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main 358b4d07 220/257: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: main 358b4d07 220/257: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into externals/auctex
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 15:37:01 -0400 (EDT)

branch: main
commit 358b4d07859335381aa50899a4c195150fd1718d
Merge: 945aba3d 643d39a1
Author: Tassilo Horn <>
Commit: Tassilo Horn <>

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into externals/auctex
---                   |   3 +-
 context.el                    | 241 ++++++++++-----
 doc/macros.texi               |  30 +-
 font-latex.el                 |   6 +-
 latex.el                      | 287 ++++++++---------
 multi-prompt.el               |  12 +-
 plain-tex.el                  |   2 +-
 style/CJK.el                  |  27 +-
 style/acro.el                 |   9 +-
 style/amsthm.el               | 139 ++++-----
 style/array.el                |  10 +-
 style/attachfile.el           |  22 +-
 style/babel.el                | 115 +++----
 style/beamer.el               | 702 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 style/beamerarticle.el        |   6 +-
 style/bigstrut.el             |  15 +-
 style/booktabs.el             |  13 +-
 style/breqn.el                |  65 ++--
 style/catchfilebetweentags.el |  18 +-
 style/changelog.el            |  96 +++---
 style/changes.el              |  92 ++----
 style/cleveref.el             |  70 +++--
 style/comment.el              |  43 +--
 style/csquotes.el             | 126 ++++----
 style/doc.el                  |  59 ++--
 style/empheq.el               | 208 +++++++------
 style/enumitem.el             |  40 +--
 style/fancyvrb.el             |  91 +++---
 style/floatrow.el             | 138 ++++++---
 style/fontspec.el             |  22 +-
 style/footmisc.el             |  30 +-
 style/fvextra.el              |  18 +-
 style/geometry.el             |  25 +-
 style/graphics.el             |   8 +-
 style/graphicx.el             |  69 ++---
 style/hologo.el               | 144 ++++-----
 style/hyperref.el             |  18 +-
 style/ifthen.el               |  28 +-
 style/l3doc.el                |  12 +-
 style/listings.el             |  10 +-
 style/ltablex.el              |  16 +-
 style/ltugboat.el             |  26 +-
 style/ltxdoc.el               |  10 +-
 style/ltxtable.el             |   9 +-
 style/mathtools.el            | 144 +++++----
 style/mdframed.el             |  40 ++-
 style/minted.el               |  71 ++---
 style/natbib.el               |   3 +-
 style/ntheorem.el             | 179 +++++------
 style/physics.el              | 418 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 style/pstricks.el             |   2 +
 style/theorem.el              |   4 +-
 style/tikz.el                 |  28 +-
 style/xcolor.el               |  23 +-
 tests/tex/navigation.el       |  75 +++--
 tex-info.el                   |  10 +-
 tex-style.el                  |   7 +
 tex.el                        | 113 +++----
 58 files changed, 2523 insertions(+), 1724 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a2bb2d9d..f64125c7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -195,7 +195,8 @@ STYLESRC = style/prosper.el \
           style/ifxetex.el   style/multibib.el  style/ltcaption.el \
           style/keyval.el    style/kvoptions.el style/kvsetkeys.el \
           style/proc.el      style/microtype.el style/tcolorboxlib-theorems.el 
-          style/amsaddr.el   style/parskip.el   style/catchfilebetweentags.el
+          style/amsaddr.el   style/parskip.el   style/catchfilebetweentags.el \
+          style/physics.el
 STYLEELC = $(STYLESRC:.el=.elc)
diff --git a/context.el b/context.el
index 40eacda8..ae546b6a 100644
--- a/context.el
+++ b/context.el
@@ -363,35 +363,19 @@ section."
 (defun ConTeXt-numbered-section-name (level)
   "Return the name of the section corresponding to LEVEL."
-  (let ((entry (TeX-member level ConTeXt-numbered-section-list
-                           (function (lambda (a b) (equal a (nth 1 b)))))))
-    (if entry
-        (nth 0 entry)
-      nil)))
+  (car (rassoc (list level) ConTeXt-numbered-section-list)))
 (defun ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-name (level)
   "Return the name of the section corresponding to LEVEL."
-  (let ((entry (TeX-member level ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-list
-                           (function (lambda (a b) (equal a (nth 1 b)))))))
-    (if entry
-        (nth 0 entry)
-      nil)))
+  (car (rassoc (list level) ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-list)))
 (defun ConTeXt-numbered-section-level (name)
   "Return the level of the section NAME."
-  (let ((entry (TeX-member name ConTeXt-numbered-section-list
-                           (function (lambda (a b) (equal a (nth 0 b)))))))
-    (if entry
-        (nth 1 entry)
-      nil)))
+  (cadr (assoc name ConTeXt-numbered-section-list)))
 (defun ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-level (name)
   "Return the level of the section NAME."
-  (let ((entry (TeX-member name ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-list
-                           (function (lambda (a b) (equal a (nth 0 b)))))))
-    (if entry
-        (nth 1 entry)
-      nil)))
+  (cadr (assoc name ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-list)))
 ;;; Section Hooks.
@@ -411,32 +395,34 @@ The following variables are set before the hooks are run
 `ConTeXt-title'     - The title of the section, default to an empty
+`ConTeXt-reference' - Comma separated list of reference.
 `ConTeXt-done-mark' - Position of point afterwards, default nil
                       (meaning end).
 The following standard hooks exist -
-ConTeXt-numbered-section-heading: Query the user about the name
+`ConTeXt-numbered-section-heading': Query the user about the name
 of the sectioning command.  Modifies `ConTeXt-level' and
-ConTeXt-section-title: Query the user about the title of the
+`ConTeXt-section-title': Query the user about the title of the
 section.  Modifies `ConTeXt-title'.
-ConTeXt-section-section: Insert ConTeXt section command according
+`ConTeXt-section-section': Insert ConTeXt section command according
 to `ConTeXt-name', `ConTeXt-title', and `ConTeXt-reference'.  If
 `ConTeXt-title' is an empty string, `ConTeXt-done-mark' will be
 placed at the point they should be inserted.
-ConTeXt-section-ref: Insert a reference for this section command.
+`ConTeXt-section-ref': Query the user about a reference for this
+section command.  Modifies `ConTeXt-reference'.
 To get a full featured `ConTeXt-section' command, insert
  (setq ConTeXt-numbered-section-hook
-                                 ConTeXt-section-section
-                                 ConTeXt-section-ref))
+                                 ConTeXt-section-ref
+                                 ConTeXt-section-section))
 in your init file such as .emacs.d/init.el or .emacs."
   :group 'ConTeXt-macro
@@ -463,32 +449,34 @@ The following variables are set before the hooks are run
 `ConTeXt-title'     - The title of the section, default to an empty
+`ConTeXt-reference' - Comma separated list of reference.
 `ConTeXt-done-mark' - Position of point afterwards, default nil
                       (meaning end).
 The following standard hooks exist -
-ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-heading: Query the user about the name
+`ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-heading': Query the user about the name
 of the sectioning command.  Modifies `ConTeXt-level' and
-ConTeXt-section-title: Query the user about the title of the
+`ConTeXt-section-title': Query the user about the title of the
 section.  Modifies `ConTeXt-title'.
-ConTeXt-section-section: Insert ConTeXt section command according
+`ConTeXt-section-section': Insert ConTeXt section command according
 to `ConTeXt-name', `ConTeXt-title', and `ConTeXt-reference'.  If
 `ConTeXt-title' is an empty string, `ConTeXt-done-mark' will be
 placed at the point they should be inserted.
-ConTeXt-section-ref: Insert a reference for this section command.
+`ConTeXt-section-ref': Query the user about a reference for this
+section command.  Modifies `ConTeXt-reference'.
 To get a full featured `ConTeXt-section' command, insert
  (setq ConTeXt-unnumbered-section-hook
-                                 ConTeXt-section-section
-                                 ConTeXt-section-ref))
+                                 ConTeXt-section-ref
+                                 ConTeXt-section-section))
 in your init file such as .emacs.d/init.el or .emacs."
   :group 'ConTeXt-macro
@@ -598,7 +586,7 @@ for a label to be inserted after the sectioning command."
     (cond ((TeX-TeX-sentinel-check process name))
              ;; in a full ConTeXt run there will multiple texutil
-             ;; outputs. Just looking for "another run needed" would
+             ;; outputs.  Just looking for "another run needed" would
              ;; find the first occurence
              (goto-char (point-max))
              (re-search-backward "TeXUtil " nil t)
@@ -759,45 +747,156 @@ With optional ARG, modify current environment."
+(defvar ConTeXt-after-insert-env-hook nil
+  "List of functions to be run at the end of `ConTeXt-insert-environment'.
+Each function is called with three arguments: the name of the
+environment just inserted, the buffer position just before
+\\start... and the position just before \\stop....")
+;;; Copy and adaptation of `LaTeX-insert-environment'.  (2022-08-13)
 (defun ConTeXt-insert-environment (environment &optional extra)
-  "Insert ENVIRONMENT, with optional argument EXTRA."
-  (if (and (TeX-active-mark)
-           (not (eq (mark) (point))))
+  "Insert ConTeXt ENVIRONMENT with optional argument EXTRA."
+  (let ((active-mark (and (TeX-active-mark) (not (eq (mark) (point)))))
+        content-start env-start env-end additional-indent)
+    (when (and active-mark (< (mark) (point))) (exchange-point-and-mark))
+    ;; What to do with the line containing point.
+    ;; - Open a new empty line for later insertion of "\startfoo" and
+    ;;   put the point there.
+    ;; - If there were at first any non-whitespace texts between the
+    ;;   point and EOL, send them into their new own line.
+    (cond (;; When the entire line consists of whitespaces...
+           (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
+                           (looking-at "[ \t]*$"))
+           ;; ...make the line empty and put the point there.
+           (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+          (;; When there are only whitespaces between the point and
+           ;; BOL (including the case the point is at BOL)...
+           (TeX-looking-at-backward "^[ \t]*"
+                                    (line-beginning-position))
+           ;; this case, we have non-whitespace texts between
+           ;; the point and EOL, so send the entire line into a new
+           ;; next line and put the point on the empty line just
+           ;; created.
+           (beginning-of-line)
+           (newline)
+           (beginning-of-line 0)
+           ;; Take note that there are texts to be indented later
+           ;; unless the region is activated.
+           (unless active-mark
+             (setq additional-indent t)))
+          (;; In all other cases...
+           t
+           ;; ...insert a new empty line after deleting all
+           ;; whitespaces around the point, put the point there...
+           (delete-horizontal-space)
+           (if (eolp)
+               (newline)
+             ;; ...and if there were at first any non-whitespace texts
+             ;; between (the original position of) the point and EOL,
+             ;; send them into a new next line.
+             (newline 2)
+             (beginning-of-line 0)
+             ;; Take note that there are texts to be indented later
+             ;; unless the region is activated.
+             (unless active-mark
+               (setq additional-indent t)))))
+    ;; What to do with the line containing mark.
+    ;; If there is active region...
+    (when active-mark
+      ;; - Open a new empty line for later insertion of "\stopfoo"
+      ;;   and put the mark there.
+      ;; - If there were at first any non-whitespace texts between the
+      ;;   mark and EOL, pass them over the empty line and put them on
+      ;;   their own line.
-        (if (< (mark) (point))
-            (exchange-point-and-mark))
-        (insert TeX-esc (ConTeXt-environment-start-name) environment)
-        (newline)
-        (forward-line -1)
-        (indent-according-to-mode)
-        (if extra (insert extra))
         (goto-char (mark))
-        (or (TeX-looking-at-backward "^[ \t]*")
-            (newline))
-        (insert TeX-esc (ConTeXt-environment-stop-name) environment)
-        (newline)
-        (forward-line -1)
-        (indent-according-to-mode)
-        ;;(goto-char (point))
-        )
-    (or (TeX-looking-at-backward "^[ \t]*")
-        (newline))
+        (cond (;; When the entire line consists of whitespaces...
+               (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
+                               (looking-at "[ \t]*$"))
+               ;; ...make the line empty and put the mark there.
+               (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+              (;; When there are only whitespaces between the mark and
+               ;; BOL (including the case the mark is at BOL)...
+               (TeX-looking-at-backward "^[ \t]*"
+                                        (line-beginning-position))
+               ;; this case, we have non-whitespace texts
+               ;; between the mark and EOL, so send the entire line
+               ;; into a new next line and put the mark on the empty
+               ;; line just created.
+               (beginning-of-line)
+               (set-mark (point))
+               (newline)
+               ;; Take note that there are texts to be indented later.
+               (setq additional-indent t))
+              (;; In all other cases...
+               t
+               ;; ...make a new empty line after deleting all
+               ;; whitespaces around the mark, put the mark there...
+               (delete-horizontal-space)
+               (insert-before-markers "\n")
+               ;; ...and if there were at first any non-whitespace
+               ;; texts between (the original position of) the mark
+               ;; and EOL, send them into a new next line.
+               (unless (eolp)
+                 (newline)
+                 ;; Take note that there are texts to be indented
+                 ;; later.
+                 (setq additional-indent t))))))
+    ;; Now insert the environment.
+    (setq env-start (point))
     (insert TeX-esc (ConTeXt-environment-start-name) environment)
-    (if extra (insert extra))
-    (end-of-line)
-    (newline-and-indent)
-    (newline)
+    (when extra (insert extra))
+    (setq content-start (line-beginning-position 2))
+    (unless active-mark
+      (newline)
+      (newline))
+    (when active-mark (goto-char (mark)))
     (insert TeX-esc (ConTeXt-environment-stop-name) environment)
-    (or (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
-        (save-excursion (newline-and-indent)))
-    (indent-according-to-mode)
-    (end-of-line 0)))
+    (end-of-line 0)
+    (if active-mark
+        (progn
+          ;; TODO: Do filling when context.el obtains
+          ;; `ConTeXt-fill-region' in future.
+          (indent-region content-start (line-beginning-position 2))
+          (set-mark content-start))
+      (indent-according-to-mode))
+    ;; Indent \stopfoo.
+    (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 2) (indent-according-to-mode)
+                    (when additional-indent
+                      ;; Indent texts sent after the inserted
+                      ;; environment.
+                      (forward-line 1) (indent-according-to-mode)))
+    (setq env-end (save-excursion
+                    (search-forward
+                     (concat TeX-esc (ConTeXt-environment-stop-name)
+                             environment))
+                    (match-beginning 0)))
+    (run-hook-with-args 'ConTeXt-after-insert-env-hook
+                        environment env-start env-end)))
+(defun ConTeXt--env-parse-args (args)
+  "Helper function to insert arguments defined by ARGS.
+This function checks if `TeX-exit-mark' is set, otherwise it's
+set to the point where this function starts.  Point will be at
+`TeX-exit-mark' when this function exits."
+  (let ((TeX-exit-mark (or TeX-exit-mark
+                           (point-marker))))
+    (ConTeXt-find-matching-start)
+    (end-of-line)
+    (TeX-parse-arguments args)
+    (goto-char TeX-exit-mark)
+    (set-marker TeX-exit-mark nil)))
+(defun ConTeXt-env-args (environment &rest args)
+  "Insert ENVIRONMENT and arguments defined by ARGS."
+  (ConTeXt-insert-environment environment)
+  (ConTeXt--env-parse-args args))
-;; with the following we can call a function on an environment. Say
+;; with the following we can call a function on an environment.  Say
 ;; you have metapost stuff within your TeX file, go to the environment
-;; and run ConTeXt-work-on-environment (suggested Key: C-c !). AUCTeX
+;; and run ConTeXt-work-on-environment (suggested Key: C-c !).  AUCTeX
 ;; sees that you are inside e.g. \startMPpage....\stopMPpage and
 ;; looks in ConTeXt-environment-helper for a function to be called.
@@ -842,7 +941,7 @@ An entry looks like: (\"environment\" . function)")
-;; find smarter name. Suggestions welcome
+;; find smarter name.  Suggestions welcome
 (defun ConTeXt-work-on-environment ()
   "Takes current environment and does something on it (todo: documentation)."
@@ -938,10 +1037,10 @@ If INNER is non-nil, go to the point just past the 
\\start... macro."
                        (setq level (1- level))))))
     ;; now we have to look if we want to start behind the \start... macro
     (when inner
-      ;; \startfoo can have 0 or more {} and [] pairs. I assume that
-      ;; skipping all those parens will be smart enough. It fails when
+      ;; \startfoo can have 0 or more {} and [] pairs.  I assume that
+      ;; skipping all those parens will be smart enough.  It fails when
       ;; the first part in the \start-\stop-environment is { or [, like
-      ;; in \startquotation   {\em important} \stopquotation. There is
+      ;; in \startquotation   {\em important} \stopquotation.  There is
       ;; yet another pitfall: \startsetups SomeSetup foo bar
       ;; \stopsetups will use SomeSetup as the argument and the
       ;; environment
@@ -1151,7 +1250,7 @@ An optional fourth (or sixth) element means always 
replace if t."
         (match-string 1)
       (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-end-position)))))
-;; This imenu also includes commented out chapters. Perhaps a feature
+;; This imenu also includes commented out chapters.  Perhaps a feature
 ;; for LaTeX, not sure we want or need that for ConTeXt.
 (defun ConTeXt-imenu-create-index-function ()
@@ -1654,7 +1753,7 @@ Use `ConTeXt-Mark-version' to choose the command."
      (let ((engine (eval (nth 4 (TeX-engine-in-engine-alist TeX-engine)) t)))
        (when engine
          (format "--engine=%s " engine)))
-     (unless (eq ConTeXt-current-interface "en")
+     (unless (string= ConTeXt-current-interface "en")
        (format "--interface=%s " ConTeXt-current-interface))
      (when TeX-source-correlate-mode
        (format "--passon=\"%s\" "
@@ -1688,7 +1787,7 @@ Use `ConTeXt-Mark-version' to choose the command."
 (defconst ConTeXt-dialect :context
   "Default dialect for use with function `TeX-add-style-hook' for
 argument DIALECT-EXPR when the hook is to be run only on ConTeXt
-file, or any mode derived thereof. See variable
+file, or any mode derived thereof.  See variable
 `TeX-style-hook-dialect'." )
 (defcustom ConTeXt-clean-intermediate-suffixes
@@ -1740,7 +1839,7 @@ that is, you do _not_ have to cater for this yourself by 
adding \\\\\\=' or $."
   (setq ConTeXt-indent-item-re (concat "\\\\\\(" (mapconcat #'identity 
ConTeXt-item-list "\\|") "\\)\\>"))
   ;; What's the deepest level at we can collapse a document?
-  ;; set only if user has not set it. Need to be set before menu is created.
+  ;; set only if user has not set it.  Need to be set before menu is created.
   ;; level 2 is "section"
   (or ConTeXt-largest-level
       (setq ConTeXt-largest-level 2))
diff --git a/doc/macros.texi b/doc/macros.texi
index 4162d052..478ac18a 100644
--- a/doc/macros.texi
+++ b/doc/macros.texi
@@ -50,30 +50,30 @@ font-latex
 @end ifset
-    {\sf preview-latex}#1}
-    {\sf font-latex}#1}
-    Con\TeX t#1}
+    {\textsf preview-latex}}
+    {\textsf font-latex}}
+    Con\TeX{}t}
-  \def\TeX#1{TeX#1}%
-  \def\LaTeX#1{LaTeX#1}\def\previewlatex#1{preview-latex#1}}
+  \def\TeX#{TeX}%
+  \def\LaTeX#{LaTeX}\def\previewlatex#{preview-latex}}
 \ifx\commondummies\undefined \else
-    \def\TeX#1{TeX#1}%
-    \def\LaTeX#1{LaTeX#1}\def\previewlatex#1{preview-latex#1}}
+    \def\TeX#{TeX}%
+    \def\LaTeX#1{LaTeX}\def\previewlatex#1{preview-latex}}
 \ifx\definedummies\undefined \else
-    \def\TeX#1{TeX#1}%
-    \def\LaTeX#1{LaTeX#1}\def\previewlatex#1{preview-latex#1}}
+    \def\TeX#{TeX}%
+    \def\LaTeX#{LaTeX}\def\previewlatex#{preview-latex}}
 \ifx\acronym\undefined \gdef\acronym#1{{\smallcaps \lowercase{#1}}} \fi
diff --git a/font-latex.el b/font-latex.el
index 4067564d..b78cf58a 100644
--- a/font-latex.el
+++ b/font-latex.el
@@ -631,12 +631,12 @@ use."
