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RE: [avr-gcc-list] 32-bits time

From: Gavin Jackson
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] 32-bits time
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 11:08:04 +1300

>> Dear All,
>> I have implemented a 32-bits time information using the code below.
>> Timer1 is incremented using internal clock, prescaler=1;
>> SIG_OVERFLOW interrupt is used to increment a variable used to
>> the 16-bits of Timer1.
>> In fact, the code below have the following problem: if the call is
>> exactly when the counter overflow, TCNT1 (tempL) is equal to zero,
>> hiword_time (tempH) is pending to be incremented, leading to an error
>> (time is returning in the past).
>> Does anybody has a solution ?
>1:     lds     r22, TCNT1L
>       lds     r23, TCNT1H
>       lds     r24, hiword_time
>       lds     r25, hiword_time + 1
>       lds     r0, TCNT1L
>       cp      r0, r22
>       brne    1b
>       ret
>This code work if you will use it only with flag 'SREG.I' setting.

I don't think this is going to work with the prescaler set to 1.
r22 and R0 will always be different by the time you come to doing
the cp R0, R22.

        lds     r22, TCNT1L
        lds     r23, TCNT1H
        lds     r24, hiword_time
        lds     r25, hiword_time + 1

will capture the time the moment the TCNT1L is read. When the low byte
of the timer is read, the high byte is latched. By disabling interrupts
you prevent the overflow of the timer changing the two bytes that make
up your hi_word time variable.


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