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RE: [avr-gcc-list] inline asm

From: Rune Christensen
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] inline asm
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 12:43:09 +0200


Why don't you just use normal C code for the calculations ??

In C you can use + for add and * for mul for example

long int temp;
long int a = 10, b = 20;

temp  = a + b;

It is a lot easier to debug.
avr-gcc will optimize the code for you if you use
avr-gcc -Os calc.c -o calc.o
for space optimization
avr-gcc -O1 calc.c -o calc.o
avr-gcc -O2 calc.c -o calc.o
avr-gcc -O3 calc.c -o calc.o
for different forms of speed optimization


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden
Behalf Of Muhammed
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:55 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] inline asm

How can I convert this code into inline assembly compatible with AVR-gcc
compiler. Is there a tool for that? Or a manual? Thanks in advance,

Here is my AVR assembler code:
START: ldi r16, 0x12
            ldi r17, 0x52
            ldi r18, 0xF3
            ldi r19, 0xFF
            ldi r20, 0xA7
            ldi r21, 0x5B
            ldi r22, 0x13
            ldi r23, 0xC9

Add32:      add a0,b0     ;Add low bytes
                mov tmp0,a0
                adc a1,b1     ;Add higher bytes with carry
                mov tmp1,a1
                adc a2,b2     ;
                mov tmp2,a2
                adc a3,b3
                mov tmp3,a3   ;
                ldi r16, 0x73
                ldi r17, 0xD8
                ldi r18, 0x49
                ldi r19, 0xE4
                ldi r20, 0xFF
                ldi r21, 0x91
                ldi r22, 0x5A
                ldi r23, 0x73

               add a0, b0
               adc a1, b1
               adc a2, b2
               adc a3, b3
    mov b0, tmp0
    mov b1, tmp1
    mov b2, tmp2
    mov b3, tmp3

Mul32:      clr     res7           ;clear 4 highest bytes of result
                clr     res6           ;
                clr     res5           ;
                sub     res4,res4      ;and carry
                ldi     counter,33     ;init loop counter

m32u_loop:      ror     res3           ;rotate result and multiplier
                ror     res2           ;
                ror     res1           ;
                ror     res0           ;
                dec     counter        ;decrement loop counter
                breq    Return32u          ;if counter zero return
                brcc    m32u_skip      ;if bit 0 of multiplier set
                add     res4,  b0      ;add multiplicand to result
                adc     res5, b1       ;
                adc     res6, b2       ;
                adc     res7, b3       ;
m32u_skip:      ror     res7           ;shift right result byte 7
                ror     res6           ;rotate right result
                ror     res5           ;
                ror     res4           ;
                rjmp    m32u_loop      ;
Return32u:      ret


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