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RE: [avr-chat] Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR ISP Error

From: Parthasaradhi Nayani
Subject: RE: [avr-chat] Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR ISP Error
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 01:21:11 -0700 (PDT)

Hello everybody,
There is no switch in the ISP unit. One has to open the covers and there is a provision on the PCB to solder a two pin jumper (taken out of berg connector). Once the soldering is done, plug in the jumper and power up the unit and after a short while the jumper can be removed. Now the unit ready to program.
Note: the power to the ISP is drawn from the target board and through the ISP programming connector. While the ISP unit is being upgraded, the MISO,MOSI and other pins must not be connected to the target board. Therefore use only power and ground pins of this ISP connector to power up the ISP unit. I do agree that this is a bit of a long procedure, but thats the system is designed.

Jim Brooks <address@hidden> wrote:
There is no button in the AVRISP. In the docs somewhere it says to power the
AVRISP( the led comes on, cycles colors and settles on green I think). You
should not connect it to your target as this usually mungs communications
with the micro's in the ISP. Once the AVRISP is idle(green status led),
clock OK to program it.
This is a real pain and your lucky. In my experience, a lot of the time, the
ISP will mung code in it's secondary MCU and become dead. Atmel has an
appnote on recovering but I have yet to be successful.
This message will happen every time you update studio, a choice I think a
big mistake. The funcinality should have been left in AVRStudio and the ISP
code left frozen.
Hope this helps.

Let us know how you make out.

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden Behalf Of
Daniel Mayo
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:23 AM
To: AVR GCC List; AVR Chat
Subject: [avr-chat] Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR ISP Error

Where is the 'program' button on the AVRISP?

Andi Suhandi wrote:

>To Upgrade the firmware you have to:
>1. Turn off the STK
>2. Press "Program" Button on STK
>3. Turn on the power STK ("Program" button still pressed)
>4. Run the "Upgrade.exe" program in directory C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR
> Press "Start Upgrade" button
>5.Then you can release "Program Button"
>6. Wait till upgrade done
>I hope it will help
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Daniel Mayo"
>To: "AVR GCC List" ; "AVR Chat"
>Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:17 AM
>Subject: [avr-gcc-list] AVR ISP Error
>>I just got two new AVR ISPs from Digikey and am getting this error when
>>I try to connect to them via AVR Studio 4.11 Build 401 which seems to be
>>the latest at atmel.com
>>"An AVRISP with firmware version 2.01 has been detected. The firmware
>>corresponding to this installation of AVR Studio is 2.00. Press OK to
>>launch the upgrade program to perform a downgrade, or Cancel without
>>downgrading. NOTE! Correct operation is not guaranteed if a downgrade
>>is not performed."
>>If I press Cancel it seems as though everything works.
>>If I press Ok, AVR Studio launches the Atmel STK500/AVRISP Upgrade
>>program but after doing something to the AVRISP so that the LED goes out
>>it then reports that no programmer could be found, and thus no update is
>>performed, and then AVR Studio can't detect the AVRISP until I close AVR
>>Studio AND cycle power to the AVRISP.
>>How do I get rid of either the first warning or the error updating so
>>that I can resolve this?
>>I have looked online at atmel.com and avrfreaks.com, with no luck.
>>AVR-GCC-list mailing list

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