                         (if (eq type 'command)
 This must be a list where each element is a list consisting of a
-keyword string \(not a regular expression\) omitting the leading
+keyword string (not a regular expression) omitting the leading
 backslash and a format specifier as described in the doc string of
-This must be a list where each element is a keyword string \(not a
-regular expression\) omitting the leading backslash.")
+This must be a list where each element is a keyword string (not a
+regular expression) omitting the leading backslash.")
 This is an internal variable which should not be set directly.
diff --git a/latex.el b/latex.el
index 744257e3..56992d54 100644
--- a/latex.el
+++ b/latex.el
@@ -259,20 +259,14 @@ used in style files."
 (defun LaTeX-section-name (level)
   "Return the name of the section corresponding to LEVEL."
-  (let ((entry (TeX-member level LaTeX-section-list
-                           (lambda (a b) (equal a (nth 1 b))))))
-    (if entry
-        (nth 0 entry)
-      nil)))
+  (car (rassoc (list level) LaTeX-section-list)))
 (defun LaTeX-section-level (name)
-  "Return the level of the section NAME."
-  (let ((entry (TeX-member name LaTeX-section-list
-                           (lambda (a b) (equal a (nth 0 b))))))
-    (if entry
-        (nth 1 entry)
-      nil)))
+  "Return the level of the section NAME.
+NAME can be starred variant."
+  (if (string-suffix-p "*" name)
+      (setq name (substring-no-properties name 0 -1)))
+  (cadr (assoc name LaTeX-section-list)))
 (defcustom TeX-outline-extra nil
   "List of extra TeX outline levels.
@@ -392,30 +386,35 @@ If so, return the second element, otherwise return nil."
 The following variables are set before the hooks are run
-LaTeX-level - numeric section level, see the documentation of `LaTeX-section'.
-LaTeX-name - name of the sectioning command, derived from `LaTeX-level'.
-LaTeX-title - The title of the section, default to an empty string.
-LaTeX-toc - Entry for the table of contents list, default nil.
-LaTeX-done-mark - Position of point afterwards, default nil (meaning end).
+`LaTeX-level'     - numeric section level, see the documentation of
+                    `LaTeX-section'.
+`LaTeX-name'      - name of the sectioning command, derived from
+                    `LaTeX-level'.
+`LaTeX-title'     - The title of the section, default to an empty
+                    string.
+`LaTeX-toc'       - Entry for the table of contents list, default
+                    nil.
+`LaTeX-done-mark' - Position of point afterwards, default nil
+                    (meaning end).
 The following standard hooks exist -
-LaTeX-section-heading: Query the user about the name of the
+`LaTeX-section-heading': Query the user about the name of the
 sectioning command.  Modifies `LaTeX-level' and `LaTeX-name'.
-LaTeX-section-title: Query the user about the title of the
+`LaTeX-section-title': Query the user about the title of the
 section.  Modifies `LaTeX-title'.
-LaTeX-section-toc: Query the user for the toc entry.  Modifies
+`LaTeX-section-toc': Query the user for the toc entry.  Modifies
-LaTeX-section-section: Insert LaTeX section command according to
+`LaTeX-section-section': Insert LaTeX section command according to
 `LaTeX-name', `LaTeX-title', and `LaTeX-toc'.  If `LaTeX-toc' is
 nil, no toc entry is inserted.  If `LaTeX-toc' or `LaTeX-title'
 are empty strings, `LaTeX-done-mark' will be placed at the point
 they should be inserted.
-LaTeX-section-label: Insert a label after the section command.
+`LaTeX-section-label': Insert a label after the section command.
 Controled by the variable `LaTeX-section-label'.
 To get a full featured `LaTeX-section' command, insert
@@ -474,7 +473,12 @@ Insert this hook into `LaTeX-section-hook' to allow the 
user to change
 the name of the sectioning command inserted with \\[LaTeX-section]."
   (let ((string (completing-read
                  (concat "Level (default " LaTeX-name "): ")
-                 LaTeX-section-list
+                 (append
+                  ;; Include starred variants in candidates.
+                  (mapcar (lambda (sct)
+                            (list (concat (car sct) "*")))
+                          LaTeX-section-list)
+                  LaTeX-section-list)
                  nil nil nil nil LaTeX-name)))
     ;; Update LaTeX-name
     (if (not (zerop (length string)))
@@ -844,10 +848,9 @@ environment just inserted, the buffer position just before
   "Return the regexp matching the name of a LaTeX environment.
 This matches everything different from a TeX closing brace but
 allowing one level of TeX group braces."
-  (concat "\\([^" (regexp-quote TeX-grcl) (regexp-quote TeX-grop) "]*\\("
-          (regexp-quote TeX-grop) "[^" (regexp-quote TeX-grcl)
-          (regexp-quote TeX-grop) "]*" (regexp-quote TeX-grcl) "\\)*[^"
-          (regexp-quote TeX-grcl) (regexp-quote TeX-grop) "]*\\)"))
+  (concat "\\([^" TeX-grcl TeX-grop "]*\\(" (regexp-quote TeX-grop)
+          "[^" TeX-grcl TeX-grop "]*" (regexp-quote TeX-grcl) "\\)*[^"
+          TeX-grcl TeX-grop "]*\\)"))
 (defvar LaTeX-after-modify-env-hook nil
   "List of functions to be run at the end of `LaTeX-modify-environment'.
@@ -863,34 +866,32 @@ position just before \\begin and the position just before
                     (re-search-backward (concat (regexp-quote TeX-esc)
                                                 (regexp-quote TeX-grop)
-                                                "\\("
-                                                "\\)"
                                                 (regexp-quote TeX-grcl))
-                                        (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 1) 
+                                        (line-beginning-position))))
         (goto-begin (lambda ()
                       (prog1 (point)
                         (re-search-forward (concat (regexp-quote TeX-esc)
                                                    (regexp-quote TeX-grop)
-                                                   "\\("
-                                                   "\\)"
                                                    (regexp-quote TeX-grcl))
-                                           (save-excursion (end-of-line 1) 
+                                           (line-end-position))))))
       (funcall goto-end)
-      (let ((old-env (match-string 1)))
+      (let ((old-env (match-string-no-properties 1))
+            beg-pos)
         (replace-match environment t t nil 1)
-        (beginning-of-line 1)
-        (funcall goto-begin)
+        ;; This failed when \begin and \end lie on the same line. (bug#58689)
+        ;; (beginning-of-line 1)
+        (setq beg-pos (funcall goto-begin))
         (replace-match environment t t nil 1)
-        (end-of-line 1)
+        ;; (end-of-line 1)
         (run-hook-with-args 'LaTeX-after-modify-env-hook
                             environment old-env
-                            (save-excursion (funcall goto-begin))
-                            (progn (funcall goto-end) (point)))))))
+                            beg-pos
+                            (funcall goto-end))))))
 (defvar LaTeX-syntactic-comments) ;; Defined further below.
@@ -904,34 +905,50 @@ environment in commented regions with the same comment 
 The functions `LaTeX-find-matching-begin' and `LaTeX-find-matching-end'
 work analogously."
+  (save-excursion
+    (if (LaTeX-backward-up-environment arg)
+        (progn
+          (re-search-forward (concat
+                              TeX-grop (LaTeX-environment-name-regexp)
+                              TeX-grcl))
+          (match-string-no-properties 1))
+      "document")))
+(defun LaTeX-backward-up-environment (&optional arg)
+  "Move backward out of the enclosing environment.
+Helper function of `LaTeX-current-environment' and
+With optional ARG>=1, find that outer level.
+Return non-nil if the operation succeeded.
+Assume the current point is on neither \"begin{foo}\" nor \"end{foo}\"."
   (setq arg (if arg (if (< arg 1) 1 arg) 1))
   (let* ((in-comment (TeX-in-commented-line))
          (comment-prefix (and in-comment (TeX-comment-prefix)))
          (case-fold-search nil))
-    (save-excursion
-      (while (and (/= arg 0)
-                  (re-search-backward
-                   "\\\\\\(begin\\|end\\) *{\\([^}]+\\)}" nil t))
-        (when (or (and LaTeX-syntactic-comments
-                       (eq in-comment (TeX-in-commented-line))
-                       (or (not in-comment)
-                           ;; Consider only matching prefixes in the
-                           ;; commented case.
-                           (string= comment-prefix (TeX-comment-prefix))))
-                  (and (not LaTeX-syntactic-comments)
-                       (not (TeX-in-commented-line)))
-                  ;; macrocode*? in docTeX-mode is special since we
-                  ;; have also regular code lines not starting with a
-                  ;; comment-prefix.  Hence, the next check just looks
-                  ;; if we're inside such a group and returns t to
-                  ;; recognize such a situation.
-                  (and (eq major-mode 'doctex-mode)
-                       (member (match-string-no-properties 2)
-                               '("macrocode" "macrocode*"))))
-          (setq arg (if (string= (match-string 1) "end") (1+ arg) (1- arg)))))
-      (if (/= arg 0)
-          "document"
-        (match-string-no-properties 2)))))
+    (while (and (/= arg 0)
+                (re-search-backward
+                 (concat (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "\\(begin\\|end\\)\\b") nil t))
+      (when (or (and LaTeX-syntactic-comments
+                     (eq in-comment (TeX-in-commented-line))
+                     (or (not in-comment)
+                         ;; Consider only matching prefixes in the
+                         ;; commented case.
+                         (string= comment-prefix (TeX-comment-prefix))))
+                (and (not LaTeX-syntactic-comments)
+                     (not (TeX-in-commented-line)))
+                ;; macrocode*? in docTeX-mode is special since we have
+                ;; also regular code lines not starting with a
+                ;; comment-prefix.  Hence, the next check just looks
+                ;; if we're inside such a group and returns non-nil to
+                ;; recognize such a situation.
+                (and (eq major-mode 'doctex-mode)
+                     (looking-at-p (concat (regexp-quote TeX-esc)
+                                   "\\(?:begin\\|end\\) *{macrocode\\*?}"))))
+        (setq arg (if (= (char-after (match-beginning 1)) ?e)
+                      (1+ arg)
+                    (1- arg)))))
+    (= arg 0)))
 (defun docTeX-in-macrocode-p ()
   "Determine if point is inside a macrocode environment."
@@ -1433,7 +1450,7 @@ Just like array and tabular."
 (defun LaTeX-env-contents (environment)
   "Insert ENVIRONMENT with optional argument and filename for contents."
-  (let* ((opt '("overwrite" "force" "nosearch"))
+  (let* ((opt '("overwrite" "force" "nosearch" "nowarn"))
          (arg (mapconcat #'identity
                           (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Options")
@@ -2403,9 +2420,9 @@ string."
 (defun TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Prompt for the number of arguments for a LaTeX macro.  If this
-is non-zero, also prompt for the default value for the first
+  "Prompt for the number of arguments for a LaTeX macro.
+If this is non-zero, also prompt for the default value for the
+first argument.
 If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the resulting value as an optional
 argument, otherwise as a mandatory one.  Use PROMPT as the prompt
@@ -3260,9 +3277,11 @@ reading an optional argument.  KEY-VAL-ALIST can be
   - A symbol returning an alist
   - An alist
-The car of each element should be a string representing a key and
-the optional cdr should be a list with strings to be used as
-values for the key.
+Each entry of this alist is a list.  The first element of each
+list is a string representing a key and the optional second
+element is a list with strings to be used as values for the key.
+The second element can also be a variable returning a list of
 PROMPT replaces the standard one where \\=' (k=v): \\=' is
 appended to it.  If you want the full control over the prompt,
@@ -5050,7 +5069,7 @@ code comment.
 If LaTeX syntax is taken into consideration during filling
 depends on the value of `LaTeX-syntactic-comments'."
-  (interactive "P")
+  (interactive "*P")
   (if (save-excursion
         (looking-at (concat TeX-comment-start-regexp "*[ \t]*$")))
@@ -5262,12 +5281,15 @@ environment in commented regions with the same comment 
          (in-comment (TeX-in-commented-line))
          (comment-prefix (and in-comment (TeX-comment-prefix)))
          (case-fold-search nil))
+    ;; The following code until `while' handles exceptional cases that
+    ;; the point is on "\begin{foo}" or "\end{foo}".
+    ;; Note that it doesn't work for "\end{\foo{bar}}".  See bug#19281.
     (let ((pt (point)))
-      (skip-chars-backward (concat "a-zA-Z \t" (regexp-quote TeX-grop)))
+      (skip-chars-backward (concat "a-zA-Z* \t" TeX-grop))
       (unless (bolp)
         (backward-char 1)
         (if (and (looking-at regexp)
-                 (char-equal (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?e))
+                 (char-equal (char-after (match-beginning 1)) ?e))
             (setq level 0)
           (goto-char pt))))
     (while (and (> level 0) (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
@@ -5278,10 +5300,18 @@ environment in commented regions with the same comment 
                      (or (not in-comment)
                          (string= comment-prefix (TeX-comment-prefix))))
                 (and (not LaTeX-syntactic-comments)
-                     (not (TeX-in-commented-line))))
-        (if (= (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?b) ;;begin
-            (setq level (1+ level))
-          (setq level (1- level)))))
+                     (not (TeX-in-commented-line)))
+                ;; macrocode*? in docTeX-mode is special since we have
+                ;; also regular code lines not starting with a
+                ;; comment-prefix.  Hence, the next check just looks
+                ;; if we're inside such a group and returns non-nil to
+                ;; recognize such a situation.
+                (and (eq major-mode 'doctex-mode)
+                     (looking-at-p " *{macrocode\\*?}")))
+        (setq level
+              (if (= (char-after (match-beginning 1)) ?b) ;;begin
+                  (1+ level)
+                (1- level)))))
     (if (= level 0)
          (concat TeX-grop (LaTeX-environment-name-regexp) TeX-grcl))
@@ -5294,30 +5324,17 @@ If function is called inside a comment and
 `LaTeX-syntactic-comments' is enabled, try to find the
 environment in commented regions with the same comment prefix."
-  (let* ((regexp (concat (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "\\(begin\\|end\\)\\b"))
-         (level 1)
-         (in-comment (TeX-in-commented-line))
-         (comment-prefix (and in-comment (TeX-comment-prefix)))
-         (case-fold-search nil))
-    (skip-chars-backward (concat "a-zA-Z \t" (regexp-quote TeX-grop)))
+  (let (done)
+    ;; The following code until `or' handles exceptional cases that
+    ;; the point is on "\begin{foo}" or "\end{foo}".
+    ;; Note that it doesn't work for "\end{\foo{bar}}". See bug#19281.
+    (skip-chars-backward (concat "a-zA-Z* \t" TeX-grop))
     (unless (bolp)
       (backward-char 1)
-      (and (looking-at regexp)
-           (char-equal (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?b)
-           (setq level 0)))
-    (while (and (> level 0) (re-search-backward regexp nil t))
-      (when (or (and LaTeX-syntactic-comments
-                     (eq in-comment (TeX-in-commented-line))
-                     ;; If we are in a commented line, check if the
-                     ;; prefix matches the one we started out with.
-                     (or (not in-comment)
-                         (string= comment-prefix (TeX-comment-prefix))))
-                (and (not LaTeX-syntactic-comments)
-                     (not (TeX-in-commented-line))))
-        (if (= (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?e) ;;end
-            (setq level (1+ level))
-          (setq level (1- level)))))
-    (or (= level 0)
+      (and (looking-at (concat (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "begin\\b"))
+           (setq done t)))
+    (or done
+        (LaTeX-backward-up-environment)
         (error "Can't locate beginning of current environment"))))
 (defun LaTeX-mark-environment (&optional count)
@@ -6298,8 +6315,8 @@ See also `LaTeX-math-menu'."
 (defun LaTeX--completion-annotation-from-math-menu (sym)
   "Return a completion annotation for a SYM.
 The annotation is usually a unicode representation of the macro
-SYM's compiled representation, e.g., if SYM is alpha, α is
+SYM's compiled representation, for example, if SYM is alpha, α
+is returned."
   (catch 'found
     (dolist (var (list LaTeX-math-list LaTeX-math-default))
       (dolist (e var)
@@ -6915,7 +6932,7 @@ by too many \\thanks commands.")
     ("Environment [^ ]* undefined." .
      "LaTeX has encountered a \\begin command for a nonexistent environment.
-You probably misspelled the environment name. ")
+You probably misspelled the environment name.")
     ("Float(s) lost." .
      "You put a figure or table environment or a \\marginpar command inside a
@@ -7250,7 +7267,7 @@ on this line than it should.")
     ("Overfull \\\\vbox .*" .
      "Because it couldn't find a good place for a page break, TeX put more
-on the page than it should. ")
+on the page than it should.")
     ("Underfull \\\\hbox .*" .
      "Check your output for extra vertical space.  If you find some, it was
@@ -7261,7 +7278,7 @@ by inserting a \\linebreak command.")
     ("Underfull \\\\vbox .*" .
      "TeX could not find a good place to break the page, so it produced a
-page without enough text on it. ")
+page without enough text on it.")
     ;; New list items should be placed here
@@ -7379,10 +7396,13 @@ this point.  If nil, limit to the previous 15 lines."
             (error nil))
           ;; Set the initial value of argument counter
           (setq cnt 1)
-          ;; Note that we count also the right opt. or man. arg:
-          (setq cnt-opt (if (= (following-char) ?\{) 0 1))
-          ;; Record if we're inside a mand. or opt. argument
-          (setq type (if (= (following-char) ?\{) 'mandatory 'optional))
+          ;; Note that we count also the right opt. or man. arg and
+          ;; record if we're inside a mand. or opt. argument
+          (if (= (following-char) ?\{)
+              (setq cnt-opt 0
+                    type 'mandatory)
+            (setq cnt-opt 1
+                  type 'optional))
           ;; Move back over any touching sexps
           (while (and (LaTeX-move-to-previous-arg bound)
                       (condition-case nil
@@ -7526,7 +7546,7 @@ COLLECTION is an list of strings."
 (defun LaTeX-completion-parse-args (entry)
   "Return the match of buffer position ENTRY with AUCTeX macro definitions.
 ENTRY is generated by the function `LaTeX-what-macro'.  This
-function matches the current buffer position (i.e., which macro
+function matches the current buffer position (that is, which macro
 argument) with the corresponding definition in `TeX-symbol-list'
 or `LaTeX-environment-list' and returns it."
   (let* ((name (nth 0 entry))
@@ -7554,17 +7574,22 @@ or `LaTeX-environment-list' and returns it."
       (pop arg-list))
     ;; Check for `TeX-arg-conditional' here and change `arg-list'
-    ;; accordingly
+    ;; accordingly.
+    ;; FIXME: Turn `y-or-n-p' into `always' otherwise there will be a
+    ;; query during in-buffer completion.  This will work for most
+    ;; cases, but will also fail for example in hyperref.el.  This
+    ;; decision should revisited at a later stage:
     (when (assq 'TeX-arg-conditional arg-list)
-      (while (and arg-list
-                  (setq arg (car arg-list)))
-        (if (and (listp arg) (eq (car arg) 'TeX-arg-conditional))
-            (setq result (append (reverse (if (eval (nth 1 arg) t)
-                                              (nth 2 arg)
-                                            (nth 3 arg)))
-                                 result))
-          (push arg result))
-        (pop arg-list))
+      (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) #'always))
+        (while (and arg-list
+                    (setq arg (car arg-list)))
+          (if (and (listp arg) (eq (car arg) 'TeX-arg-conditional))
+              (setq result (append (reverse (if (eval (nth 1 arg) t)
+                                                (nth 2 arg)
+                                              (nth 3 arg)))
+                                   result))
+            (push arg result))
+          (pop arg-list)))
       (setq arg-list (nreverse result)))
     ;; Now parse the `arg-list':
@@ -8092,17 +8117,17 @@ function would return non-nil and `(match-string 1)' 
would return
    '("newcommand" TeX-arg-define-macro [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
    '("renewcommand" TeX-arg-macro [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
    '("newenvironment" TeX-arg-define-environment
-     [ "Number of arguments"] t t)
+     [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] 2)
    '("renewenvironment" TeX-arg-environment
-     [ "Number of arguments"] t t)
+     [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] 2)
    '("providecommand" TeX-arg-define-macro [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] 
    '("providecommand*" TeX-arg-define-macro [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] 
    '("newcommand*" TeX-arg-define-macro [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
    '("renewcommand*" TeX-arg-macro [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
    '("newenvironment*" TeX-arg-define-environment
-     [ "Number of arguments"] t t)
+     [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] 2)
    '("renewenvironment*" TeX-arg-environment
-     [ "Number of arguments"] t t)
+     [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] 2)
    '("newtheorem" TeX-arg-define-environment
      [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ]
      t [ (TeX-arg-eval progn (if (eq (save-excursion
@@ -8543,22 +8568,6 @@ function would return non-nil and `(match-string 1)' 
would return
     (setq TeX-font-list LaTeX-font-list)
     (setq TeX-font-replace-function #'TeX-font-replace-macro)
-     '("newcommand" TeX-arg-define-macro
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
-     '("renewcommand" TeX-arg-macro
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
-     '("providecommand" TeX-arg-define-macro
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
-     '("providecommand*" TeX-arg-define-macro
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
-     '("newcommand*" TeX-arg-define-macro
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
-     '("renewcommand*" TeX-arg-macro
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t)
-     '("newenvironment" TeX-arg-define-environment
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ]  t t)
-     '("renewenvironment" TeX-arg-environment
-       [ TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments ] t t)
      '("usepackage" LaTeX-arg-usepackage)
      '("RequirePackage" LaTeX-arg-usepackage)
      '("ProvidesPackage" (TeX-arg-file-name-sans-extension "Package name")
diff --git a/multi-prompt.el b/multi-prompt.el
index b8632711..5ce11d51 100644
--- a/multi-prompt.el
+++ b/multi-prompt.el
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ This is achieved by eval'ing all variables in the value 
parts of
 the alist elements."
