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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Avr-gcc versions comparison.

From: Bruce D. Lightner
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Avr-gcc versions comparison.
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:37:02 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

Dmitry K. wrote:

I have compile CVS version avr-libc (2007-02-20)
with for different compilers.
Results are below.

AVR: at90s8515 atmega8 avr-gcc version: 3.3.6 3.4.6 4.0.4 4.1.2 3.3.6 3.4.6 4.0.4 4.1.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1024 1024 1120 1212 954 954 1038 1112 Stack: 15 15 15 17 15 15 15 17 Time: 1199 1199 1289 1315 1060 1060 1123 1155 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1668 1690 1698 1670 1514 1530 1570 1546 Stack: 35 38 38 38 35 38 38 38 Time: 1672 1623 1669 1609 1482 1439 1495 1446 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1316 1304 1222 1224 1088 1080 996 998 Stack: 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Time: 21917 21898 20184 20476 16978 16966 16004 16296 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 550 550 500 494 510 510 480 482 Stack: 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Time: 1507 1507 1486 1486 1499 1499 1484 1484 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1806 1782 1776 1714 1610 1590 1584 1524 Stack: 59 59 60 57 59 59 60 57 Time: 1729 1723 1733 1705 1623 1621 1634 1607 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 3448 3398 3318 3290 3148 3110 3034 2992 Stack: 61 61 62 64 61 61 62 64 Time: 2508 2501 2504 2488 2285 2282 2286 2269 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1294 1276 1252 1228 1150 1136 1106 1096 Stack: 61 61 63 65 61 61 63 65 Time: 6951 6936 6908 6939 6774 6761 6742 6784 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1824 1816 1940 1906 1654 1646 1730 1704 Stack: 51 51 55 55 51 51 55 55 Time: 1817 1838 1816 1796 1515 1536 1534 1519 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 4164 4124 4220 4144 3818 3778 3824 3788 Stack: 124 124 126 128 124 124 126 128 Time: 3055 3054 3052 3072 2682 2682 2683 2704 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1500 1498 1518 1516 1364 1364 1380 1382 Stack: 50 50 54 54 50 50 54 54 Time: 1783 1774 1742 1740 1473 1469 1461 1459 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 1558 1544 1676 1636 1454 1442 1538 1514 Stack: 20 20 20 22 20 20 20 22 Time: 1253 1251 1275 1277 991 990 1014 1018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 826 860 898 908 780 790 760 822 Stack: 20 20 20 21 20 20 21 21 Time: 988 1012 965 990 725 723 680 720 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash: 792 794 884 854 746 744 840 814 Stack: 20 20 25 25 20 20 25 25 Time: 976 976 1024 1008 713 704 771 757

AVR-GCC-list mailing list


Excellent work...as usual!

I assume that the "Flash" and "Stack" values are in bytes.  What are the "Time" 
units?  Are these processor clocks?  And, was this simulated execution?

Best regards,


Bruce D. Lightner
Lightner Engineering
La Jolla, California
Voice: +1-858-551-4011
FAX: +1-858-551-0777
Email: address@hidden
URL: http://www.lightner.net/lightner/bruce/

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