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[Automake-ng] [FYI] More branches for Automake-NG

From: Stefano Lattarini
Subject: [Automake-ng] [FYI] More branches for Automake-NG
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 16:54:47 +0100

Hello automakers.

Even with only an handful commits in AUtomake-NG, it's already becoming unwieldy
to keep the branch 'experimental/automake-ng' continuously (re)based on master.

So I intend to reorganize the Automake-NG development flow to have several
(sub)branches, as follows

  - one main non-rewindable branch, where master can thus be merged freely;
    this will be called 'ng/master';
  - rewidinable, temporary topic branches that can be rebased on 'ng/master'
    until they "stabilize"; at which point they can be merged back into
    'ng/master' in fast-forward fashion.  They will be named accordingly to
    the pattern 'ng/experimental-*'
  - *if the need arises*, more long-lived, non-rewindable topic branches
    where 'ng/master' can be merged freely, and that are meant to be finally
    merged back into 'ng/master' (not rebased); they can have names like
    e.g., 'ng/silent-rules' or 'ng/fast-deptrack'.

Any objection to this new policy?  If not, I will proceed shortly to implement


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