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Re: 1.16.90 regression: configure now takes 7 seconds to start

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: Re: 1.16.90 regression: configure now takes 7 seconds to start
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 16:19:15 +0200

Zack Weinberg wrote:
> Literally as I type this I am
> watching gettext 0.22 run its ridiculous number of configure scripts a
> second time from inside `make`.

I'm glad that you didn't write "its ridiculously large configure scripts" :-)

Jokes aside, it's highly unusual that 'configure' runs twice, when you
haven't made modifications. I routinely build packages from
tarballs on 20 different platforms, but always on the local file system.
You can run into such problems:
  - if you take a tarball of a git repository that contains the generated
    'configure' file, or
  - if you are on some networked file system (for example, a file system
    with bidirectional rsync).

> > Does "make dist" need to touch configure to ensure that it is newer
> > than its dependencies before rolling the tarball?
> It ought to, but I don't think that will be more than a marginal
> improvement, and touching the top-level configure won't be enough,
> you'd need to do a full topological sort on the dependency graph
> leading into every configure + every + every other
> generated-but-shipped file and make sure that each tier of generated
> files is newer than its inputs.

That might be overkill. For simple packages with 1 configure script,
the following is sufficient in my experience:

  # Bring the time stamps into an order that will not require autoconf, 
automake, etc. to run again.
  sleep 1; touch aclocal.m4
  sleep 1; touch configure
  sleep 1; touch
  sleep 1; touch `find . -name -type f`


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