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RE: [avr-gcc-list] SPI Interfacing

From: Asko Kauppi
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] SPI Interfacing
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 14:15:14 +0200

MOSI (master out, slave in) is most likely unnecessary there (?) so leave it
unconnected.  Other than that, SDO (serial data out?) == MISO (master in,
slave out).  Connect CS to SS or drive it otherwise.

I would be a little hesitant, whether using SPI actually brings any benefits
there (compared to regular IO). You'll need to make a dummy write (SPDR=0)
to get the data in from A/D (to SPDR, also).

If i gave any misinfo, someone please correct me! :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Torsten Hahn [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: 31. joulukuuta 2003 13:30
To: address@hidden
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] SPI Interfacing

Hi all,

i have to add an ltc2413 a-d-converter to an atmega128 based system. 
The problem is, that the ltc2413 has an bit "strange" serial interface. 
The datasheet says it is spi-compatible. But there are only an SCK, SDO 
and an CS pin avaiable. But if i understand the mega128 datasheet 
right, there are the pins MOSI, MISO, SCK, and SS needed for an spi 
How do i have to connect the mega128 to the ltc2413 ?

(I put the datasheet for the ltc2413 at 
http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/~hahn/2413f.pdf )

Thanks for help!

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