   (mapcar (lambda (x)
             (if (and (cadr x) (symbolp (cadr x)) (not (functionp (cadr x))))
-                (cons (car x) (list (eval (cadr x) t)))
+                (cons (car x) (list (symbol-value (cadr x))))
@@ -185,9 +185,13 @@ the alist elements."
             hist def inherit-input-method)
   "Read multiple strings, with completion and key=value support.
 PROMPT is a string to prompt with, usually ending with a colon
-and a space.  TABLE is an alist.  The car of each element should
-be a string representing a key and the optional cdr should be a
-list with strings to be used as values for the key.
+and a space.
+TABLE is an alist where each entry is a list.  The first element
+of each list is a string representing a key and the optional
+second element is a list with strings to be used as values for
+the key.  The second element can also be a variable returning a
+list of strings.
 See the documentation for `completing-read' for details on the
diff --git a/plain-tex.el b/plain-tex.el
index 4f06a026..0800b2f3 100644
--- a/plain-tex.el
+++ b/plain-tex.el
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Install tool bar if `plain-TeX-enable-toolbar' and
 (defconst plain-TeX-dialect :plain-tex
   "Default dialect for use with function `TeX-add-style-hook' for
 argument DIALECT-EXPR when the hook is to be run only on
-plain-TeX file, or any mode derived thereof. See variable
+plain-TeX file, or any mode derived thereof.  See variable
 `TeX-style-hook-dialect'." )
 (defcustom plain-TeX-mode-hook nil
diff --git a/style/CJK.el b/style/CJK.el
index baee5d93..030cc8c5 100644
--- a/style/CJK.el
+++ b/style/CJK.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; CJK.el --- AUCTeX style for the CJK package.  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2009-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Ralf Angeli <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -43,17 +43,9 @@
     "CNS2" "CNS3" "CNS4" "CNS5" "CNS6" "CNS7" "CEFX" "CEFY")
   "List of encodings supported by the CJK package.")
-(defun LaTeX-env-CJK (env)
-  "Prompt for the arguments of ENV and insert it.
-The function can be used for CJK and CJK* environments."
-  (LaTeX-insert-environment
-   env
-   (concat
-    (let ((font-enc (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Font encoding: ")))
-      (unless (zerop (length font-enc)) (format "[%s]" font-enc)))
-    (format "{%s}" (completing-read "Encoding: "
-                                    (mapcar #'list LaTeX-CJK-enc-list)))
-    (format "{%s}" (TeX-read-string "Font family: ")))))
+(defvar LaTeX-CJK-fontenc-list
+  '("pmC" "dnp" "wn" "HL")
+  "List of font encodings supported by the CJK package.")
@@ -90,8 +82,15 @@ The function can be used for CJK and CJK* environments."
    ;; New environments
-    '("CJK" LaTeX-env-CJK)
-    '("CJK*" LaTeX-env-CJK)))
+    '("CJK" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-CJK-fontenc-list "Font encoding"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-CJK-enc-list "Encoding")
+      "Font family")
+    '("CJK*" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-CJK-fontenc-list "Font encoding"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-CJK-enc-list "Encoding")
+      "Font family")))
 ;;; CJK.el ends here
diff --git a/style/acro.el b/style/acro.el
index 56291a1b..26e32b8d 100644
--- a/style/acro.el
+++ b/style/acro.el
@@ -152,11 +152,10 @@ in its optional argument.")
 (defun LaTeX-arg-acro-key-val (optional prompt key-val-alist)
   "Prompt for keys and values in KEY-VAL-ALIST.
 <SPC> key binding in minibuffer is removed temporarily.  Insert
-the given value as a TeX macro argument.  If OPTIONAL is non-nil,
-insert it as an optional argument.  Use PROMPT as the prompt
-string.  KEY-VAL-ALIST is an alist.  The car of each element
-should be a string representing a key and the optional cdr should
-be a list with strings to be used as values for the key."
+the given value as a TeX macro argument.
+See `TeX-read-key-val' for explanation of OPTIONAL, PROMPT and
   ;; Remove <SPC> key binding from map used in `multi-prompt-key-value' (called
   ;; by `TeX-arg-key-val') with `require-match' set to `nil'.
   (let ((crm-local-completion-map
diff --git a/style/amsthm.el b/style/amsthm.el
index 64589c5b..ad06ff89 100644
--- a/style/amsthm.el
+++ b/style/amsthm.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; amsthm.el --- Style hook for the AMS-LaTeX amsthm package.  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 1997, 2013--2015, 2018, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1997--2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -24,10 +24,23 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; The style provides the function `LaTeX-amsthm-env-label' which
-;; enables new defined environments with "\newtheoreom" to interact
-;; with AUCTeX and RefTeX mechanisms for inserting labels.  Check
-;; docstring of `LaTeX-amsthm-env-label' for instructions.
+;; This file adds support for `theorem.sty' (v2.2c) from 2014/10/28.
+;; `theorem.sty' is a standard LaTeX package and part of TeXLive.
+;; This style interacts with AUCTeX and RefTeX mechanisms for
+;; inserting labels into new defined environments with "\newtheoreom".
+;; AUCTeX users need to add the new environment to `LaTeX-label-alist'
+;; via customize or in init-file like this:
+;;   (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist '("lemma" . "lem:"))
+;; RefTeX users have to add the value to both `LaTeX-label-alist' and
+;; `reftex-label-alist' like this:
+;;   (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist '("lemma" . "lem:"))
+;;   (add-to-list 'reftex-label-alist
+;;                '("lemma" ?m "lem:" "~ref{%s}"
+;;                  nil ("Lemma" "lemma") nil))
 ;;; Code:
@@ -42,60 +55,6 @@
 (defvar LaTeX-amsthm-package-options nil
   "Package options for the amsthm package.")
-(defvar LaTeX-amsthm-fontdecl
-  '(;; family
-    "rmfamily" "sffamily" "ttfamily"
-    ;; series
-    "mdseries" "bfseries"
-    ;; shape
-    "upshape" "itshape" "slshape" "scshape"
-    ;; size
-    "tiny"  "scriptsize" "footnotesize"
-    "small" "normalsize" "large"
-    "Large" "LARGE" "huge" "Huge"
-    ;; reset macro
-    "normalfont")
-  "List of font declaration commands for \"\\newtheoremstyle\".")
-(defun LaTeX-arg-amsthm-fontdecl (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Prompt for font declaration commands in \"\\newtheoremstyle\".
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the resulting value as an optional
-argument.  Use PROMPT as the prompt string."
-  (let* ((crm-separator (regexp-quote TeX-esc))
-         (fontdecl (mapconcat #'identity
-                              (TeX-completing-read-multiple
-                               (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Font: \\" 
-                               LaTeX-amsthm-fontdecl)
-                              TeX-esc)))
-    (TeX-argument-insert fontdecl
-                         optional
-                         (when (and fontdecl (not (string= fontdecl "")))
-                           TeX-esc))))
-(defun LaTeX-amsthm-env-label (environment)
-  "Insert ENVIRONMENT, query for an optional argument and prompt
-for label.  AUCTeX users should add ENVIRONMENT to
-`LaTeX-label-alist' via customize or in init-file with:
-  (add-to-list \\='LaTeX-label-alist \\='(\"lemma\" . \"lem:\"))
-RefTeX users should customize or add ENVIRONMENT to
-`LaTeX-label-alist' and `reftex-label-alist', for example
-  (add-to-list \\='LaTeX-label-alist \\='(\"lemma\" . \"lem:\"))
-  (add-to-list \\='reftex-label-alist
-               \\='(\"lemma\" ?m \"lem:\" \"~\\ref{%s}\"
-                 nil (\"Lemma\" \"lemma\") nil))"
-  (let ((opthead (TeX-read-string
-                  (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Heading"))))
-    (LaTeX-insert-environment environment
-                              (when (and opthead
-                                         (not (string= opthead "")))
-                                (format "[%s]" opthead))))
-  (when (LaTeX-label environment 'environment)
-    (LaTeX-newline)
-    (indent-according-to-mode)))
 ;; Setup parsing for \newtheorem
 (TeX-auto-add-type "amsthm-newtheorem" "LaTeX")
@@ -112,7 +71,7 @@ RefTeX users should customize or add ENVIRONMENT to
   "Move parsed results from `LaTeX-auto-amsthm-newtheorem' and
 make them available as new environments."
   (dolist (newthm (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-amsthm-newtheorem-list)))
-    (LaTeX-add-environments (list newthm #'LaTeX-amsthm-env-label))))
+    (LaTeX-add-environments (list newthm #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))))
 (add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook #'LaTeX-amsthm-auto-prepare t)
 (add-hook 'TeX-auto-cleanup-hook #'LaTeX-amsthm-auto-cleanup t)
@@ -127,18 +86,17 @@ make them available as new environments."
-    '("proof" LaTeX-amsthm-env-label))
+    '("proof" LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
     ;; Overrule the defintion in `latex.el':
-    '("newtheorem"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newtheorem"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthm (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
            (LaTeX-add-amsthm-newtheorems nthm)
-           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm #'LaTeX-amsthm-env-label))
-           (format "%s" nthm))))
+           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm #'LaTeX-env-label-args 
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthm optional)))
       [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ]
       t [ (TeX-arg-eval progn (if (eq (save-excursion
                                         (backward-char 2)
@@ -147,35 +105,50 @@ make them available as new environments."
                                 (TeX-arg-counter t "Within counter"))
                         "") ])
-    '("newtheorem*"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newtheorem*"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthm (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment")))
-               (heading (TeX-read-string
-                         (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Heading"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
            (LaTeX-add-amsthm-newtheorems nthm)
-           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm #'LaTeX-amsthm-env-label))
-           (insert (concat TeX-grop nthm TeX-grcl))
-           (format "%s" heading)))))
+           ;; NOTE: Using `LaTeX-env-label-args' on environments
+           ;; defined with \newtheorem* is semi-accurate since these
+           ;; environments are not numbered.  But numbering depends on
+           ;; an entry in `LaTeX-label-alist' and we assume that users
+           ;; will not add an entry to it.  Hence,
+           ;; `LaTeX-env-label-args' will not insert a label and we
+           ;; don't need to differentiate.
+           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm #'LaTeX-env-label-args 
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthm optional)))
+      "Heading")
       (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-amsthm-newtheoremstyle-list) "Style"))
-    '("newtheoremstyle"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newtheoremstyle"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthmstyle (TeX-read-string
-                           (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Style name"))))
+                           (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Style name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-amsthm-newtheoremstyles nthmstyle)
-           (format "%s" nthmstyle))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthmstyle optional)))
       (TeX-arg-length "Space above")
       (TeX-arg-length "Space below")
-      (LaTeX-arg-amsthm-fontdecl "Body font: \\")
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple
+       ,(lambda () (append LaTeX-font-family
+                           LaTeX-font-series
+                           LaTeX-font-shape
+                           LaTeX-font-size))
+       "Body font" nil nil ,(regexp-quote TeX-esc) ,TeX-esc
+       nil nil nil nil ,TeX-esc)
       "Indent amount"
-      (LaTeX-arg-amsthm-fontdecl "Theorem head font: \\")
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple
+       ,(lambda () (append LaTeX-font-family
+                           LaTeX-font-series
+                           LaTeX-font-shape
+                           LaTeX-font-size))
+       "Theorem head font" nil nil ,(regexp-quote TeX-esc) ,TeX-esc
+       nil nil nil nil ,TeX-esc)
       "Punctuation after head"
       (TeX-arg-length "Space after head")
       "Theorem head spec"))
diff --git a/style/array.el b/style/array.el
index b564e055..001044ec 100644
--- a/style/array.el
+++ b/style/array.el
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ package.")
    (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-array-newcolumntype-regexp)
-    '("newcolumntype"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((col (TeX-read-string "Column type: ")))
+    `("newcolumntype"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((col (TeX-read-string
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Column type"))))
            (LaTeX-add-array-newcolumntypes col)
-           (format "%s" col))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert col optional)))
       [ "Number of arguments" ] t)
     '("showcols" 0)
     '("firsthline" 0)
diff --git a/style/attachfile.el b/style/attachfile.el
index c090b5a4..e3fe5eb7 100644
--- a/style/attachfile.el
+++ b/style/attachfile.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; attachfile.el --- AUCTeX style for `attachfile.sty' (v1.6)  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2015, 2018, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -80,26 +80,26 @@
     ;; \attachfile[<options>]{<filename>}
-    '("attachfile"
+    `("attachfile"
       [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-attachfile-key-val-options]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((atfi (file-relative-name
-                      (read-file-name "File to attach: "))))
-           (format "%s" atfi)))))
+                      (read-file-name
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "File to attach")))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert atfi optional))))
     ;; \noattachfile[<options>]
       [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-attachfile-key-val-options] )
     ;; \textattachfile[<options>]{<filename>}{<text>}
-    '("textattachfile"
+    `("textattachfile"
       [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-attachfile-key-val-options]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((atfi (file-relative-name
-                      (read-file-name "File to attach: "))))
-           (format "%s" atfi))))
+                      (read-file-name
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "File to attach")))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert atfi optional)))
     ;; \notextattachfile[<options>]{<text>}
diff --git a/style/babel.el b/style/babel.el
index c58ea9fa..70cc5658 100644
--- a/style/babel.el
+++ b/style/babel.el
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
 (declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
                   (keywords class))
+(declare-function LaTeX-fontspec-auto-cleanup
+                  "fontspec"
+                  ())
 (defvar LaTeX-babel-language-list
@@ -202,10 +205,9 @@
         (let ((fam (concat elt "family"))
               (def (concat elt "default"))
               (mac (concat "text" elt)))
-          (apply #'TeX-add-symbols
-                 `((,fam -1)
-                   (,def -1)
-                   (,mac t)))
+          (apply #'TeX-add-symbols `((,fam -1)
+                                     (,def -1)
+                                     (,mac t)))
           ;; Cater for fontification:
           (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
                      (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
@@ -229,20 +231,6 @@
 (add-hook 'TeX-auto-cleanup-hook #'LaTeX-babel-auto-cleanup t)
 (add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t)
-(defun TeX-arg-babel-lang (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Prompt for a language with completion and insert it as an argument."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Language")
-    (LaTeX-babel-active-languages))
-   optional))
-(defun LaTeX-env-babel-lang (env)
-  "Prompt for a language and insert it as an argument of ENV."
-  (LaTeX-insert-environment
-   env (format "{%s}" (completing-read "Language: "
-                                       (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)))))
 (defun LaTeX-babel-load-languages ()
   "Load style files of babel active languages."
   ;; Run style hooks for every active language in loading order, so
@@ -263,22 +251,29 @@
     ;; 1.7 Basic language selectors
-    '("selectlanguage" TeX-arg-babel-lang)
-    '("foreignlanguage" TeX-arg-babel-lang t)
+    '("selectlanguage"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language"))
+    '("foreignlanguage"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language")
+      t)
     ;; 1.9 More on selection
     '("babeltags" t)
-    '("babelensure" (TeX-arg-key-val
-                     (("include") ("exclude")
-                      ("fontenc" (;; 128+ glyph encodings (text)
-                                  "OT1" "OT2" "OT3" "OT4" "OT6"
-                                  ;; 256 glyph encodings (text)
-                                  "T1" "T2A" "T2B" "T2C" "T3" "T4" "T5"
-                                  ;; 256 glyph encodings (text extended)
-                                  "X2"
-                                  ;; Other encodings
-                                  "LY1" "LV1" "LGR"))))
-      TeX-arg-babel-lang)
+    '("babelensure"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val
+       (("include") ("exclude")
+        ("fontenc" (;; 128+ glyph encodings (text)
+                    "OT1" "OT2" "OT3" "OT4" "OT6"
+                    ;; 256 glyph encodings (text)
+                    "T1" "T2A" "T2B" "T2C" "T3" "T4" "T5"
+                    ;; 256 glyph encodings (text extended)
+                    "X2"
+                    ;; Other encodings
+                    "LY1" "LV1" "LGR"))))
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language"))
     ;; 1.10 Shorthands
     '("shorthandon"    "Shorthands list")
     '("shorthandoff"   "Shorthands list")
@@ -289,7 +284,9 @@
       [TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
       t nil)
-    '("languageshorthands" TeX-arg-babel-lang)
+    '("languageshorthands"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language"))
     '("babelshorthand"   "Short hand")
     '("ifbabelshorthand" "Character" t nil)
     '("aliasshorthand"   "Original" "Alias")
@@ -300,24 +297,26 @@
     ;; 1.14 Selecting fonts
-    '("babelfont"
+    `("babelfont"
       [TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple LaTeX-babel-language-list
-      (TeX-arg-eval let ((fontfam (completing-read
-                                   (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "font family")
-                                   '("rm" "sf" "tt"))))
-                    ;; Run `TeX-check-engine-add-engines' and then
-                    ;; load `fontspec.el' if not already loaded and
-                    ;; make sure the key-vals are up to date.
-                    (unless (member "fontspec" (TeX-style-list))
-                      (TeX-check-engine-add-engines 'luatex 'xetex)
-                      (TeX-run-style-hooks "fontspec")
-                      (LaTeX-fontspec-auto-cleanup))
-                    (LaTeX-add-babel-babelfonts fontfam)
-                    (LaTeX-babel-cleanup-babelfont)
-                    (format "%s" fontfam))
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read ("rm" "sf" "tt") "Font family")
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fontspec-font-features)]
-      LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font)
+      LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font
+      ,(lambda (_)
+         ;; Run `TeX-check-engine-add-engines' and then
+         ;; load `fontspec.el' if not already loaded and
+         ;; make sure the key-vals are up to date.
+         (unless (member "fontspec" (TeX-style-list))
+           (TeX-check-engine-add-engines 'luatex 'xetex)
+           (TeX-run-style-hooks "fontspec")
+           (LaTeX-fontspec-auto-cleanup))
+         ;; Now search back for the Font family arg:
+         (save-excursion
+           (re-search-backward "\\\\babelfont\\(?:\\[[^]]*\\]\\)?{\\([^}]+\\)}"
+                               (line-beginning-position) t)
+           (LaTeX-add-babel-babelfonts (match-string-no-properties 1))
+           (LaTeX-babel-cleanup-babelfont))))
     ;; 1.16 Creating a language
@@ -326,7 +325,10 @@
     ;; 1.19 Accessing language info
     '("languagename" 0)
-    '("iflanguage" TeX-arg-babel-lang t nil)
+    '("iflanguage"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language")
+      t nil)
     ;; 1.20 Hyphenation and line breaking
@@ -343,7 +345,10 @@
     '("ensureascii" "Text")
     ;; 1.25 Language attributes
-    '("languageattribute" TeX-arg-babel-lang t))
+    '("languageattribute"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language")
+      t))
    ;; Don't increase indentation at various \if* macros:
    (let ((exceptions '("ifbabelshorthand"
@@ -354,9 +359,15 @@
    ;; New environments: 1.8 Auxiliary language selectors
-    '("otherlanguage" LaTeX-env-babel-lang)
-    '("otherlanguage*" LaTeX-env-babel-lang)
-    '("hyphenrules" LaTeX-env-babel-lang))
+    '("otherlanguage" LaTeX-env-args
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language"))
+    '("otherlanguage*" LaTeX-env-args
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language"))
+    '("hyphenrules" LaTeX-env-args
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+                               "Language")))
    ;; Fontification
    (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
diff --git a/style/beamer.el b/style/beamer.el
index 589a26ad..9a33b348 100644
--- a/style/beamer.el
+++ b/style/beamer.el
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 ;;; beamer.el --- AUCTeX style for the latex-beamer class  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2003-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Thomas Baumann <>
+;; Maintainer:
 ;; Created: 2003-12-20
 ;; Keywords: tex
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
   "Do beamer-specific stuff after the insertion of an environment."
