Hi. Firstly, thanks to the guys who replied to my first queries on
this list about 6 months ago (Jeremy, Peter, Robert, Marek, Andreas).
Another question : I have the following code which compiles fine, but
which gives what I think are inconsistent results...
First the #defines...
/* ADC control and data line definitions (excluding the (possible
many) SDIs) */ #define CS_LOW (PORTD &= 0x7f) // CS low #define
CS_HIGH (PORTD |= 0x80) // CS high #define SDO_LOW (PORTD &= 0xdf) //
SDO low #define SDO_HIGH (PORTD |= 0x20) // SDO high #define SCLK_LOW
(PORTD &= 0xbf) // SCLK low #define SCLK_HIGH (PORTD |= 0x40) // SCLK
...and now code...
void InitialiseADCs(void) {
u08 j;
CS_LOW; // enable all ADCs
200: 97 98 cbi 0x12, 7 ; 18
SDO_HIGH; // and send 127 ones, then
one zero.
202: 95 9a sbi 0x12, 5 ; 18
for (j=0; j<127; j++) {
204: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
206: 96 9a sbi 0x12, 6 ; 18
208: 2f eb ldi r18, 0xBF ; 191
20a: 82 b3 in r24, 0x12 ; 18
20c: 82 23 and r24, r18
20e: 82 bb out 0x12, r24 ; 18
210: 9f 5f subi r25, 0xFF ; 255
212: 9f 37 cpi r25, 0x7F ; 127
214: c0 f3 brcs .-16 ; 0x206
216: 95 98 cbi 0x12, 5 ; 18
218: 96 9a sbi 0x12, 6 ; 18
21a: 82 b3 in r24, 0x12 ; 18
21c: 82 23 and r24, r18
21e: 82 bb out 0x12, r24 ; 18
CS_HIGH; // disable all ADCs
220: 97 9a sbi 0x12, 7 ; 18
222: 08 95 ret
As you can see, all the SDO_*, SCLK_*, and CS_* 'instructions'
compile fine except the SCLK_LOW macro which takes 3 or 4
instructions rather than just one...
208: 2f eb ldi r18, 0xBF ; 191
20a: 82 b3 in r24, 0x12 ; 18
20c: 82 23 and r24, r18
20e: 82 bb out 0x12, r24 ; 18
I suspect the compiler is getting this wrong (e.g. not optimising
consistently), or is it something I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
avr-gcc-list at http://avr1.org