rm -rf Interrupciones1.o Interrupciones1.elf dep/* Interrupciones1.hex Interrupciones1.eep Build succeeded with 0 Warnings... avr-gcc.exe -mmcu=atmega128 -Wall -gdwarf-2 -O0 -MD -MP -MT
Interrupciones1.o -MF dep/Interrupciones1.o.d -c ../Interrupciones1.c ../Interrupciones1.c:4: aviso: el tipo de devolución de 'main' no es `int' ../Interrupciones1.c: In function `main':
../Interrupciones1.c:8: aviso: declaración implícita de la función `__disable_interrupt' avr-gcc.exe -mmcu=atmega128 Interrupciones1.o
-o Interrupciones1.elf Interrupciones1.o: In function `main': ../Interrupciones1.c:8: undefined reference to `__disable_interrupt'
make: *** [Interrupciones1.elf] Error 1 Build failed with 1 errors and 0 warnings...
It supposed that the include <avr/interrupt.h> it had this function. I watch in the avr-libc Reference Manual,but this function is not.
I have copied the code of the manual ATMEL Atmega128. Somebody can say to me where I can find these functions? Many thanks