   ;; Add `fragile' as an optional argument to the frame environment if
   ;; a verbatim environment is inserted.
-  (when (and (TeX-member env (LaTeX-verbatim-environments) #'string-equal)
+  (when (and (member env (LaTeX-verbatim-environments))
                (goto-char start)
                (string-equal (LaTeX-current-environment) "frame")))
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
       (when (re-search-backward "\\\\begin[ \t]*{frame}" nil t)
         (let ((end-of-begin (match-end 0)))
           (goto-char end-of-begin)
+          ;; FIXME: Add support for skipping over overlay options.
           (while (forward-comment 1))
           (if (eq (char-after) (string-to-char LaTeX-optop))
@@ -70,16 +72,26 @@
    (TeX-run-style-hooks "amsmath" "amssymb" "amsthm" "color" "geometry"
                         "hyperref" "inputenc" "translator" "xcolor")
-   (unless LaTeX-beamer-section-labels-flag
-     (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-section-hook)
-     (setq LaTeX-section-hook
-           '(LaTeX-section-heading
-             LaTeX-section-title
-             LaTeX-section-section)))
+   (LaTeX-section-list-add-locally
+    '(("part" 0)
+      ("section" 1)
+      ("subsection" 2)
+      ("subsubsection" 3))
+    t)
+   (LaTeX-largest-level-set "part")
+   (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-section-hook)
+   (setq LaTeX-section-hook
+         '(LaTeX-section-heading
+           LaTeX-section-title
+           LaTeX-beamer-section))
+   (if LaTeX-beamer-section-labels-flag
+       (setq LaTeX-section-hook
+             (append LaTeX-section-hook '(LaTeX-section-label))))
    (setq LaTeX-item-list
          (append '(("itemize" . LaTeX-item-beamer)
-                   ("enumerate" . LaTeX-item-beamer))
+                   ("enumerate" . LaTeX-item-beamer)
+                   ("thebibliography" . LaTeX-bibitem-beamer))
    (setq LaTeX-default-document-environment "frame")
@@ -87,96 +99,240 @@
    (LaTeX-paragraph-commands-add-locally "frametitle")
-    '("alert" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("alt" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 2)
+    '("AtBeginSection" ["Special star text"] t)
+    '("AtBeginSubsection" ["Special star text"] t)
+    '("AtBeginSubsubsection" ["Special star text"] t)
+    '("AtBeginPart" t)
+    '("AtBeginLecture" t)
+    '("AtBeginNote" t)
+    '("AtEndNote" t)
+    '("action" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] t)
+    '("againframe" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-default-overlay-spec]
+      ["Options"] "Frame label")
+    '("alert" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("alt" TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Text on specified slides"
+      "Text on other slides")
+    '("appendix" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Mode spec"])
+    '("author" [LaTeX-arg-author "Short author names"] LaTeX-arg-author)
+    '("beamerdefaultoverlayspecification"
+      TeX-arg-beamer-default-overlay-spec)
     '("beamerbutton" 1)
     '("beamergotobutton" 1)
     '("beamerreturnbutton" 1)
     '("beamerskipbutton" 1)
-    '("frame" TeX-arg-beamer-frametitle)
+    '("column" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Placement(t,T,c,b)"]
+      (TeX-arg-length "Column width"))
+    '("date" [TeX-arg-date "Short date"] TeX-arg-date)
+    ;; Beamer frame macro is obsolete, and standard LaTeX frame macro
+    ;; is available in frame environment.
+    ;; '("frame" TeX-arg-beamer-frametitle)
+    "framebreak" "noframebreak"
+    '("framelatex" t)
-      (TeX-arg-eval TeX-read-string "Title: " nil 
-    '("hyperlink" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 2)
-    '("hyperlinkslideprev" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkslidenext" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkframestart" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkframeend" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkframestartnext" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkframeendprev" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkpresentationstart" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkpresentationend" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkappendixstart" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkappendixend" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkdocumentstart" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hyperlinkdocumentend" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("hypertarget" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 2)
-    '("institute" 1)
-    '("invisible" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("label" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Short title"]
+      (TeX-arg-string "Title" nil LaTeX-beamer-frametitle-history))
+    '("framesubtitle" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Subtitle")
+    '("framezoom" (TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Overlay having button")
+      (TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Zoomed overlay") ["Options"]
+      (TeX-arg-pair "Upper left X" "Upper left Y")
+      (TeX-arg-pair "Zoom area width" "Zoom area depth"))
+    '("hyperlink" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Target name" t)
+    '("hyperlinkslideprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkslidenext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkframestart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkframeend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkframestartnext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkframeendprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksectionstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksectionend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksectionstartnext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksectionendprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksubsectionstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksubsectionend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksubsectionstartnext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinksubsectionendprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkpresentationstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkpresentationend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkappendixstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkappendixend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkdocumentstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hyperlinkdocumentend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("hypertarget" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Target name" t)
+    '("includegraphics" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
+      [LaTeX-arg-graphicx-includegraphics-key-val] LaTeX-arg-includegraphics)
+    '("includeonlyframes" "Frame label(s)")
+    '("includeonlylecture" "Lecture label")
+    '("includeslide" ["Options"] "Label")
+    '("institute" ["Short institute name"] t)
+    '("invisible" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("keywords" t)
+    '("label" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] TeX-arg-label)
+    '("lecture" ["Short lecture name"] "Lecture name" "Lecture label")
     '("logo" 1)
-    '("note" TeX-arg-beamer-note 1)
-    '("only" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("onslide" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ])
-    '("partpage")
+    '("mode" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Mode"] t)
+    "mode*"
+    ;; Adapted copies from latex.el
+    '("newcommand<>" TeX-arg-define-macro [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
+    '("renewcommand<>" TeX-arg-macro [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
+    '("newenvironment<>" TeX-arg-define-environment
+      [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] 2)
+    '("renewenvironment<>" TeX-arg-environment
+      [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] 2)
+    ;; TODO: Support the case \note is used outside frame env.
+    '("note" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"] t)
+    '("only" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    '("onslide" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
+    "partpage"
     '("pause" ["Slide number"])
-    '("structure" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("temporal" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 3)
-    '("titlepage")
+    '("resetcounteronoverlays" TeX-arg-counter)
+    "sectionpage"
+    '("setbeameroption" t)
+    '("setbeamersize" t)
+    '("setjobnamebeamerversion" "Filename without extension")
+    '("structure" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
+    "subsectionpage"
+    '("subtitle" ["Short subtitle"] t)
+    '("subject" t)
+    '("tableofcontents" ["Options"])
+    '("temporal" TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec
+      "Before slide text" "Default text" "After slide text")
+    "titlepage"
+    '("title" ["Short title"] t)
     '("titlegraphic" 1)
-    '("uncover" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1)
-    '("usetheme" LaTeX-arg-beamer-theme)
-    '("useinnertheme" LaTeX-arg-beamer-inner-theme)
-    '("useoutertheme" LaTeX-arg-beamer-outer-theme)
-    '("usecolortheme" LaTeX-arg-beamer-color-theme)
-    '("usefonttheme" LaTeX-arg-beamer-font-theme)
-    '("usetheme" LaTeX-arg-beamer-theme)
-    '("visible" [ TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec ] 1))
+    '("transblindshorizontal" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transblindsvertical" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transboxin" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transboxout" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transcover" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transdissolve" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transfade" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transfly" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transglitter" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transpush" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transreplace" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transsplitverticalin" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transsplitverticalout" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transsplithorizontalin" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transsplithorizontalout" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transwipe" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    '("transduration" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Seconds")
+    '("uncover" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] t)
+    '("usetheme" ["Options"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-themes-list) "Theme"))
+    '("useinnertheme" ["Options"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes-list) "Theme"))
+    '("useoutertheme" ["Options"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes-list) "Theme"))
+    '("usecolortheme" ["Options"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-color-themes-list) "Theme"))
+    '("usefonttheme" ["Options"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-font-themes-list) "Theme"))
+    '("setbeamercolor" "Beamer color" "Color specification")
+    '("setbeamercolor*" "Beamer color" "Color specification")
+    '("usebeamercolor" ["fg or bg"] "Beamer color")
+    '("usebeamercolor*" ["fg or bg"] "Beamer color")
+    '("setbeamerfont" "Beamer font" "Font attributes")
+    '("setbeamerfont*" "Beamer font" "Font attributes")
+    '("usebeamerfont" "Beamer font")
+    '("usebeamerfont*" "Beamer font")
+    '("setbeamertemplate" "Element" ["Predefined option"] t)
+    '("addtobeamertemplate" "Element" "Pre text" "Post test")
+    '("defbeamertemplate" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Mode spec"]
+      "Element" "Predefined option" [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
+    '("defbeamertemplatealias" "Element" "New predefined option"
+      "Existing predefined option")
+    '("defbeamertemplateparent" "Parent template name"
+      ["Predefined option"] "Child template list"
+      [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
+    '("ifbeamercolorempty" ["fg or bg"] "Beamer color name"
+      "If undefined" "If defined")
+    '("setbeamercovered" "Options")
+    '("opaqueness" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Opaqueness (in %)")
+    '("visible" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1))
+   ;; TODO: Font commands accept overlay specs.
+   ;; Support commands to manipulate templates?
-    '("actionenv")
-    '("alertblock" 1)
-    '("beamerboxesrounded" 1)
-    '("block" (lambda (env &rest ignore)
-                (LaTeX-insert-environment
-                 env (format "{%s}" (TeX-read-string "Title: ")))))
-    '("column" "Width")
-    "columns"
-    "columnsonlytextwidth"
-    '("exampleblock" 1)
-    '("frame"  (lambda (env &rest ignore)
-                 (let ((title (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Title: " nil
-                   (LaTeX-insert-environment env)
-                   (unless (zerop (length title))
-                     (save-excursion
-                       (LaTeX-find-matching-begin)
-                       (end-of-line)
-                       (LaTeX-newline)
-                       ;; Indent the next macro insertion and don't
-                       ;; rely on the fill-function to do it:
-                       (indent-according-to-mode)
-                       (insert (format "\\frametitle{%s}" title))
-                       ;; This works because \frametitle is a
-                       ;; paragraph command.
-                       (when auto-fill-function
-                         (backward-char)
-                         (LaTeX-fill-paragraph)))))))
-    '("onlyenv" (lambda (env &rest ignore)
-                  (LaTeX-insert-environment
-                   env
-                   (let ((overlay (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Overlay: ")))
-                     (unless (zerop (length overlay))
-                       (format "<%s>" overlay))))))
-    '("overlayarea" "Area width" "Area height")
-    '("overprint"  (lambda (env &rest ignore)
-                     (LaTeX-insert-environment
-                      env
-                      (let ((width (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Area width: 
-                        (unless (zerop (length width))
-                          (format "[%s]" width))))))
-    "semiverbatim")
-   (LaTeX-largest-level-set "section")
+    '("abstract" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
+    '("actionenv" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
+    '("alertblock" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] "Title")
+    '("beamerboxesrounded" ["Options"] "Header")
+    '("beamercolorbox" ["Options"] "Beamer color")
+    '("block" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] "Title")
+    '("column" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
+      ["Placement(t,T,c,b)"] (TeX-arg-length "Width"))
+    '("columns" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
+    ;; FIXME: Not on user reference.
+    ;; "columnsonlytextwidth"
+    '("exampleblock" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] "Title")
+    '("frame" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-default-overlay-spec]
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("allowdisplaybreaks" ("0" "1" "2" "3" "4"))
+                        ("allowframebreaks") ("b") ("c") ("t") ("s")
+                        ("noframenumbering")
+                        ("fragile" ("singleslide"))
+                        ("environment") ("label") ("plain") ("shrink")
+                        ("squeeze"))]
+      LaTeX-beamer-env-frame)
+    '("onlyenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
+    '("altenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
+      "Begin text" "End text" "Alternate begin text" "Alternate end text")
+    '("visibleenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
+    '("uncoverenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
+    '("invisibleenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
+    '("structureenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
+    '("alertenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
+    '("theorem" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("corollary" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("definition" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("definitions" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("fact" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("lemma" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("example" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("examples" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
+    '("proof" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Proof name"])
+    '("overlayarea" LaTeX-env-args
+      (TeX-arg-length "Area width") (TeX-arg-length "Area height"))
+    '("overprint" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-length "Area width"])
+    "semiverbatim"
+    '("verse" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
+    '("quotation" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
+    '("quote" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"]))
+   ;; TODO: itemize, enumerate and description envs accept default
+   ;; overlay spec as optional argument.
+   ;; We definitely need more completion support for both macros and
+   ;; environments.
    (LaTeX-add-counters "lecture" "part" "section" "subsection" "subsubsection"
                        "subsectionslide" "framenumber" "figure" "table"
@@ -192,7 +348,67 @@
                                 ("subtitle" "[{")
                                 ("author" "[{")
                                 ("date" "[{")
-                                ("frametitle" "<[{")) 'slide-title)))
+                                ("institute" "[{")
+                                ("frametitle" "<[{")
+                                ("framesubtitle" "<[{"))
+                              'slide-title)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("item" "<[")
+                                ("bibitem" "<[{"))
+                              'textual)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("textbf" "<{")
+                                ("textsc" "<{")
+                                ("textup" "<{"))
+                              'bold-command)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("emph" "<{")
+                                ("textit" "<{")
+                                ("textsl" "<{"))
+                              'italic-command)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("textmd" "<{")
+                                ("textrm" "<{")
+                                ("textsf" "<{")
+                                ("texttt" "<{")
+                                ("textnormal" "<{")
+                                ("textcolor" "<[{"))
+                              'type-command)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("color" "<[{"))
+                              'type-declaration)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("label" "<{")
+                                ("hyperlink" "<{{<")
+                                ("hypertarget" "<{{"))
+                              'reference)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("pause" "[")
+                                ("logo" "{")
+                                ("newcommand" "<|{\\[[{")
+                                ("renewcommand" "<|{\\[[{")
+                                ("newenvironment" "<{[[{{")
+                                ("renewenvironment" "<{[[{{")
+                                ("AtBeginSection" "[{")
+                                ("AtBeginSubsection" "[{")
+                                ("AtBeginSubsubsection" "[{")
+                                ("AtBeginPart" "{")
+                                ("AtBeginLecture" "{")
+                                ("titlepage" "")
+                                ("sectionpage" "")
+                                ("subsectionpage" "")
+                                ("partpage" "")
+                                ("tableofcontents" "[")
+                                ("column" "<[{")
+                                ("againframe" "<[[{")
+                                ("usetheme" "[{")
+                                ("usecolortheme" "[{")
+                                ("usefonttheme" "[{")
+                                ("useinnertheme" "[{")
+                                ("useoutertheme" "[{")
+                                ("includeonlyframes" "{")
+                                ("includeonlylecture" "{"))
+                              'function)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("resetcounteronoverlays" "{"))
+                              'variable))
+   ;; TODO: Adjust section commands to accept <> option.
+   ;; Additional intermediate files
+   (add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes)
+                "\\.vrb"))
 (defun TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec (optional &optional prompt)
@@ -200,47 +416,55 @@
 If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the specification only if
 non-empty and enclosed in \"<>\".  PROMPT replaces the standard
-  (let ((TeX-arg-opening-brace "<")
-        (TeX-arg-closing-brace ">"))
-    (TeX-argument-insert
-     (TeX-read-string
-      (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Overlay"))
-     optional)
-    (indent-according-to-mode)))
-(defun TeX-arg-beamer-frametitle (_optional &optional _prompt)
-  "Prompt for the frametitle."
-  (let ((title (TeX-read-string "Title: " nil 
-    (if (not (zerop (length title)))
-        (insert TeX-grop TeX-esc "frametitle" TeX-grop
-                title TeX-grcl TeX-grcl)
-      (insert TeX-grop TeX-grcl))))
-(defun LaTeX-item-beamer ()
-  "Insert a new item with an optional overlay argument. You
-can turn off the prompt for the overlay argument by setting
-`LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag' to nil. Calling the function
+  (TeX-arg-string optional (or prompt "Overlay") nil nil nil "<" ">")
+  (indent-according-to-mode))
+(defun TeX-arg-beamer-default-overlay-spec (optional)
+  "Prompt for default overlay specification.
+If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the specification only if
+non-empty and enclosed in \"<>\".  If empty and OPTIONAL is nil,
+insert just \"{}\"."
+  (let ((spec (TeX-read-string
+               (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Default overlay"))))
+    (cond
+     ((< 0 (length spec))
+      (TeX-argument-insert (concat "<" spec ">") optional))
+     ((not optional)
+      ;; Clear default for \beamerdefaultoverlayspecification.
+      (insert TeX-grop TeX-grcl))
+     (t
+      ;; Nop for clarity.
+      nil))))
+;; (defun TeX-arg-beamer-frametitle (_optional &optional _prompt)
+;;   "Prompt for the frametitle."
+;;   (let ((title (TeX-read-string "Title: " nil 
+;;     (if (not (zerop (length title)))
+;;         (insert TeX-grop TeX-esc "frametitle" TeX-grop
+;;                 title TeX-grcl TeX-grcl)
+;;       (insert TeX-grop TeX-grcl))))
+(defun LaTeX-item-beamer (&optional macro)
+  "Insert a new item with an optional overlay argument.
+You can turn off the prompt for the overlay argument by setting
+`LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag' to nil.  Calling the function
 with a prefix argument prompts for the overlay specification
-  (if (listp current-prefix-arg)
-      (setq current-prefix-arg (car current-prefix-arg))
-    current-prefix-arg)
-  (TeX-insert-macro "item")
+Optional MACRO can be, for example, \"bibitem\"."
+  (TeX-insert-macro (or macro "item"))
   (if (or current-prefix-arg LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag)
-      (TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec 0))
-  (insert " ")
-  (indent-according-to-mode))
+      (TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec t))
+  (insert " "))
-(defun TeX-arg-beamer-note (_optional &optional _prompt)
-  "Prompt for overlay specification and optional argument."
-  (let ((overlay (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Overlay: "))
-        (options (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Options: ")))
-    (unless (zerop (length overlay))
-      (insert "<" overlay ">"))
-    (unless (zerop (length options))
-      (insert "[" options "]"))
-    (indent-according-to-mode)))
+(defun LaTeX-bibitem-beamer ()
+  "Insert a new bibitem with an optional overlay argument.
+You can turn off the prompt for the overlay argument by setting
+`LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag' to nil.  Calling the function
+with a prefix argument prompts for the overlay specification
+  (LaTeX-item-beamer "bibitem"))
 (defun LaTeX-beamer-search-themes (&optional regexp extensions length)
   "Search for beamer themes matching REGEXP with EXTENSIONS.
@@ -252,7 +476,7 @@ also be a string.  Then the length of the string is used."
          (chars (cond ((integerp length)
                       ((stringp length)
-                       (string-width length))
+                       (length length))
                       ;; Try some DWIM magic...
