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Re: Java, JARS primary?

From: Michael Zucchi
Subject: Re: Java, JARS primary?
Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 13:59:00 +0930
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110928 Fedora/3.1.15-1.fc14 Thunderbird/3.1.15

Hi again,

I (mostly) just have an observation to add to the bug tracker discussion
on the dependency generation.

Using $? will not suffice as a dependency check, as it's trivially easy
to create an example which will compile ok after a change but create a
broken jar. e.g. add a new abstract method to an abstract class but
forget to fix all sub-classes.

So without compiler support for dependency generation I think the only
practical solution will be to build all files every time.  Even the
sub-directory holding the classes will probably need to be wiped away
otherwise the jar could contain extraneous classes no longer generated
from the corresponding source which would probably not be a good thing.

I have had a bit of a look at and some of the .am files - it
seems to me it would not be any use using the existing in built language
code as that is designed for 1:1 source:object compilation.

But before I get too bogged down in that I think I will first try to
create a simple Makefile with the required features for discussion, and
then worry about how to generate it.  Most of it should be
straightforward apart from deciding on conventions.


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