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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Code version timestamp

From: Ben L. Titzer
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Code version timestamp
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 11:00:13 -0700

For my project, I made a "commit.bash" shell script that I run when I want to commit code to CVS when it is working. It automatically recompiles the whole code base (to guarantee there are no compile errors), runs a suite of automated test cases, and then increments a "commit number" in one of the source files. Then, it commits everything to cvs, including the source file with the version number. Thus, the version file contains a version for the whole project, and the script has the side-benefit of catching any compile errors or test failures before i commit to CVS.

Hope this helps,

On Sep 17, 2005, at 7:13 AM, Herbert Demmel wrote:

On 14 Sep 2005, you wrote in ml.avr-gcc:

Dear All,

I would like to display a "code version" (date/time or incremental
number) during init on an LCD display.
Does anybody know if there is any information in the executable (ROM
file) that I can use at runtime (updated by the linker for example) ?


soory for late reply - long time ago I saw a (windows) program
AUTOVER.EXE which might solve part of your problem.

1) version.h contains #define VERSION "2.079"
3) version.h contains #define VERSION "2.080"

Author was Matthias Weißer (address@hidden)

HTH, Herbert

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