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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Which tools?

From: Stephan Linz
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Which tools?
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:36:23 +0200

Hi Brian,

Am Donnerstag,  7. August 2003 16:57 schrieben Sie:
> Is there a difference between the tools located at:
> http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/avr-libc/snapshots/
> and at:
> http://cdk4avr.sourceforge.net/
> ?
> Other than the dates being different, are there differences such as obscure
> patches or something?  Which set of tools is better?

Hmm, I'm the maintainer of CDK4AVR, but I can not say if CDK4AVR is better 
than the snapshots from savannah. The only thing I've done was to grab all 
the source code all over the web an rebuild it into my CDK4AVR project. Some 
packages are coming with more documentations (see uisp). Some packages are 
coming with more useful add-ons (see colorgcc).

Be warned !!! CDK4AVR is a leisure time project. So the most stuff is 
untested and update cycles may be more than 5 months -- sorry.

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