                       ((and (not length)
                             (string-match "beamer[A-Za-z0-9]*theme" match))
@@ -265,117 +489,139 @@ also be a string.  Then the length of the string is 
               (lambda (file)
                 (let ((case-fold-search nil))
                   (and (numberp (string-match match file))
-                       (substring file chars))))
+                       (substring-no-properties file chars))))
               (TeX-search-files nil exts t t))))))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-beamer-theme (&rest _ignore)
-  "Prompt for beamer theme with completion."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Theme")
-    (mapcar #'list
-            (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-themes 'local)
-                   (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-themes)
-                        (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes)))
-                  ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-themes)
-                   (funcall LaTeX-beamer-themes))
-                  ((listp LaTeX-beamer-themes)
-                   LaTeX-beamer-themes)
-                  (t (error
-                      "`LaTeX-beamer-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
-                      LaTeX-beamer-themes))))
-    nil nil nil)
-   t))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-beamer-inner-theme (&rest _ignore)
-  "Prompt for beamer inner theme with completion."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Theme")
-    (mapcar #'list
-            (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes 'local)
-                   (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
-                        (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamerinnertheme")))
-                  ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
-                   (funcall LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes))
-                  ((listp LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
-                   LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
-                  (t (error
-                      "`LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
-                      LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes))))
-    nil nil nil)
-   t))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-beamer-outer-theme (&rest _ignore)
-  "Prompt for beamer outer theme with completion."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Theme")
-    (mapcar #'list
-            (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes 'local)
-                   (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
-                        (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beameroutertheme")))
-                  ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
-                   (funcall LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes))
-                  ((listp LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
-                   LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
-                  (t (error
-                      "`LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
-                      LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes))))
-    nil nil nil)
-   t))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-beamer-color-theme (&rest _ignore)
-  "Prompt for beamer color theme with completion."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Theme")
-    (mapcar #'list
-            (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-color-themes 'local)
-                   (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
-                        (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamercolortheme")))
-                  ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
-                   (funcall LaTeX-beamer-color-themes))
-                  ((listp LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
-                   LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
-                  (t (error
-                      "`LaTeX-beamer-color-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
-                      LaTeX-beamer-color-themes))))
-    nil nil nil)
-   t))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-beamer-font-theme (&rest _ignore)
-  "Prompt for beamer font theme with completion."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Theme")
-    (mapcar #'list
-            (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-font-themes 'local)
-                   (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
-                        (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamerfonttheme")))
-                  ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
-                   (funcall LaTeX-beamer-font-themes))
-                  ((listp LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
-                   LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
-                  (t (error
-                      "`LaTeX-beamer-font-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
-                      LaTeX-beamer-font-themes))))
-    nil nil nil)
-   t))
+(defun LaTeX-beamer-themes-list ()
+  "Return a list of beamer themes for completion."
+  (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-themes 'local)
+         (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-themes)
+              (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes)))
+        ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-themes)
+         (funcall LaTeX-beamer-themes))
+        ((listp LaTeX-beamer-themes)
+         LaTeX-beamer-themes)
+        (t (error
+            "`LaTeX-beamer-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
+            LaTeX-beamer-themes))))
+(defun LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes-list ()
+  "Return a list of beamer inner themes for completion."
+  (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes 'local)
+         (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
+              (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamerinnertheme")))
+        ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
+         (funcall LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes))
+        ((listp LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
+         LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
+        (t (error
+            "`LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
+            LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes))))
+(defun LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes-list ()
+  "Return a list of beamer outer themes for completion."
+  (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes 'local)
+         (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
+              (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beameroutertheme")))
+        ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
+         (funcall LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes))
+        ((listp LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
+         LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
+        (t (error
+            "`LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
+            LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes))))
+(defun LaTeX-beamer-color-themes-list ()
+  "Return a list of beamer color themes for completion."
+  (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-color-themes 'local)
+         (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
+              (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamercolortheme")))
+        ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
+         (funcall LaTeX-beamer-color-themes))
+        ((listp LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
+         LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
+        (t (error
+            "`LaTeX-beamer-color-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
+            LaTeX-beamer-color-themes))))
+(defun LaTeX-beamer-font-themes-list ()
+  "Return a list of beamer font themes for completion."
+  (cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-font-themes 'local)
+         (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
+              (LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamerfonttheme")))
+        ((functionp LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
+         (funcall LaTeX-beamer-font-themes))
+        ((listp LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
+         LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
+        (t (error
+            "`LaTeX-beamer-font-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
+            LaTeX-beamer-font-themes))))
+(defun LaTeX-beamer-env-frame (_ignored)
+  "Insert beamer frame environment title."
+  (let ((title (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Title: " nil
+                                'LaTeX-beamer-frametitle-history)))
+    (unless (zerop (length title))
+      (save-excursion
+        (LaTeX-newline)
+        ;; Indent the next macro insertion and don't rely on the
+        ;; fill-function to do it:
+        (indent-according-to-mode)
+        (insert (format "\\frametitle{%s}" title))
+        ;; This works because \frametitle is a paragraph command.
+        (when auto-fill-function
+          (backward-char)
+          (LaTeX-fill-paragraph))))))
+(defun LaTeX-beamer-section ()
+  "Hook to prompt for beamer section and insert it."
+  (let ((star (string-suffix-p "*" LaTeX-name))
+        mode-spec short-title)
+    (when (and LaTeX-level (< LaTeX-level 4))
+      (setq mode-spec (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Mode spec: ")
+            short-title (unless star
+                          (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Short title: "))))
+    ;; The rest of this function is adapted copy of
+    ;; `LaTeX-section-section'.
+    (unless (save-excursion
+              (re-search-backward
+               (concat "^\\s-*\n\\s-*\\=\\|^\\s-*" (regexp-quote TeX-esc)
+                       "begin")
+               (line-beginning-position 0) t))
+      (LaTeX-newline))
+    (insert TeX-esc (if star
+                        (substring-no-properties LaTeX-name 0 -1)
+                      LaTeX-name))
+    (if (< 0 (length mode-spec))
+        (insert "<" mode-spec ">"))
+    (if star (insert "*"))
+    (if (< 0 (length short-title))
+        (insert LaTeX-optop short-title LaTeX-optcl))
+    (insert TeX-grop)
+    (if (zerop (length LaTeX-title))
+        (set-marker LaTeX-done-mark (point)))
+    (insert LaTeX-title TeX-grcl)
+    (LaTeX-newline)
+    ;; If RefTeX is available, tell it that we've just made a new section
+    (and (fboundp 'reftex-notice-new-section)
+         (reftex-notice-new-section))))
 (defun LaTeX-beamer-class-options ()
   "Read the beamer class options from the user."
   (TeX-load-style "hyperref")
+  (TeX-load-style "color")
+  (TeX-load-style "xcolor")
   (TeX-read-key-val t '(("usepdftitle" ("false")) ("envcountsect")
                         ("notheorems") ("noamsthm") ("compress") ("t") ("c")
-                        ("leqno") ("fleqn") ("handout") ("trans") ("pdftex")
-                        ("nativepdf") ("pdfmark") ("dvips") ("dviwindo")
-                        ("dvipsone") ("vtex") ("ps2pdf") ("ignorenonframetext")
+                        ("leqno") ("fleqn") ("handout") ("trans")
+                        ("ignorenonframetext") ("onlytextwidth")
                         ("noamssymb") ("bigger") ("smaller") ("8pt") ("9pt")
                         ("10pt") ("11pt") ("12pt") ("14pt") ("17pt") ("20pt")
                         ("draft") ("CJK") ("cjk") ("pgf")
                         ("hyperref" LaTeX-hyperref-package-options-list)
-                        ("color") ("xcolor") ("ucs") ("utf8x") ("utf8")
-                        ("aspectratio" ("1610" "169" "149" "54" "43" "32")))))
+                        ("color" LaTeX-color-package-options)
+                        ("xcolor" LaTeX-xcolor-package-options)
+                        ("ucs") ("utf8x") ("utf8")
+                        ("aspectratio" ("2013" "1610" "169" "149" "141" "54" 
"43" "32")))))
 ;;; beamer.el ends here
diff --git a/style/beamerarticle.el b/style/beamerarticle.el
index 136947ac..09d58163 100644
--- a/style/beamerarticle.el
+++ b/style/beamerarticle.el
@@ -32,4 +32,8 @@
  (lambda ()
-   (TeX-run-style-hooks "beamer")))
+   (TeX-run-style-hooks "beamer")
+   (LaTeX-section-list-add-locally
+    '(("paragraph" 4)
+      ("subparagraph" 5)))))
diff --git a/style/bigstrut.el b/style/bigstrut.el
index 874a1180..ae14b3b2 100644
--- a/style/bigstrut.el
+++ b/style/bigstrut.el
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@
  (lambda ()
-    '("bigstrut" [ TeX-arg-bigstrut ]))
+    '("bigstrut"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ("t" "b")
+                               "Strut to top (t) or bottom (b)"]))
    (LaTeX-add-lengths "bigstrutjot")
@@ -52,17 +54,6 @@
-(defun TeX-arg-bigstrut (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Prompt for the optional argument in \\bigstrut.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the argument in brackets.  PROMPT
-replaces the standard one."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt
-     optional prompt "Strut to top (t) or bottom (b)")
-    '("t" "b"))
-   optional))
 (defvar LaTeX-bigstrut-package-options nil
   "Package options for the bigstrut package.")
diff --git a/style/booktabs.el b/style/booktabs.el
index 79571ea3..bf3c0f53 100644
--- a/style/booktabs.el
+++ b/style/booktabs.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; booktabs.el -- AUCTeX style for booktabs.sty  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2013, 2018, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author:   Ralf Angeli <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -37,14 +37,6 @@
                   (keywords class))
-(defun LaTeX-booktabs-arg-paren (optional prompt)
-  "Prompt for a value and use parentheses when it is inserted.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil the parameter is labeled as optional.
-PROMPT is the value of the prompt to be shown."
-  (let ((TeX-arg-opening-brace "(")
-        (TeX-arg-closing-brace ")"))
-    (TeX-parse-argument optional prompt)))
  (lambda ()
@@ -61,7 +53,8 @@ PROMPT is the value of the prompt to be shown."
     '("bottomrule" [ "Thickness" ])
     ;; The `ignore' resets `TeX-last-optional-rejected' to nil so that the trim
     ;; argument is prompted also when the thickness is skipped.
-    '("cmidrule" [ "Thickness" ] (ignore) [ LaTeX-booktabs-arg-paren "Trim" ]
+    '("cmidrule" [ "Thickness" ] (ignore)
+      [TeX-arg-string "Trim" nil nil nil "(" ")"]
     '("addlinespace" [ "Height" ])
diff --git a/style/breqn.el b/style/breqn.el
index 03520556..bdca5283 100644
--- a/style/breqn.el
+++ b/style/breqn.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; breqn.el --- AUCTeX style for `breqn.sty' (v0.98j)  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2017--2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2017--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -64,6 +64,17 @@
   "Key=value options for breqn environments.
 The keys \"label\" and \"labelprefix\" are omitted.")
+(defun LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options ()
+  "Return updated key=val's based on the current \"breqn\" environment."
+  (let ((currenv (LaTeX-current-environment)))
+    (cond ((string-match-p "\\`dgroup" currenv)
+           (append '(("noalign") ("brace"))
+                   LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options))
+          ((string-match-p "\\`darray" currenv)
+           (append '(("noalign") ("brace") ("cols" ("{}")))
+                   LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options))
+          (t LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options))))
 (defvar LaTeX-breqn-key-val-label-regexp
@@ -73,26 +84,6 @@ The keys \"label\" and \"labelprefix\" are omitted.")
     1 LaTeX-auto-label)
   "Matches the label inside an optional argument after 
-(defun LaTeX-breqn-env (env)
-  "Insert ENV from breqn package incl. optional key=val argument.
-Keys offered for key=val query depend on ENV.  \"label\" and
-\"labelprefix\" are omitted."
-  (let ((keyvals
-         (TeX-read-key-val t
-                           (cond ((or (string= env "dgroup")
-                                      (string= env "dgroup*"))
-                                  (append '(("noalign") ("brace"))
-                                          LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options))
-                                 ((or (string= env "darray")
-                                      (string= env "darray*"))
-                                  (append '(("noalign") ("brace") ("cols" 
-                                          LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options))
-                                 (t LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)))))
-    (LaTeX-insert-environment env (when (and keyvals
-                                             (not (string= keyvals "")))
-                                    (concat LaTeX-optop keyvals LaTeX-optcl)))
-    (LaTeX-env-label-as-keyval nil nil keyvals env)))
 (add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t)
@@ -119,14 +110,30 @@ Keys offered for key=val query depend on ENV.  \"label\" 
      (reftex-add-label-environments '(("darray" ?e nil nil eqnarray-like))))
-    '("dmath" LaTeX-breqn-env)
-    '("dmath*" LaTeX-breqn-env)
-    '("dseries" LaTeX-breqn-env)
-    '("dseries*" LaTeX-breqn-env)
-    '("dgroup" LaTeX-breqn-env)
-    '("dgroup*" LaTeX-breqn-env)
-    '("darray" LaTeX-breqn-env)
-    '("darray*" LaTeX-breqn-env)
+    '("dmath" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)]
+      LaTeX-env-label-as-keyval)
+    '("dmath*" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)])
+    '("dseries" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)]
+      LaTeX-env-label-as-keyval)
+    '("dseries*" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)])
+    '("dgroup" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)]
+      LaTeX-env-label-as-keyval)
+    '("dgroup*" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)])
+    '("darray" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)]
+      LaTeX-env-label-as-keyval)
+    '("darray*" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-breqn-key-val-options)])
diff --git a/style/catchfilebetweentags.el b/style/catchfilebetweentags.el
index 27c67e23..6354f15f 100644
--- a/style/catchfilebetweentags.el
+++ b/style/catchfilebetweentags.el
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     (setq LaTeX-catchfilebetweentags-counter 0)
       (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (re-search-forward (concat "^%<\\*\\([^>]+\\)>$")
+      (while (re-search-forward "^%<\\*[^:]*:\\([^>]+\\)>$"
                                 (point-max) t)
         (let ((fn (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
           (when (> fn LaTeX-catchfilebetweentags-counter)
@@ -62,11 +62,18 @@
 (defun LaTeX-env-catchfilebetweentags (_environment)
   "Insert a tag-skeleton defined by `LaTeX-catchfilebetweentags'.
 ENVIRONMENT is ignored."
-  (let* ((fn (when LaTeX-catchfilebetweentags-use-numeric-label
+  ;; The following code, adds the file name as a prefix to the tag, in
+  ;; a similar way reftex does this, which is useful for combining
+  ;; several external files to a singular one.
+  (let* ((file (file-name-sans-extension
+                (file-name-nondirectory
+                 (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
+         (fn (when LaTeX-catchfilebetweentags-use-numeric-label
-         (tag  (TeX-read-string
-                (if fn (format "Tag (default %s): " fn) "Tag: ")
-                nil nil (when fn (number-to-string fn)))))
+         (tag (concat file ":"
+                      (TeX-read-string
+                       (if fn (format "Tag (default %s): " fn) "Tag: ")
+                       nil nil (when fn (number-to-string fn))))))
     (unless (bolp)
@@ -85,7 +92,6 @@ ENVIRONMENT is ignored."
       [TeX-arg-input-file "File" t] "Tag")
       [TeX-arg-input-file "File" t] "Tag")
       TeX-arg-define-macro (TeX-arg-input-file  "File-name" t) "Tag")
diff --git a/style/changelog.el b/style/changelog.el
index a4ebb43c..1f7dccea 100644
--- a/style/changelog.el
+++ b/style/changelog.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; changelog.el --- AUCTeX style for `changelog.sty' (v2.0.0)  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2019--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -57,67 +57,71 @@ The keys sectioncmd and label are added in the function
     ("short"  ("true" "false")))
   "key=value options for version environment.")
-(defun LaTeX-env-changelog (environment)
-  "Insert ENVIRONMENT, ask for optional argument and insert a label."
-  (let* ((seccmds (mapcar #'car LaTeX-section-list))
-         ;; Collect the key=vals acc. to environment & documentclass
-         (opts (TeX-read-key-val
-                t
-                (if (string= environment "changelog")
-                    (append
-                     `(("sectioncmd"
-                        ,(if (< (LaTeX-largest-level) 2)
-                             (append
-                              (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd))
-                                      seccmds)
-                              (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd "*"))
-                                      seccmds))
-                           (append
-                            (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd))
-                                    (remove "chapter" seccmds))
-                            (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd "*"))
-                                    (remove "chapter" seccmds))))))
-                     LaTeX-changelog-env-key-val-options
-                     LaTeX-changelog-version-env-key-val-options)
-                  LaTeX-changelog-version-env-key-val-options)))
+(defun LaTeX-changelog-key-val-options ()
+  "Return an updated list of key=vals from changelog package."
+  (let ((currenv (LaTeX-current-environment))
+        (seccmds (mapcar #'car LaTeX-section-list)))
+    (if (string= currenv "changelog")
+        (append
+         `(("sectioncmd"
+            ,(if (< (LaTeX-largest-level) 2)
+                 (append (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd))
+                                 seccmds)
+                         (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd "*"))
+                                 seccmds))
+               (append (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd))
+                               (remove "chapter" seccmds))
+                       (mapcar (lambda (cmd) (concat TeX-esc cmd "*"))
+                               (remove "chapter" seccmds))))))
+         LaTeX-changelog-env-key-val-options
+         LaTeX-changelog-version-env-key-val-options)
+      LaTeX-changelog-version-env-key-val-options)))
+(defun LaTeX-env-changelog (_optional)
+  "Insert a label into the optional argument of changelog environment.
+OPTIONAL is ignored."
+  (let* ((s (save-excursion
+              (LaTeX-find-matching-begin)
+              (point)))
+         (currenv LaTeX-current-environment)
          ;; Extract the chosen sectioning command
-         (sec (progn
-                (string-match "sectioncmd=\\\\\\([a-z]+\\)\\(\\*?\\)" opts)
-                (match-string-no-properties 1 opts)))
+         (sec (save-excursion
+                (re-search-backward
+                 (concat "sectioncmd=\\\\\\([a-z]+\\)\\(\\*?\\)"
+                         "\\|"
+                         "\\<\\(section\\)\\(?:=true\\)?")
+                 s t)
+                (or (match-string-no-properties 1)
+                    (match-string-no-properties 3))))
          ;; Temp. re-bind `LaTeX-label-alist' and pick the label
          ;; prefix from `LaTeX-section-label'
-          (when (and (string= environment "changelog")
-                     (match-string 2 opts)
-                     (not (string= (match-string 2 opts) "*")))
-            `(,(cons environment
+          (when (or (and (match-string 2)
+                         (not (string= (match-string 2) "*")))
+                    (match-string 3))
+            `(,(cons currenv
                      (cdr (assoc sec LaTeX-section-label))))))
          ;; Temp. re-bind `reftex-label-alist' as well and make
          ;; `reftex-label' DTRT:
           (when (and (boundp 'reftex-label-alist)
-                     LaTeX-label-alist
-                     (string= environment "changelog"))
-            `((,environment ?s ,(cdr (assoc sec LaTeX-section-label)) nil 
-    (LaTeX-insert-environment
-     environment
-     (when (and opts (not (string= opts "")))
-       (concat LaTeX-optop opts LaTeX-optcl)))
+                     LaTeX-label-alist)
+            `((,currenv ?s ,(cdr (assoc sec LaTeX-section-label)) nil t)))))
     ;; Add a label into the opt. argument
-    (when (string= environment "changelog")
-      (LaTeX-env-label-as-keyval nil "sectioncmd" nil environment))
-    ;; Add an \item in version environment
-    (when (string= environment "version")
-      (TeX-insert-macro "item")
-      (indent-according-to-mode))))
+    (when LaTeX-label-alist
+      (LaTeX-env-label-as-keyval nil "\\<section\\(?:cmd\\)?\\>"
+                                 nil currenv))))
  (lambda ()
-    '("changelog" LaTeX-env-changelog)
-    '("version"   LaTeX-env-changelog))
+    '("changelog" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-changelog-key-val-options)]
+      LaTeX-env-changelog)
+    '("version"   LaTeX-env-item-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-changelog-key-val-options)]))
     '("added"      0)
diff --git a/style/changes.el b/style/changes.el
index ba38bc5d..b0277686 100644
--- a/style/changes.el
+++ b/style/changes.el
@@ -60,56 +60,22 @@
 (add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook #'LaTeX-changes-auto-prepare t)
 (add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t)
-(defun LaTeX-arg-changes-definechangesauthor (optional)
-  "Prompt for the arguments of \\definechangesauthor macro.
-While reading the first optional argument, remove space from
-`crm-local-completion-map' and `minibuffer-local-completion-map'.
-Insert the argument in brackets if OPTIONAL is non-nil."
