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Re: [avr-gcc-list] How does one get gcc *.lst file with interspersed Sou

From: Ian Caddy
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] How does one get gcc *.lst file with interspersed Source Listing and Assembler?
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 14:11:33 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050923 Thunderbird/1.0.7 Mnenhy/

Hi Patrick,

You can generate the list files you want with

gcc -Wa,-ahlms=hello.lst hello.c

I hope this helps,

Ian Caddy

Patrick Sullivan wrote:

I am using gcc, and am trying to find out how to get a list output of

I Tried “gcc -Wa,-alh hello.c”, but it didn’t work. I get output that looks like the following (it doesn’t have the *.c lines interspersed to where it corresponds to chunks of Assember code). Does anyone know a way to get the *.c source lines interspersed within the below output (i.e. what gcc or as options etc…?)?



 493                    L142:

 494 057c 8B1D0000              movl    _OutFilePtr, %ebx

 494      0000

 495 0582 0FBEC1                movsbl  %cl,%eax

 496 0585 890424                movl    %eax, (%esp)

 497 0588 895C2404              movl    %ebx, 4(%esp)

 498 058c E8000000              call    _fputc

 498      00

 499 0591 0FB60D00              movzbl  _C1, %ecx

 499      000000

 500 0598 80F90A                cmpb    $10, %cl

 501 059b 0F95C0                setne   %al

 502 059e 31D2                  xorl    %edx, %edx

 503 05a0 80F90D                cmpb    $13, %cl

 504 05a3 0F95C2                setne   %dl

 505 05a6 85D0                  testl   %eax, %edx

 506 05a8 0F842CFE              je      L85

 506      FFFF

 507                    L143:

 508 05ae A1000000              movl    _OutFilePtr, %eax

 508      00





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Ian Caddy
Goanna Technologies Pty Ltd
+61 8 9221 1860

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