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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Makefiles WinAVR

From: E . Weddington
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Makefiles WinAVR
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 16:37:23 GMT

> Hello,
> I am new to the world of avr-gcc and am trying to get a 
handle on how to use
> all of the tools but I am having problems with 
makefiles.  I am running
> WIN2k on my laptop and have installed WINAVR version 
20030913.  My interest
> in avr-gcc comes from the MSAVR diy-efi project.  I 
successfully compiled
> the code from that project using the included makefile.  
Having proven that
> the tools seem to be installed properly I tried to go 
through the simple
> exercise in the "Downloading, Installing and Configuring 
> The program is typed as shown in the document but the 
directions to modify
> the makefile do not match the sample Makefile that came 
with WinAVR, I
> modified it as seemed logical by comparing the variable 
names between the
> directions and the sample makefile.  The top of the 
makefile is:
> PRG            = Test1
> OBJ            = 
> MCU_TARGET     = at90s2313
> OPTIMIZE       = -O2
> DEFS           =
> LIBS           =  

Please read the README.txt file. The sample makefile is in 
the <installdir>\sample directory of your WinAVR 

The top of the makefile that you posted IS NOT the sample 
makefile at all, but is from one of the examples in the 
\example directory.

Try again.


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