-  (let* ((crm-local-completion-map
-          (remove (assoc 32 crm-local-completion-map)
-                  crm-local-completion-map))
-         (minibuffer-local-completion-map
-          (remove (assoc 32 minibuffer-local-completion-map)
-                  minibuffer-local-completion-map))
-         (TeX-last-optional-rejected nil)
-         (keyval (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style
-                  (TeX-read-key-val
-                   t
-                   `(("name")
-                     ("color"
-                      ,(cond
-                        ((and (member "xcolor" (TeX-style-list))
-                              (fboundp 'LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))
-                         (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)))
-                        ((and (member "color" (TeX-style-list))
-                              (fboundp 'LaTeX-color-definecolor-list))
-                         (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-color-definecolor-list)))
-                        (t nil)))))))
-         (TeX-arg-opening-brace LaTeX-optop)
-         (TeX-arg-closing-brace LaTeX-optcl))
-    (when keyval (TeX-argument-insert keyval t)))
-  (let ((id (TeX-read-string
-             (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Author ID"))))
-    (LaTeX-add-changes-definechangesauthors id)
-    (TeX-argument-insert id optional)))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-changes-markup (optional)
-  "Prompt for the argument of various markup commands.
-Remove space from `crm-local-completion-map' and
-`minibuffer-local-completion-map' while reading user input.
-Insert the argument in brackets if OPTIONAL is non-nil."
-  (let* ((crm-local-completion-map
-          (remove (assoc 32 crm-local-completion-map)
-                  crm-local-completion-map))
-         (minibuffer-local-completion-map
-          (remove (assoc 32 minibuffer-local-completion-map)
-                  minibuffer-local-completion-map))
-         (keyval (TeX-read-key-val
-                  optional
-                  `(("id" ,(mapcar #'car
-                                   (LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-list)))
-                    ("comment")))))
-    (TeX-argument-insert keyval optional)))
+(defun LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-key-val-options ()
+  "Return a key=val list for the \\definechangesauthor macro."
+  `(("name")
+    ("color" ,(cond ((and (member "xcolor" (TeX-style-list))
+                          (fboundp 'LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))
+                     (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)))
+                    ((and (member "color" TeX-active-styles)
+                          (fboundp 'LaTeX-color-definecolor-list))
+                     (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-color-definecolor-list)))
+                    (t nil)))))
+(defun LaTeX-changes-key-val-options ()
+  "Return a key=val list for the change management macros."
+  `(("id" ,(mapcar #'car
+                   (LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-list)))
+    ("comment")))
@@ -134,17 +100,16 @@ Insert the argument in brackets if OPTIONAL is non-nil."
     ;; 4.2 Change management
-    '("added"    [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 1)
-    '("deleted"  [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 1)
-    '("replaced" [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 2)
+    '("added"    [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-changes-key-val-options nil nil ?\s] 1)
+    '("deleted"  [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-changes-key-val-options nil nil ?\s] 1)
+    '("replaced" [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-changes-key-val-options nil nil ?\s] 2)
     ;; 4.3 Highlighting and Comments
-    '("highlight" [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 1)
-    '("comment"
-      [TeX-arg-eval
-       TeX-read-key-val t `(("id"
-                             ,(mapcar #'car
+    '("highlight" [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-changes-key-val-options nil nil ?\s] 
+    `("comment"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val
+       ,(lambda ()
+          `(("id" ,(mapcar #'car (LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-list)))))]
     ;; 4.4 Overview of changes
@@ -155,7 +120,14 @@ Insert the argument in brackets if OPTIONAL is non-nil."
                                  "replaced" "highlight" "comment")))])
     ;; 4.5 Author management \definechangesauthor
-    '("definechangesauthor" LaTeX-arg-changes-definechangesauthor)
+    `("definechangesauthor"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-key-val-options)
+                       nil nil ?\s]
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((id (TeX-read-string
+                    (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Author ID"))))
+           (LaTeX-add-changes-definechangesauthors id)
+           (TeX-argument-insert id optional))))
     ;; 4.6 Adaption of the output:
     '("setaddedmarkup" "Definition")
diff --git a/style/cleveref.el b/style/cleveref.el
index 373dcd85..9d91c262 100644
--- a/style/cleveref.el
+++ b/style/cleveref.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; cleveref.el --- AUCTeX style for `cleveref.sty' (v0.21.4)  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2014--2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2014--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Matthew Leach <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -55,18 +55,12 @@ string."
            (labels-string (mapconcat #'identity labels ",")))
       (TeX-argument-insert labels-string optional))))
-(defun TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Insert the cross-reference type for macros of cleveref package.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the resulting value in brackets.
-Use PROMPT as the prompt string."
-  (let* ((type (mapcar #'list
-                       '("appendix" "subappendix" "subsubappendix"
-                         "subsubsubappendix" "subfigure" "subtable"
-                         "subequation")))
-         (types (append (LaTeX-counter-list) type)))
-    (TeX-argument-insert
-     (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Type") types)
-     optional)))
+(defun LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type ()
+  "Return a list of cross-reference types for cleveref package macros."
+  (let ((type (mapcar #'list '("appendix" "subappendix"
+                               "subsubappendix" "subsubsubappendix"
+                               "subfigure" "subtable" "subequation"))))
+    (append (LaTeX-counter-list) type)))
 (defvar LaTeX-cleveref-label-regexp
   '("\\\\label\\[[^]]*\\]{\\([^\n\r%\\{}]+\\)}" 1 LaTeX-auto-label)
@@ -100,32 +94,56 @@ Use PROMPT as the prompt string."
     '("labelcpageref" TeX-arg-cleveref-multiple-labels)
     ;; 6 Overriding the Cross-Reference Type
     '("crefalias" TeX-arg-counter "Type")
-    '("label" [ TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type ] TeX-arg-define-label)
+    '("label"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type"]
+      TeX-arg-define-label)
     ;; 8.1.1 Global Customisation
     '("crefdefaultlabelformat" t)
     ;; 8.1.2 Customising Individual Cross-Reference Types
-    '("crefname" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type
+    '("crefname"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
       "Singular name" "Plural name")
-    '("Crefname" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type
+    '("Crefname"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
       "Singular name" "Plural name")
-    '("creflabelformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type t)
-    '("crefrangelabelformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type t)
+    '("creflabelformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      t)
+    '("crefrangelabelformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      t)
     ;; 8.2.1 Single Cross-References
-    '("crefformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type t)
-    '("Crefformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type t)
+    '("crefformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      t)
+    '("Crefformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      t)
     ;; 8.2.2 Reference Ranges
-    '("crefrangeformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type t)
-    '("Crefrangeformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type t)
+    '("crefrangeformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      t)
+    '("Crefrangeformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      t)
     ;; 8.2.3 Multiple Cross-References
-    '("crefmultiformat"      TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type 4)
-    '("Crefmultiformat"      TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type 4)
-    '("crefrangemultiformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type 4)
-    '("Crefrangemultiformat" TeX-arg-cleveref-crossref-type 4))
+    '("crefmultiformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      4)
+    '("Crefmultiformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      4)
+    '("crefrangemultiformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      4)
+    '("Crefrangemultiformat"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-cleveref-crossref-type) "Type")
+      4))
    ;; These macros aren't used particularly often during the course of
    ;; normal referencing.
diff --git a/style/comment.el b/style/comment.el
index 11a14192..b9edd1c9 100644
--- a/style/comment.el
+++ b/style/comment.el
@@ -112,26 +112,29 @@
    ;; New symbols
-    '("includecomment"
-      (TeX-arg-eval let ((env (TeX-read-string
-                               (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Name"))))
-                    (LaTeX-add-comment-incl-excls `(,env "include"))
-                    (LaTeX-comment-auto-cleanup)
-                    (format "%s" env)))
-    '("excludecomment"
-      (TeX-arg-eval let ((env (TeX-read-string
-                               (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Name"))))
-                    (LaTeX-add-comment-incl-excls `(,env "exclude"))
-                    (LaTeX-comment-auto-cleanup)
-                    (format "%s" env)))
-    '("specialcomment"
-      (TeX-arg-eval let ((env (TeX-read-string
-                               (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Name"))))
-                    (LaTeX-add-comment-incl-excls `(,env "special"))
-                    (LaTeX-comment-auto-cleanup)
-                    (format "%s" env))
+    `("includecomment"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((env (TeX-read-string
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Name"))))
+           (LaTeX-add-comment-incl-excls `(,env "include"))
+           (LaTeX-comment-auto-cleanup)
+           (TeX-argument-insert env optional))))
+    `("excludecomment"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((env (TeX-read-string
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Name"))))
+           (LaTeX-add-comment-incl-excls `(,env "exclude"))
+           (LaTeX-comment-auto-cleanup)
+           (TeX-argument-insert env optional))))
+    `("specialcomment"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((env (TeX-read-string
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Name"))))
+           (LaTeX-add-comment-incl-excls `(,env "special"))
+           (LaTeX-comment-auto-cleanup)
+           (TeX-argument-insert env optional)))
       "Before commands" "After commands")
     '("processcomment" "Name" "Each-line commands"
diff --git a/style/csquotes.el b/style/csquotes.el
index d6d06816..9caf2a3b 100644
--- a/style/csquotes.el
+++ b/style/csquotes.el
@@ -39,35 +39,16 @@
                   (keywords class))
-(defun LaTeX-csquotes-read-language (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Read and return a language for csquotes macros.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, indicate it in minibuffer while reading
-user input.  PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\".  This
-function checks if the functions `LaTeX-babel-active-languages'
-or `LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages' are bound and use them to
-retrieve the active languages.  If none available, user is
-requested to enter a language."
-  (cond ((and (fboundp 'LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
-              (LaTeX-babel-active-languages))
-         (completing-read
-          (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Language")
-          (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)))
-        ((and (fboundp 'LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages)
-              (LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages))
-         (completing-read
-          (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Language")
-          (LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages)))
-        (t
-         (TeX-read-string
-          (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Language")))))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Insert a language for csquotes macros.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the language in square brackets.
-PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\"."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (LaTeX-csquotes-read-language optional prompt)
-   optional))
+(defun LaTeX-csquotes-language-list ()
+  "Return a list of active languages for csquotes macros.
+This function checks if the functions
+`LaTeX-babel-active-languages' or
+`LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages' are bound and use them to
+retrieve the active languages."
+  (or (and (fboundp 'LaTeX-babel-active-languages)
+           (LaTeX-babel-active-languages))
+      (and (fboundp 'LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages)
+           (LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages))))
@@ -92,10 +73,14 @@ PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\"."
       '("enquote*" 1)
       ;; 3.2 Quoting Text in a Foreign Language
-      '("foreignquote"  LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language 1)
-      '("foreignquote*" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language 1)
-      '("hyphenquote"   LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language 1)
-      '("hyphenquote*"  LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language 1)
+      '("foreignquote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list)) t)
+      '("foreignquote*"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list)) t)
+      '("hyphenquote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list)) t)
+      '("hyphenquote*"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list)) t)
       ;; 3.3 Formal Quoting of Regular Text
       '("textquote"  ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
@@ -103,24 +88,31 @@ PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\"."
       ;; 3.4 Formal Quoting of Text in a Foreign Language
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
       ;; 3.5 Block Quoting of Regular Text
       '("blockquote" ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
       ;; 3.6 Block Quoting of Text in a Foreign Language
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"] t)
       ;; 3.7 Selecting Quote Styles
@@ -137,14 +129,18 @@ PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\"."
       '("MakeAutoQuote*" "Opening quotation mark" "Closing quotation mark")
       ;; 4.2 Quoting Text in a Foreign Language
-      '("MakeForeignQuote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("MakeForeignQuote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         "Opening quotation mark" "Closing quotation mark")
-      '("MakeForeignQuote*" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("MakeForeignQuote*"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         "Opening quotation mark" "Closing quotation mark")
-      '("MakeHyphenQuote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("MakeHyphenQuote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         "Opening quotation mark" "Closing quotation mark")
-      '("MakeHyphenQuote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("MakeHyphenQuote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         "Opening quotation mark" "Closing quotation mark")
       ;; 4.3 Block Quoting of Regular Text
@@ -152,11 +148,14 @@ PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\"."
         "Closing quotation mark")
       ;; 4.4 Block Quoting of Text in a Foreign Language
-      '("MakeForeignBlockQuote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("MakeForeignBlockQuote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         "Opening quotation mark" "Delimiter for citation" "Closing quotation 
-      '("MakeHyphenBlockQuote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("MakeHyphenBlockQuote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         "Opening quotation mark" "Delimiter for citation" "Closing quotation 
-      '("MakeHybridBlockQuote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("MakeHybridBlockQuote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         "Opening quotation mark" "Delimiter for citation" "Closing quotation 
       ;; 4.5 Controlling Active Quotes
@@ -170,24 +169,31 @@ PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\"."
       '("textcquote*" ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
       ;; 5.2 Formal Quoting of Text in a Foreign Language
-      '("foreigntextcquote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("foreigntextcquote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
-      '("foreigntextcquote*" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("foreigntextcquote*"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
-      '("hyphentextcquote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("hyphentextcquote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
-      '("hyphentextcquote*" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("hyphentextcquote*"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
       ;; 5.3 Block Quoting of Regular Text
       '("blockcquote" ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
       ;; 5.4 Block Quoting of Text in a Foreign Language
-      '("foreignblockcquote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("foreignblockcquote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
-      '("hyphenblockcquote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("hyphenblockcquote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
-      '("hybridblockcquote" LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language
+      '("hybridblockcquote"
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"] t)
       ;; 7 Auxiliary Commands
@@ -266,20 +272,24 @@ PROMPT replaces the standard one \"Language\"."
         ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"])
       '("foreigndisplayquote" LaTeX-env-args
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"])
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"])
       '("hyphendisplayquote" LaTeX-env-args
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"])
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Citation"] ["Punctuation"])
       ;; 6.2 Integrated Display Environments
       '("displaycquote" LaTeX-env-args
         ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"])
       '("foreigndisplaycquote" LaTeX-env-args
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" 
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"])
       '("hyphendisplaycquote" LaTeX-env-args
-        LaTeX-arg-csquotes-language["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" 
+        (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-csquotes-language-list))
+        ["Pre-note"] ["Post-note"] "Key" ["Punctuation"]))
      ;; Quotation marks
      (when (and (> (length LaTeX-csquotes-open-quote) 0)
diff --git a/style/doc.el b/style/doc.el
index d57e1e05..cb210be3 100644
--- a/style/doc.el
+++ b/style/doc.el
@@ -249,44 +249,52 @@ percent sign at the beginning of a line before
     '("theglossary" LaTeX-env-item))
-    ;; 2.1 The driver file
-    '("DocInput"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    ;; 2.1 The driver file: Note that `l3doc.el' also loads `doc.el'
+    ;; but `\DocInput' behaves differently.  With `l3doc.el', it takes
+    ;; comma-separated arguments, with `doc.el' it takes only one
+    ;; argument.
+    `("DocInput"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional (member "l3doc" (TeX-style-list))
+          (,(lambda (optional)
+              (let ((file (TeX-read-string
+                           (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil
+                                                (format "File(s) to input 
(default %s)"
+                                                        (buffer-name)))
+                           nil nil (buffer-name))))
+                (TeX-argument-insert file optional))))
+        (,(lambda (optional)
+            (let ((file (file-relative-name
+                         (read-file-name
+                          (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil
+                                               (format "File to input (default 
+                                                       (buffer-name)))
+                          nil (buffer-name) nil nil
+                          (lambda (x)
+                            (or (file-directory-p x)
+                                (string-match "\\.\\(fdd\\|dtx\\)\\'" x))))
+                         (TeX-master-directory))))
+              (TeX-argument-insert file optional))))))
+    `("IndexInput"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((file (file-relative-name
-                       "File to input: " nil nil nil nil
-                       (lambda (x)
-                         (or (file-directory-p x)
-                             (string-match "\\.\\(fdd\\|dtx\\)\\'" x))))
-                      (TeX-master-directory))))
-           (format "%s" file)))))
-    '("IndexInput"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((file (file-relative-name
-                      (read-file-name
-                       "File to input: " nil nil nil nil
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "File to input")
+                       nil nil nil nil
                        (lambda (x)
                          (or (file-directory-p x)
                              (string-match "\\.\\(tex\\|ltx\\|fdd\\|dtx\\)\\'" 
-           (format "%s" file)))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert file optional))))
     ;; 2.2 Package options
     '("SetupDoc" (TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple LaTeX-doc-package-options
     ;; 2.4 Describing the usage of macros and environments
-    '("DescribeMacro"
+    `("DescribeMacro"
       [TeX-arg-completing-read ("noindex" "noprint") "Suppress option"]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((name (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Macro")
-                      TeX-esc)))
-           (format "%s" name)))))
+      (TeX-arg-string "Macro" ,TeX-esc))
       [TeX-arg-completing-read ("noindex" "noprint") "Suppress option"]
@@ -434,7 +442,6 @@ percent sign at the beginning of a line before
      (font-latex-add-keywords '(("meta"       "{"))
      (font-latex-add-keywords '(("DocInput"   "{")
-                                ("DocInclude" "{" )
                                 ("IndexInput" "{"))
diff --git a/style/empheq.el b/style/empheq.el
index b9f32b16..39c3f00e 100644
--- a/style/empheq.el
+++ b/style/empheq.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; empheq.el --- AUCTeX style for `empheq.sty' (v2.14)  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -162,69 +162,31 @@ delimiters and prepends them to variable
          ("right" ,rvals))))
-(defun LaTeX-empheq-env (env)
-  "Query for a supported amsmath environment and insert it accordingly.
-ENV is the name of environment passed to the function in the style hook."
-  (let* ((keyvals (TeX-read-key-val t (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options)))
-         (amsenv (completing-read
-                  (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "amsmath environment")
-                  LaTeX-empheq-supported-amsmath-envs))
-         (ncols (when (or (string= amsenv "alignat")
-                          (string= amsenv "alignat*"))
-                  (TeX-read-string
-                   (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Number of columns"))))
-         num)
-    (LaTeX-insert-environment
-     env
-     (concat
-      (when (and keyvals (not (string= keyvals "")))
-        (concat LaTeX-optop keyvals LaTeX-optcl))
-      TeX-grop
-      (if (and ncols (not (string= ncols "")))
-          (concat amsenv "=" ncols)
-        amsenv)
-      TeX-grcl))
-    (when (and (assoc amsenv LaTeX-label-alist)
-               (LaTeX-label amsenv 'environment))
-      (LaTeX-newline)
-      (indent-according-to-mode))
-    (when (and ncols (not (string= ncols "")))
-      (setq num (string-to-number ncols))
+(defun LaTeX-empheq-env (optional)
+  "Insert a label inside empheq environment.
+In addition, query for a column number for the alignat*?
+environments and insert suitable number of ampersands.  If
+OPTIONAL is non-nil, indicate it in the prompt."
+  (save-excursion
+    (TeX-looking-at-backward (concat TeX-grop "\\([^" TeX-grcl "]+\\)" 
+                             20))
+  (let* ((amsenv (match-string-no-properties 1))
+         ncols)
+    (when (string-match-p "\\`alignat" amsenv)
+      (setq ncols (read-number
+                   (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Number of columns")))
-        (insert (make-string (+ num num -1) ?&))))))
-(defun LaTeX-empheq-env-overload (env &optional _ignore)
-  "Insert amsmath ENV's when option overload is given to empheq package.
-This function combines the capabilities of `LaTeX-env-label' and
-`LaTeX-amsmath-env-alignat'.  It overwrites the definitions of
-  (if (or (string= env "alignat")
-          (string= env "alignat*"))
-      (let ((ncols (TeX-read-string
-                    (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Number of columns")))
-            (keyvals (TeX-read-key-val t
-                                       (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options)
-                                       "empheq options (k=v)")))
-        (LaTeX-insert-environment env
-                                  (concat TeX-grop ncols TeX-grcl
-                                          (when (and keyvals
-                                                     (not (string= keyvals 
-                                            (concat LaTeX-optop
-                                                    keyvals
-                                                    LaTeX-optcl))))
-        (LaTeX-item-equation-alignat t))
-    (let ((keyvals
-           (TeX-read-key-val t
-                             (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options)
-                             "empheq options (k=v)")))
-      (LaTeX-insert-environment env
-                                (when (and keyvals
-                                           (not (string= keyvals "")))
-                                  (concat LaTeX-optop
-                                          keyvals
-                                          LaTeX-optcl)))
-      (when (and (assoc env LaTeX-label-alist)
-                 (LaTeX-label env 'environment))
+        (goto-char (match-end 1))
+        (insert "=" (number-to-string ncols))
+        (goto-char TeX-exit-mark)
+        (insert-char ?& (+ ncols ncols -1))
+        (indent-according-to-mode)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char TeX-exit-mark)
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (when (and (assoc amsenv LaTeX-label-alist)
+                 (LaTeX-label amsenv 'environment))
+        (indent-according-to-mode)
@@ -233,7 +195,7 @@ This function combines the capabilities of 
`LaTeX-env-label' and
 Put line break macro on the last line.  Next, if the current
 environment wants \\label, insert it also.  And insert suitable
 number of ampersands if possible."
