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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Re: USART - Interrupt - problem -Similar (SOLVED)

From: Matthew Arcus
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Re: USART - Interrupt - problem -Similar (SOLVED)
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 23:25:32 +0100

On Monday 24 May 2004 7:53 pm, Steve wrote:
> Matthew,
> I followed your advise and now have the transmit complete interrupt
> firing constantly.

Jolly good (I assume "constantly" means no more often than it should).

>Just quickly incase it helps someone else; I changed
> the interrupt code to the following:
> /*UDRE data register empty*/
> {
>       UCR = 0xD8; //disable this int
> }

It's a really good idea to use the _BV macro and the predefined bits for this 
sort of thing (and it's probably not a good idea to set all the bits, you 
would be better off using a mask) ie:


It's clearer, and also not all AVRs have the same bits in the same places.



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