] = c1;
            s2[0] = c2;
            foo (s1, s2);
    return 0;


WinAVR-20070121, mfile generated Makefile,
code as above:

000000ce <foo>:
void foo (const char *s1, const char *s2);
void foo (const char *s1, const char *s2)
  ce:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
  d0:   db 01           movw    r26, r22
    static unsigned char n;
    if ((*s1 == 1) && (*s2 == 1)) {
  d2:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
  d4:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  d6:   69 f4           brne    .+26            ; 0xf2 <foo+0x24>
  d8:   8c 91           ld      r24, X
  da:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  dc:   51 f4           brne    .+20            ; 0xf2 <foo+0x24>
        /* The big number 10 is to enlarge a simulation time, number 1
           is sufficient to demonstrate an error.       */
        if (++n > 10)
  de:   80 91 02 01     lds     r24, 0x0102
  e2:   8f 5f           subi    r24, 0xFF       ; 255
  e4:   80 93 02 01     sts     0x0102, r24
  e8:   8b 30           cpi     r24, 0x0B       ; 11
  ea:   18 f0           brcs    .+6             ; 0xf2 <foo+0x24>
            exit (n);
  ec:   99 27           eor     r25, r25
  ee:   0e 94 ac 00     call    0x158   ; 0x158 <_exit>
  f2:   08 95           ret

000000f4 <main>:

int main ()
  f4:   0f 93           push    r16
  f6:   1f 93           push    r17
  f8:   cf 93           push    r28
  fa:   df 93           push    r29
  fc:   cd b7           in      r28, 0x3d       ; 61
  fe:   de b7           in      r29, 0x3e       ; 62
 100:   24 97           sbiw    r28, 0x04       ; 4
 102:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
 104:   f8 94           cli
 106:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
 108:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
 10a:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61
  unsigned char c1, c2;
  char s1[2] = ".";
 10c:   80 91 00 01     lds     r24, 0x0100
 110:   90 91 01 01     lds     r25, 0x0101
 114:   9c 83           std     Y+4, r25        ; 0x04
 116:   8b 83           std     Y+3, r24        ; 0x03
  char s2[2] = ".";
 118:   9a 83           std     Y+2, r25        ; 0x02
 11a:   89 83           std     Y+1, r24        ; 0x01
 11c:   01 e0           ldi     r16, 0x01       ; 1
 11e:   0d c0           rjmp    .+26            ; 0x13a <main+0x46>

  for (c1 = 1; c1; c1++) {
        for (c2 = 1; c2; c2++) {
      s1[0] = c1;
 120:   0b 83           std     Y+3, r16        ; 0x03
      s2[0] = c2;
 122:   19 83           std     Y+1, r17        ; 0x01
      foo (s1, s2);
 124:   be 01           movw    r22, r28
 126:   6f 5f           subi    r22, 0xFF       ; 255
 128:   7f 4f           sbci    r23, 0xFF       ; 255
 12a:   ce 01           movw    r24, r28
 12c:   03 96           adiw    r24, 0x03       ; 3
 12e:   0e 94 67 00     call    0xce    ; 0xce <foo>
 132:   1f 5f           subi    r17, 0xFF       ; 255
 134:   a9 f7           brne    .-22            ; 0x120 <main+0x2c>
 136:   0f 5f           subi    r16, 0xFF       ; 255
 138:   11 f0           breq    .+4             ; 0x13e <main+0x4a>
 13a:   11 e0           ldi     r17, 0x01       ; 1
 13c:   f1 cf           rjmp    .-30            ; 0x120 <main+0x2c>
    return 0;
 13e:   80 e0           ldi     r24, 0x00       ; 0
 140:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 142:   24 96           adiw    r28, 0x04       ; 4
 144:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
 146:   f8 94           cli
 148:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
 14a:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
 14c:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61
 14e:   df 91           pop     r29
 150:   cf 91           pop     r28
 152:   1f 91           pop     r17
 154:   0f 91           pop     r16
 156:   08 95           ret

00000158 <_exit>:
 158:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ; 0x158 <_exit>

3.4.5, same Makefile, same code:

000000ce <foo>:
void foo (const char *s1, const char *s2);
void foo (const char *s1, const char *s2)
  ce:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
  d0:   db 01           movw    r26, r22
    static unsigned char n;
    if ((*s1 == 1) && (*s2 == 1)) {
  d2:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
  d4:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  d6:   69 f4           brne    .+26            ; 0xf2 <foo+0x24>
  d8:   8c 91           ld      r24, X
  da:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  dc:   51 f4           brne    .+20            ; 0xf2 <foo+0x24>
        /* The big number 10 is to enlarge a simulation time, number 1
           is sufficient to demonstrate an error.       */
        if (++n > 10)
  de:   80 91 02 01     lds     r24, 0x0102
  e2:   8f 5f           subi    r24, 0xFF       ; 255
  e4:   80 93 02 01     sts     0x0102, r24
  e8:   8b 30           cpi     r24, 0x0B       ; 11
  ea:   18 f0           brcs    .+6             ; 0xf2 <foo+0x24>
            exit (n);
  ec:   99 27           eor     r25, r25
  ee:   0e 94 99 00     call    0x132 <_exit>
  f2:   08 95           ret

000000f4 <main>:

int main ()
  f4:   cb ef           ldi     r28, 0xFB       ; 251
  f6:   d0 e1           ldi     r29, 0x10       ; 16
  f8:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
  fa:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61
  unsigned char c1, c2;
  char s1[2] = ".";
  fc:   80 91 00 01     lds     r24, 0x0100
 100:   90 91 01 01     lds     r25, 0x0101
 104:   9c 83           std     Y+4, r25        ; 0x04
 106:   8b 83           std     Y+3, r24        ; 0x03
  char s2[2] = ".";
 108:   9a 83           std     Y+2, r25        ; 0x02
 10a:   89 83           std     Y+1, r24        ; 0x01

  for (c1 = 1; c1; c1++) {
 10c:   01 e0           ldi     r16, 0x01       ; 1
        for (c2 = 1; c2; c2++) {
 10e:   11 e0           ldi     r17, 0x01       ; 1
      s1[0] = c1;
 110:   0b 83           std     Y+3, r16        ; 0x03
      s2[0] = c2;
 112:   19 83           std     Y+1, r17        ; 0x01
      foo (s1, s2);
 114:   be 01           movw    r22, r28
 116:   6f 5f           subi    r22, 0xFF       ; 255
 118:   7f 4f           sbci    r23, 0xFF       ; 255
 11a:   ce 01           movw    r24, r28
 11c:   03 96           adiw    r24, 0x03       ; 3
 11e:   0e 94 67 00     call    0xce <foo>
 122:   1f 5f           subi    r17, 0xFF       ; 255
 124:   a9 f7           brne    .-22            ; 0x110 <main+0x1c>
 126:   0f 5f           subi    r16, 0xFF       ; 255
 128:   91 f7           brne    .-28            ; 0x10e <main+0x1a>
    return 0;
 12a:   80 e0           ldi     r24, 0x00       ; 0
 12c:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 12e:   0c 94 99 00     jmp     0x132 <_exit>

00000132 <_exit>:
 132:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ; 0x132 <_exit>

3.4.5 is 310 bytes, 4.1.1 is 348 bytes.

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