-  (let ((env (LaTeX-current-environment))
+  (let ((env "empheq")
         amsenv ncols match)
@@ -243,7 +205,7 @@ number of ampersands if possible."
       (re-search-forward "[ \t\n\r%]*{\\([^}]+\\)}")
       (setq match (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n\r%]" ""
-                                                (match-string-no-properties 
+                                            (match-string-no-properties 1)))
       (if (string-match "=" match)
             (setq amsenv (car (split-string match "=")))
@@ -251,19 +213,17 @@ number of ampersands if possible."
         (setq amsenv match)))
     ;; Do not ask for "\\" if in "equation" or "equation*" since these
     ;; are single line equations only
-    (if (or (string= amsenv "equation")
-            (string= amsenv "equation*"))
+    (if (member amsenv '("equation" "equation*"))
         ;; Nullify the effect of `M-RET'
           (message "This environment does not support multi-line equations")
           (end-of-line 0)
           (kill-line 1))
-      (progn
-        (end-of-line 0)
-        (just-one-space)
-        (TeX-insert-macro "\\")
-        (forward-line 1)
-        (indent-according-to-mode)))
+      (end-of-line 0)
+      (just-one-space)
+      (TeX-insert-macro "\\")
+      (forward-line 1)
+      (indent-according-to-mode))
     ;; Add a new label only if not in "equation"
     (when (and (not (string= amsenv "equation"))
                (assoc amsenv LaTeX-label-alist)
@@ -272,7 +232,7 @@ number of ampersands if possible."
     (when ncols
-        (insert (make-string (+ ncols ncols -1) ?&))))))
+        (insert-char ?& (+ ncols ncols -1))))))
@@ -285,7 +245,11 @@ number of ampersands if possible."
    (TeX-run-style-hooks "amsmath" "mathtools")
-    '("empheq" LaTeX-empheq-env))
+    '("empheq" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options)]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-empheq-supported-amsmath-envs
+                               "amsmath environment")
+      LaTeX-empheq-env))
    ;; Add "empheq" to `LaTeX-item-list' and run
    ;; `LaTeX-empheq-item-equation' when `M-RET' is invoked
@@ -365,18 +329,53 @@ number of ampersands if possible."
    (when (or (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "empheq" "overload")
              (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "empheq" "overload2"))
-      '("align"      LaTeX-empheq-env-overload)
-      '("alignat"    LaTeX-empheq-env-overload)
-      '("equation"   LaTeX-empheq-env-overload)
-      '("flalign"    LaTeX-empheq-env-overload)
-      '("gather"     LaTeX-empheq-env-overload)
-      '("multline"   LaTeX-empheq-env-overload)
-      '("align*"     LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val 
-      '("alignat*"   LaTeX-empheq-env-overload)
-      '("equation*"  LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val 
-      '("flalign*"   LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val 
-      '("gather*"    LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val 
-      '("multline*"  LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val 
+      '("align"      LaTeX-env-label-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      `("alignat"    LaTeX-env-args
+        "Number of columns"
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"]
+        ,(lambda (_)
+           (goto-char TeX-exit-mark)
+           (beginning-of-line)
+           (LaTeX-item-equation-alignat t)
+           (end-of-line 0)
+           (indent-according-to-mode)
+           (goto-char TeX-exit-mark)))
+      '("equation"   LaTeX-env-label-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      '("flalign"    LaTeX-env-label-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      '("gather"     LaTeX-env-label-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      '("multline"   LaTeX-env-label-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      '("align*"     LaTeX-env-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      `("alignat*"   LaTeX-env-args
+        "Number of columns"
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"]
+        ,(lambda (_)
+           (goto-char TeX-exit-mark)
+           (LaTeX-item-equation-alignat t)))
+      '("equation*"  LaTeX-env-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      '("flalign*"   LaTeX-env-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      '("gather*"    LaTeX-env-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
+      '("multline*"  LaTeX-env-args
+        [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-empheq-key-val-options) "empheq options"])
       ;; Original definitions are stored prefixed with "AmS"
       '("AmSalign"      LaTeX-env-label)
@@ -404,14 +403,13 @@ number of ampersands if possible."
      ;; RefTeX support: Add original definitions with 
      (when (fboundp 'reftex-add-label-environments)
-       (let ((envs '(("AmSalign"     ?e nil nil eqnarray-like)
-                     ("AmSequation"  ?e nil nil t)
-                     ("AmSgather"    ?e nil nil eqnarray-like)
-                     ("AmSmultline"  ?e nil nil t)
-                     ("AmSflalign"   ?e nil nil eqnarray-like)
-                     ("AmSalignat"   ?e nil nil alignat-like))))
-         (dolist (env envs)
-           (reftex-add-label-environments `(,env)))))
+       (reftex-add-label-environments
+        '(("AmSalign"     ?e nil nil eqnarray-like)
+          ("AmSequation"  ?e nil nil t)
+          ("AmSgather"    ?e nil nil eqnarray-like)
+          ("AmSmultline"  ?e nil nil t)
+          ("AmSflalign"   ?e nil nil eqnarray-like)
+          ("AmSalignat"   ?e nil nil alignat-like))))
      ;; Append original definitions to `LaTeX-item-list'; functions
      ;; are provided by amsmath.el
@@ -441,25 +439,25 @@ number of ampersands if possible."
    ;; 4.1 Creating your own delimiters
-    '("DeclareLeftDelimiter"
+    `("DeclareLeftDelimiter"
       [ "Space adjustment" ]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((delim (TeX-read-string (concat "Delimiter: " TeX-esc))))
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((delim (TeX-read-string
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Delimiter: \\" t))))
            (TeX-add-symbols (concat "empheq" delim)
                             (concat "empheqbig" delim))
            (LaTeX-add-empheq-declaredelimiters `(,delim "Left"))
-           (concat TeX-esc delim)))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert delim optional TeX-esc))))
-    '("DeclareRightDelimiter"
+    `("DeclareRightDelimiter"
       [ "Space adjustment" ]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((delim (TeX-read-string (concat "Delimiter: " TeX-esc))))
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((delim (TeX-read-string
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Delimiter: \\" t))))
            (TeX-add-symbols (concat "empheq" delim)
                             (concat "empheqbig" delim))
            (LaTeX-add-empheq-declaredelimiters `(,delim "Right"))
-           (concat TeX-esc delim))))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert delim optional TeX-esc)))))
    ;; 4.2 Fine-tuning of delimiters
    (LaTeX-add-lengths "EmphEqdelimitershortfall")
diff --git a/style/enumitem.el b/style/enumitem.el
index f8e8737b..5c120e33 100644
--- a/style/enumitem.el
+++ b/style/enumitem.el
@@ -238,8 +238,7 @@
        `(,env LaTeX-env-item-args
               [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-enumitem-key-val-options)]))
       ;; Tell AUCTeX about parsed description like environments.
-      (when (or (string-equal type "description")
-                (string-equal type "description*"))
+      (when (member type '("description" "description*"))
         (add-to-list 'LaTeX-item-list `(,env . LaTeX-item-argument)))
       ;; Add new env's to `ispell-tex-skip-alist': skip the opt. arg:
       (TeX-ispell-skip-setcdr `((,env ispell-tex-arg-end 0))))))
@@ -343,25 +342,29 @@ macro.  Insert the value in brackets if OPTIONAL is 
     ;; But we go the extra mile to improve the user experience and add
     ;; the arguments directly to appropriate lists.
     ;; \newlist{<name>}{<type>}{<max-depth>}
-    '("newlist"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((name (TeX-read-string "Name: "))
-               (type (completing-read
-                      "Type: "
-                      (mapcar #'cadr (LaTeX-enumitem-newlist-list))))
-               (depth (TeX-read-string "Max-depth: ")))
-           (when (or (string-equal type "description")
-                     (string-equal type "description*"))
-             (add-to-list 'LaTeX-item-list `(,name . LaTeX-item-argument)))
+    `("newlist"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((name (TeX-read-string
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Name"))))
             `(,name LaTeX-env-item-args
                     [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-enumitem-key-val-options)]))
-           (LaTeX-add-enumitem-newlists (list name type))
            (TeX-ispell-skip-setcdr `((,name ispell-tex-arg-end 0)))
-           (TeX-argument-insert name nil)
-           (TeX-argument-insert type nil)
-           (format "%s" depth)))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert name optional)))
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar #'cadr
+                                          (LaTeX-enumitem-newlist-list)))
+                               "Type")
+      "Max-depth"
+      ,(lambda (_optional)
+         (save-excursion
+           (re-search-backward "\\\\newlist{\\([^}]+\\)}{\\([^}]+\\)}"
+                               (line-beginning-position) t))
+         (let ((name (match-string-no-properties 1))
+               (type (match-string-no-properties 2)))
+           (when (member type '("description" "description*"))
+             (add-to-list 'LaTeX-item-list `(,name . LaTeX-item-argument)))
+           (LaTeX-add-enumitem-newlists (list name type)))))
     ;; \renewlist{<name>}{<type>}{<max-depth>}
@@ -428,8 +431,7 @@ macro.  Insert the value in brackets if OPTIONAL is 
             (dolist (env-type (LaTeX-enumitem-newlist-list))
               (let ((env   (car env-type))
                     (type  (cadr env-type)))
-                (when (or (string-equal type "enumerate")
-                          (string-equal type "enumerate*"))
+                (when (member type '("enumerate" "enumerate*"))
                   (push env enums))))
        "List name"))
diff --git a/style/fancyvrb.el b/style/fancyvrb.el
index 6703a30e..ccf68d2a 100644
--- a/style/fancyvrb.el
+++ b/style/fancyvrb.el
@@ -308,13 +308,14 @@ RECUSTOM is non-nil, delete macros from the variable
                 [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
-                (TeX-arg-eval
-                 (lambda ()
+                ,(lambda (optional)
                    (let ((name (TeX-read-string
-                                (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Save name"))))
+                                (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Save 
                      (LaTeX-add-fancyvrb-saveverbs name)
-                     (format "%s" name))))
-                TeX-arg-verb))
+                     (TeX-argument-insert name optional)))
+                (TeX-arg-conditional (member "fvextra" (TeX-style-list))
+                    (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
+                  (TeX-arg-verb))))
              (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-add-keywords)
                         (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
                (font-latex-add-keywords `((,mac-name "[{"))
@@ -333,16 +334,23 @@ RECUSTOM is non-nil, delete macros from the variable
                 [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
-                TeX-arg-verb)
+                (TeX-arg-conditional (member "fvextra" (TeX-style-list))
+                    (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
+                  (TeX-arg-verb)))
               ;; Defined macros have a starred version where the
               ;; `showspaces' key is set to true
               `(,(concat mac-name "*")
                 [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
-                TeX-arg-verb))
-             (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims-local
-                          mac-name t)
-             (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims-local
-                          (concat mac-name "*") t)
+                (TeX-arg-conditional (member "fvextra" (TeX-style-list))
+                    (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
+                  (TeX-arg-verb))))
+             (dolist (elt `(,mac-name ,(concat mac-name "*")))
+               (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims-local
+                            elt t))
+             (when (member "fvextra" (TeX-style-list))
+               (dolist (elt `(,mac-name ,(concat mac-name "*")))
+                 (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces-local
+                              elt t)))
              (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-add-keywords)
                         (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
                (font-latex-add-keywords `((,mac-name "*["))
@@ -570,21 +578,15 @@ ENV is the name of current environment as a string."
     ;; Improved verbatim commands
     '("Verb" [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
       (TeX-arg-conditional (member "fvextra" (TeX-style-list))
-                           (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
-                           (TeX-arg-verb)))
+          (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
+        (TeX-arg-verb)))
     ;; \Verb also has a starred version
     '("Verb*" [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
       (TeX-arg-conditional (member "fvextra" (TeX-style-list))
-                           (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
-                           (TeX-arg-verb)))
-    '("DefineShortVerb" (TeX-arg-eval
-                         TeX-read-string
-                         (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Character")
-                         TeX-esc))
-    '("UndefineShortVerb" (TeX-arg-eval
-                           TeX-read-string
-                           (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Character")
-                           TeX-esc))
+          (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
+        (TeX-arg-verb)))
+    `("DefineShortVerb" (TeX-arg-string "Character" ,TeX-esc))
+    `("UndefineShortVerb" (TeX-arg-string "Character" ,TeX-esc))
     ;; Verbatim environments
     '("fvset" (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)))
     ;; Changing individual line formatting
@@ -611,17 +613,16 @@ ENV is the name of current environment as a string."
       (LaTeX-fancyvrb-arg-define-macro nil t))
     ;; Saving and restoring verbatim text and environments
-    '("SaveVerb"
+    `("SaveVerb"
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((name (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Save name"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Save name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-fancyvrb-saveverbs name)
-           (format "%s" name))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert name optional)))
       (TeX-arg-conditional (member "fvextra" (TeX-style-list))
-                           (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
-                           (TeX-arg-verb)))
+          (TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
+        (TeX-arg-verb)))
     '("UseVerb" (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-fancyvrb-saveverb-list)
                                          "Saved name"))
     ;; \UseVerb also has a starred version
@@ -661,26 +662,16 @@ ENV is the name of current environment as a string."
     '("LVerbatim*" LaTeX-env-args
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
-    '("SaveVerbatim"
-      (lambda (env)
-        (let ((options (TeX-read-key-val t (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)))
-              (name (TeX-read-string "Save name: ")))
-          (LaTeX-insert-environment
-           env
-           (concat
-            (unless (zerop (length options))
-              (concat LaTeX-optop options LaTeX-optcl))
-            (concat TeX-grop name TeX-grcl)))
-          (LaTeX-add-fancyvrb-saveverbatims name))))
-    '("VerbatimOut"
-      (lambda (env)
-        (let ((options (TeX-read-key-val t (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)))
-              (file (TeX-read-string "Output file: ")))
-          (LaTeX-insert-environment
-           env
-           (concat (unless (zerop (length options))
-                     (concat LaTeX-optop options LaTeX-optcl))
-                   (concat TeX-grop file TeX-grcl)))))))
+    `("SaveVerbatim" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((name (TeX-read-string
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Save name"))))
+           (LaTeX-add-fancyvrb-saveverbatims name)
+           (TeX-argument-insert name optional))))
+    '("VerbatimOut" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]
+      "Output file"))
    (let ((envs '("BVerbatim" "BVerbatim*"
                  "LVerbatim" "LVerbatim*"
diff --git a/style/floatrow.el b/style/floatrow.el
index 57596ee7..00c2a4be 100644
--- a/style/floatrow.el
+++ b/style/floatrow.el
@@ -296,7 +296,20 @@
   ;; Process new float commands like \ffigbox:
   (when (LaTeX-floatrow-newfloatcommand-list)
     (dolist (cmd (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-floatrow-newfloatcommand-list)))
-      (TeX-add-symbols `(,cmd LaTeX-floatrow-arg-floatbox))
+      (TeX-add-symbols
+       `(,cmd
+         [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                     (mapcar (lambda (x)(concat TeX-esc (car 
+                                             (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                                  "Width"]
+         [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                     (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                               (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                             (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                                  "Height"]
+         [TeX-arg-completing-read ("t" "c" "b" "s")
+                                  "Vertical alignment"]
+         LaTeX-floatrow-arg-floatbox))
       (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
                  (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
         (font-latex-add-keywords `((,cmd "[[["))
@@ -355,44 +368,10 @@
 (defun LaTeX-floatrow-arg-floatbox (optional)
   "Query and insert arguments of float box commands from floatrow.sty.
 If OPTIONAL is non-nil, indicate optional argument during query."
-  ;; Query for the optional arguments; ask for "vertpos" only if
-  ;; "height" is given.  let-bind `TeX-arg-*-brace' for
-  ;; `TeX-argument-insert':
-  (let* ((TeX-arg-opening-brace "[")
-         (TeX-arg-closing-brace "]")
-         (TeX-last-optional-rejected nil)
-         (width (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style
-                 (completing-read
-                  (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Width")
-                  (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
-                          (LaTeX-length-list)))))
-         (TeX-last-optional-rejected (or (not width)
-                                         (and width (string= width ""))))
-         (height (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style
-                  (completing-read
-                   (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Height")
-                   (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
-                           (LaTeX-length-list)))))
-         (TeX-last-optional-rejected (or (not height)
-                                         (and height (string= height ""))))
-         (vertpos (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style
-                   (if (string= height "")
-                       ""
-                     (completing-read
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Vertical alignment")
-                      '("t" "c" "b" "s"))))))
-    (and width (TeX-argument-insert width t))
-    ;; Insert an extra pair of brackets if only `height' is given,
-    ;; otherwise it will become `width'
-    (when (and width (string= width "")
-               height (not (string= height "")))
-      (insert "[]"))
-    (and height (TeX-argument-insert height t))
-    (and vertpos (TeX-argument-insert vertpos t)))
-  ;; Now query for the (short-)caption.  Also check for the
-  ;; float-type; if we're inside (sub)?floatrow*?, then check for the
-  ;; next outer environment:
-  (let* ((currenv (if (string-match "floatrow\\*?\\_>" 
+  ;; Query for the (short-)caption.  Also check for the float-type; if
+  ;; we're inside (sub)?floatrow*?, then check for the next outer
+  ;; environment:
+  (let* ((currenv (if (string-match "floatrow\\*?\\'" 
                       (LaTeX-current-environment 2)
          (caption (TeX-read-string
@@ -561,23 +540,48 @@ only the parsed items."
     ;; 2.1 The \floatbox Macro
     ;; \floatbox[<preamble>]{<captype>}[<width>][<height>][<vert 
-    '("floatbox"
+    `("floatbox"
       [TeX-arg-completing-read ("\\capbeside" "\\nocapbeside" "\\captop")
       (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-floatrow-supported-float-types
                                "Float type")
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Width"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Height"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ("t" "c" "b" "s")
+                               "Vertical alignment"]
     ;; 2.2 Creation of Personal Commands for Float Boxes
-    '("newfloatcommand"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newfloatcommand"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((cmd (TeX-read-string
-                     (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Command"))))
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Command"))))
            (LaTeX-add-floatrow-newfloatcommands cmd)
-            `(,cmd LaTeX-floatrow-arg-floatbox))
-           (format "%s" cmd))))
+            `(,cmd [TeX-arg-completing-read
+                    ,(lambda ()
+                       (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                 (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                               (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                    "Width"]
+                   [TeX-arg-completing-read
+                    ,(lambda ()
+                       (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                 (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                               (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                    "Height"]
+                   [TeX-arg-completing-read ("t" "c" "b" "s")
+                                            "Vertical alignment"]
+                   LaTeX-floatrow-arg-floatbox))
+           (TeX-argument-insert cmd optional)))
       (TeX-arg-completing-read ("figure" "table") "Float type")
       [ 2 ])
@@ -588,13 +592,49 @@ only the parsed items."
       [ 2 ])
     ;; 2.2.2 Predefined Float Box Commands
-    '("ffigbox"
+    `("ffigbox"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Width"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Height"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ("t" "c" "b" "s")
+                               "Vertical alignment"]
-    '("ttabbox"
+    `("ttabbox"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Width"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Height"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ("t" "c" "b" "s")
+                               "Vertical alignment"]
-    '("fcapside"
+    `("fcapside"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Width"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                            (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                                          (LaTeX-length-list)))
+                               "Height"]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ("t" "c" "b" "s")
+                               "Vertical alignment"]
     ;; 2.3.1 Mixed Row
diff --git a/style/fontspec.el b/style/fontspec.el
index 90018a21..a19d5ce5 100644
--- a/style/fontspec.el
+++ b/style/fontspec.el
@@ -390,18 +390,16 @@ to appropriate keys which are eventually prepended to
                                "Existing feature")
       "New name")
-    '("aliasfontfeatureoption"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let* ((key (completing-read
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Feature")
-                      (LaTeX-fontspec-font-features)))
-                (val (completing-read
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Existing name")
-                      (cadr (assoc key (LaTeX-fontspec-font-features))))))
-           (TeX-argument-insert key nil)
-           (format "%s" val))))
-      "New name") )
+    `("aliasfontfeatureoption"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-fontspec-font-features) "Feature")
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read
+       ,(lambda ()
+          (save-excursion
+            (re-search-backward "\\\\aliasfontfeatureoption{\\([^}]+\\)}"
+                                (line-beginning-position) t))
+          (cadr (assoc (match-string-no-properties 1)
+                       (LaTeX-fontspec-font-features)))))
+      "New Name") )
     ;; 4.6 Strong emphasis
diff --git a/style/footmisc.el b/style/footmisc.el
index 2fb0385f..02dd833d 100644
--- a/style/footmisc.el
+++ b/style/footmisc.el
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
                   (keywords class))
+(defvar LaTeX-footmisc-fnsymbols-set '("bringhurst" "chicago" "wiley"
+                                       "lamport" "lamport*")
+  "Sets of footnote symbols provided by the footmisc package.")
