There is nothing wrong with your makefile. It is
rudimentary, but functional. Here is a makefile I use in my
projects. Perhaps this will give you some more ideas.
Just in case: make deletes .elf files as unused intermediate
files. I think if they are a specific target (e.g. foo.elf: ...) it
preserves it. I don't know as I don't use them.
----- Original Message -----
I'm new to make. I did a real simple makefile using
Emacs. It outputs my program as CETsoft. I want CETsoft.hex and
CETsoft.elf. I know this is a silly question and everyone is going to
say 'read the manual', well I am reading the manual, I just had one too many
cups of coffee this morning and I'm impatient.
Here is my simple makefile (don't laugh! :>)