  (lambda ()
@@ -47,34 +51,24 @@
     ;; 1.7 The \setfnsymbol and \DefineFNsymbols commands
-      (TeX-arg-completing-read ("bringhurst" "chicago" "wiley"
-                                "lamport" "lamport*")
-                               "Name")
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-footmisc-fnsymbols-set "Name")
       [TeX-arg-completing-read ("text" "math") "Style"]
-      (TeX-arg-completing-read ("bringhurst" "chicago" "wiley"
-                                "lamport" "lamport*")
-                               "Name")
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-footmisc-fnsymbols-set "Name")
       [TeX-arg-completing-read ("text" "math") "Style"]
     ;; These two commands define both text and math variants of the
     ;; footnote symbols
-      (TeX-arg-completing-read ("bringhurst" "chicago" "wiley"
-                                "lamport" "lamport*")
-                               "Name")
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-footmisc-fnsymbols-set "Name")
-      (TeX-arg-completing-read ("bringhurst" "chicago" "wiley"
-                                "lamport" "lamport*")
-                               "Name")
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-footmisc-fnsymbols-set "Name")
-      (TeX-arg-completing-read ("bringhurst" "chicago" "wiley"
-                                "lamport" "lamport*")
-                               "Name"))
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-footmisc-fnsymbols-set "Name"))
     ;; 1.11 Option hang
@@ -85,8 +79,6 @@
     ;; 1.16 User interface
-    ;; The following command references a label inside in a footnote
-    '("footref" TeX-arg-ref)
    ;; 1.9 Option marginal
@@ -103,9 +95,7 @@
      (font-latex-add-keywords '(("DefineFNsymbols"   "*{[{")
                                 ("DefineFNsymbolsTM" "*{{")
                                 ("setfnsymbol"       "{"))
-                              'function)
-     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("footref"))
-                              'reference)))
+                              'function)))
 (defvar LaTeX-footmisc-package-options '("perpage" "side" "ragged"
diff --git a/style/fvextra.el b/style/fvextra.el
index 3bb11e81..c74baf13 100644
--- a/style/fvextra.el
+++ b/style/fvextra.el
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This file adds support for `fvextra.sty' (v1.4) from 2019/02/04.
+;; This file adds support for `fvextra.sty' (v1.5) from 2022/11/30.
 ;; `fvextra.sty' is part of TeXLive.
 ;;; Code:
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     ("tabcolor" ("none"))
     ;; 7.1 Line breaking options
     ("breakafter" ("none"))
-    ("breakaftergroup" ("true" "false"))
+    ("breakafterinrun" ("true" "false"))
     ("breakanywhere" ("true" "false"))
@@ -83,12 +83,13 @@
     ("breakautoindent" ("true" "false"))
-    ("breakbeforegroup" ("true" "false"))
+    ("breakbeforeinrun" ("true" "false"))
     ("breaklines" ("true" "false"))
+    ("breaknonspaceingroup" ("true" "false"))
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@
     '("fvinlineset" (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)))
     ;; 4.2 Line and text formatting
+    "FancyVerbFormatInline"
     ;; 6 New commands and environments
@@ -136,6 +138,16 @@
+   ;; 6.2 VerbEnv environment
+   (LaTeX-add-environments
+    '("VerbEnv" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-fancyvrb-key-val-options)]))
+   ;; Filling
+   (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local "VerbEnv")
+   (add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list)
+                '("VerbEnv" current-indentation) t)
    ;; Add \Verb*? and \EscVerb*? to
    ;; `LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces-local':
    (let ((macs '("Verb" "Verb*"
diff --git a/style/geometry.el b/style/geometry.el
index cc93d840..f1cab730 100644
--- a/style/geometry.el
+++ b/style/geometry.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; geometry.el --- AUCTeX style for `geometry.sty' (v5.6)  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2015, 2018, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -113,27 +113,24 @@ package.")
    ;; geometry commands:
-    '("geometry"
-      (TeX-arg-eval TeX-read-key-val nil
-                    (append LaTeX-geometry-preamble-key-val-options
-                            LaTeX-geometry-always-key-val-options)))
+    `("geometry"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val ,(append LaTeX-geometry-preamble-key-val-options
+                                LaTeX-geometry-always-key-val-options)))
       (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-geometry-always-key-val-options))
     '("restoregeometry" 0)
-    '("savegeometry"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((name (TeX-read-string "Name: ")))
+    `("savegeometry"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((name (TeX-read-string
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-geometry-savegeometries name)
-           (format "%s" name)))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert name optional))))
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (completing-read "Name: "
-                          (LaTeX-geometry-savegeometry-list))))))
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-geometry-savegeometry-list)
+                               "Name")))
    ;; Fontification
    (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
diff --git a/style/graphics.el b/style/graphics.el
index 4cdd31c1..d7f2682d 100644
--- a/style/graphics.el
+++ b/style/graphics.el
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 (TeX-load-style "graphicx")
 (defvar LaTeX-graphics-package-options LaTeX-graphicx-package-options)
-(TeX-add-style-hook "graphics"
- (function
-  (lambda ()
-    (TeX-run-style-hooks "graphicx")))
+ "graphics"
+ (lambda ()
+   (TeX-run-style-hooks "graphicx"))
 ;;; graphics.el ends here.
diff --git a/style/graphicx.el b/style/graphicx.el
index 36e8dada..bc0dd8fc 100644
--- a/style/graphicx.el
+++ b/style/graphicx.el
@@ -66,6 +66,25 @@
   "Key=value options for graphicx macros.")
+(defun LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options ()
+  "Return an updated list of key=vals from graphicx package.
+If `TeX-engine' is set to symbol `default' (while
+`TeX-PDF-from-DVI' is set to nil) or `luatex' and `TeX-PDF-mode'
+is non-nil, add the keys \"page\" and \"pagebox\" to list of
+  (if (and (or (and (eq TeX-engine 'default)
+                    (not (TeX-PDF-from-DVI)))
+               (eq TeX-engine 'luatex)
+               ;; dvipdfmx can handle page and
+               ;; pagebox options.
+               (string= (TeX-PDF-from-DVI) "Dvipdfmx"))
+           TeX-PDF-mode)
+      (append '(("page")
+                ("pagebox" ("mediabox" "cropbox" "bleedbox"
+                            "trimbox" "artbox")))
+              LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options)
+    LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options))
 (defvar LaTeX-includegraphics-dvips-extensions
   '("eps" "mps" "EPS")
   "List of extensions for image files supported by \"dvips\".")
@@ -82,42 +101,6 @@
     "BMP" "PICT" "PSD" "MAC" "TGA" "GIF" "TIF" "TIFF")
   "List of extensions for image files supported by \"xetex\".")
-(defun LaTeX-arg-graphicx-includegraphics-key-val (optional)
-  "Insert key-val for optional argument of \\includegraphics macro.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert argument in square brackets.
-Temporarily remove \"space\" from `crm-local-completion-map' and
-`minibuffer-local-completion-map' in order to be able to insert
-spaces conveniently.
-If `TeX-engine' is set to symbol `default' (while
-`TeX-PDF-from-DVI' is set to nil) or `luatex' and `TeX-PDF-mode'
-is non-nil, add the keys \"page\" and \"pagebox\" to list of
-  (let ((crm-local-completion-map
-         (remove (assoc 32 crm-local-completion-map)
-                 crm-local-completion-map))
-        (minibuffer-local-completion-map
-         (remove (assoc 32 minibuffer-local-completion-map)
-                 minibuffer-local-completion-map)))
-    (TeX-argument-insert
-     (TeX-read-key-val optional
-                       (if (and (or (and (eq TeX-engine 'default)
-                                         (not (TeX-PDF-from-DVI)))
-                                    (eq TeX-engine 'luatex)
-                                    ;; dvipdfmx can handle page and
-                                    ;; pagebox options.
-                                    (string= (TeX-PDF-from-DVI) "Dvipdfmx"))
-                                TeX-PDF-mode)
-                           (append '(("page")
-                                     ("pagebox" ("mediabox"
-                                                 "cropbox"
-                                                 "bleedbox"
-                                                 "trimbox"
-                                                 "artbox")))
-                                   LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options)
-                         LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options))
-     optional)))
 (defun LaTeX-includegraphics-extensions-list ()
   "Return appropriate extensions for input files to \\includegraphics.
 Return value is a list of regexps."
@@ -272,20 +255,22 @@ subdirectories and inserts the relative file name.  See
     '("rotatebox" (TeX-arg-conditional (member "graphics" (TeX-style-list))
-                                       ()
-                                       ([ TeX-arg-key-val (("x") ("y") 
("origin") ("units")) ]))
+                      ()
+                    ([TeX-arg-key-val (("x") ("y") ("origin") ("units"))]))
       "Angle" "Argument")
     '("scalebox" "Horizontal scale" [ "Vertical scale" ] "Argument")
     '("includegraphics" (TeX-arg-conditional (member "graphics" 
-                                             (["llx,lly"] ["urx,ury"])
-                                             ([ 
LaTeX-arg-graphicx-includegraphics-key-val ]))
+                            (["llx,lly"] ["urx,ury"])
+                          ([TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options)
+                                            nil nil ?\s]))
     '("includegraphics*" (TeX-arg-conditional (member "graphics" 
-                                              (["llx,lly"] ["urx,ury"])
-                                              ([ 
LaTeX-arg-graphicx-includegraphics-key-val ]))
+                             (["llx,lly"] ["urx,ury"])
+                           ([TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options)
+                                             nil nil ?\s]))
     '("graphicspath" t)
diff --git a/style/hologo.el b/style/hologo.el
index 7e460893..edf24dbb 100644
--- a/style/hologo.el
+++ b/style/hologo.el
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'tex)
+(require 'latex)
 ;; Silence the compiler:
 (declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
@@ -106,17 +107,18 @@
                 "space"  "hyphen" "runtogether"))) ; plainTeX
   "Local key=value options for hologo macros.")
-(defun LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name (optional)
-  (if (and (use-region-p)
-           (member (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))
-                   LaTeX-hologo-logo-names))
-      (progn
-        (insert TeX-grop)
-        (goto-char (region-end))
-        (insert TeX-grcl))
-    (TeX-argument-insert
-     (completing-read "Logo name: " LaTeX-hologo-logo-names)
-     optional)))
+(defun LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name ()
+  "Check if region is active and over element from `LaTeX-hologo-logo-names'."
+  (and (use-region-p)
+       (member (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))
+               LaTeX-hologo-logo-names)))
+(defun LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region (_optional)
+  "Wrap region around braces.
+OPTIONAL is ignored."
+  (insert TeX-grop)
+  (goto-char (region-end))
+  (insert TeX-grcl))
@@ -124,35 +126,40 @@
     ;; Insert logo macros
-    '("hologo" LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name)
-    '("Hologo" LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name)
+    `("hologo"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name)
+          (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region)
+        ((TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-hologo-logo-names "Logo name"))))
+    `("Hologo"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name)
+          (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region)
+        ((TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-hologo-logo-names "Logo name"))))
     ;; Setup macros
     '("hologoSetup" (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-global))
-    '("hologoLogoSetup"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let* ((logo   (completing-read "Logo name: " 
-                (keyval (TeX-read-key-val
-                         nil
-                         (cond ((string= logo "BibTeX")
-                                (append '(("variant" ("sf" "sc")))
-                                        LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-global))
-                               ((string= logo "ConTeXt")
-                                (append '(("variant" ("narrow" "simple")))
-                                        LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-global))
-                               ((string= logo "plainTeX")
-                                (append '(("variant" ("space" "hyphen" 
-                                        LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-global))
-                               ((or (string= logo "SLiTeX")
-                                    (string= logo "SliTeX"))
-                                (append '(("variant" ("lift" "narrow" "lift")))
-                                        LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-global))
-                               (t
-                                LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-global)))))
-           (TeX-argument-insert logo nil)
-           (format "%s" keyval)))))
+    `("hologoLogoSetup"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-hologo-logo-names "Logo name")
+      (TeX-arg-key-val ,(lambda ()
+                          (save-excursion
+                            (re-search-backward 
+                                                (line-beginning-position) t))
+                          (let ((logo (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+                            (cond ((string= logo "BibTeX")
+                                   (append '(("variant" ("sf" "sc")))
+                                  ((string= logo "ConTeXt")
+                                   (append '(("variant" ("narrow" "simple")))
+                                  ((string= logo "plainTeX")
+                                   (append '(("variant" ("space" "hyphen" 
+                                  ((or (string= logo "SLiTeX")
+                                       (string= logo "SliTeX"))
+                                   (append '(("variant" ("lift" "narrow" 
+                                  (t
+                                   LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-global))))))
     '("hologoDriverSetup" (TeX-arg-completing-read
                            ("pdftex"  "luatex"
@@ -165,47 +172,44 @@
       (TeX-arg-key-val (("general") ("bibsf")
                         ("rm") ("sc") ("sf") ("sy") ("logo"))))
-    '("hologoLogoFontSetup"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let* ((logo   (completing-read "Logo name: "
-                                         '("BibTeX"
-                                           "ExTeX"
-                                           "SliTeX"
-                                           "AmS"
-                                           "NTS"
-                                           "KOMAScript"
-                                           "METAFONT"
-                                           "METAPOST")))
-                (keyval (TeX-read-key-val
-                         nil
-                         (cond ((string= logo "BibTeX")
-                                '(("bibsf") ("sc")))
-                               ((string= logo "ExTeX")
-                                '(("rm") ("sy")))
-                               ((string= logo "SliTeX")
-                                '(("rm") ("sc")))
-                               ((or (string= logo "AmS")
-                                    (string= logo "NTS"))
-                                '(("sy")))
-                               ((string= logo "KOMAScript")
-                                '(("sf")))
-                               ((or (string= logo "METAFONT")
-                                    (string= logo "METAPOST"))
-                                '(("logo")))
-                               (t
-                                nil)))))
-           (TeX-argument-insert logo nil)
-           (format "%s" keyval)))))
+    `("hologoLogoFontSetup"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read ("BibTeX" "ExTeX" "SliTeX" "AmS" "NTS"
+                                "KOMAScript" "METAFONT" "METAPOST")
+                               "Logo name")
+      (TeX-arg-key-val ,(lambda ()
+                          (save-excursion
+                            (re-search-backward 
+                                                (line-beginning-position) t))
+                          (let ((logo (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+                            (cond ((string= logo "BibTeX")
+                                   '(("bibsf") ("sc")))
+                                  ((string= logo "ExTeX")
+                                   '(("rm") ("sy")))
+                                  ((string= logo "SliTeX")
+                                   '(("rm") ("sc")))
+                                  ((or (string= logo "AmS")
+                                       (string= logo "NTS"))
+                                   '(("sy")))
+                                  ((string= logo "KOMAScript")
+                                   '(("sf")))
+                                  ((or (string= logo "METAFONT")
+                                       (string= logo "METAPOST"))
+                                   '(("logo")))
+                                  (t
+                                   nil))))))
     ;; Additional user macros
-      LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name
+      (TeX-arg-conditional (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name)
+          (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region)
+        ((TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-hologo-logo-names "Logo name")))
       (TeX-arg-key-val ,(append LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-local
-      LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name
+      (TeX-arg-conditional (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region-or-query-logo-name)
+          (LaTeX-hologo--arg-use-region)
+        ((TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-hologo-logo-names "Logo name")))
       (TeX-arg-key-val ,(append LaTeX-hologo-key-val-options-local
diff --git a/style/hyperref.el b/style/hyperref.el
index c225359b..7c123a91 100644
--- a/style/hyperref.el
+++ b/style/hyperref.el
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
     '("hypersetup" (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-package-options-list))
-    '("href" [ (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-href-options) ] "URL" "Text")
+    '("href" [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-href-options] "URL" "Text")
     ;; Completion for \url is provided via url.el.  Hence the entry in
     ;; this style is commented:
     ;; '("url" "URL" ignore)
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@
     '("hyperdef" "Category" "Name" "Text")
       (TeX-arg-conditional (y-or-n-p "Insert a label and text? ")
-                           ([TeX-arg-ref] "Text")
-                           ("URL" "Category" "Name" "Text")))
+          ([TeX-arg-ref] "Text")
+        ("URL" "Category" "Name" "Text")))
     '("hyperlink" "Name" "Text")
     '("hypertarget" "Name" "Text")
     '("phantomsection" 0)
@@ -258,12 +258,12 @@
     ;; The next 6 macros take Key-vals defined in
     ;; "LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options".  For an example, see
-    '("TextField"  [ (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options) ] "Label")
-    '("CheckBox"   [ (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options) ] "Label")
-    '("ChoiceMenu" [ (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options) ] "Label" 
-    '("PushButton" [ (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options) ] "Label")
-    '("Submit"     [ (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options) ] "Label")
-    '("Reset"      [ (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options) ] "Label")
+    '("TextField"  [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options] "Label")
+    '("CheckBox"   [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options] "Label")
+    '("ChoiceMenu" [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options] "Label" 
+    '("PushButton" [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options] "Label")
+    '("Submit"     [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options] "Label")
+    '("Reset"      [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-hyperref-forms-options] "Label")
     '("LayoutTextField" "Label" "Field")
     '("LayoutChoiceField" "Label" "Field")
     '("LayoutCheckField" "Label" "Field")
diff --git a/style/ifthen.el b/style/ifthen.el
index 6610f88e..0650975e 100644
--- a/style/ifthen.el
+++ b/style/ifthen.el
@@ -31,33 +31,29 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'tex)
+(require 'latex)
 ;; Silence the compiler:
 (declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
                   (keywords class))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-ifthen-test (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Query and insert skeleton for a test in ifthen macros."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Test")
-    '("<" "=" ">"
-      "\\isodd{}"
-      "\\isundefined{}"
-      "\\equal{}{}"
-      "\\lengthtest{<}"
-      "\\lengthtest{=}"
-      "\\lengthtest{>}"
-      "\\boolean{}"))
-   optional))
+(defvar LaTeX-ifthen-test '("<" "=" ">"
+                            "\\isodd{}"
+                            "\\isundefined{}"
+                            "\\equal{}{}"
+                            "\\lengthtest{<}"
+                            "\\lengthtest{=}"
+                            "\\lengthtest{>}"
+                            "\\boolean{}")
+  "List of tests in ifthen macros.")
  (lambda ()
-    '("ifthenelse" LaTeX-arg-ifthen-test t nil)
-    '("whiledo"    LaTeX-arg-ifthen-test t)
+    '("ifthenelse" (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-ifthen-test "Test") t nil)
+    '("whiledo"    (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-ifthen-test "Test") t)
diff --git a/style/l3doc.el b/style/l3doc.el
index de11ee0f..a13f2179 100644
--- a/style/l3doc.el
+++ b/style/l3doc.el
@@ -186,13 +186,7 @@ For syntax environment from l3doc class."
     '("NB" "Tag" t)
-    '("DocInput"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((file (TeX-read-string
-                      (format "File(s) to include (default %s): " 
-                      nil nil (current-buffer))))
-           (format "%s" file)))))
+    ;; "DocInput": This macro is supplied in `doc.el'
     ;; 4.5 Describing functions in the implementation
     '("TestFiles" "File(s)")
@@ -245,9 +239,7 @@ For syntax environment from l3doc class."
                                 ("TestFiles"             "{")
                                 ("UnitTested"            "")
                                 ("TestMissing"           "{"))
-                              'function)
-     (font-latex-add-keywords '("DocInput" "{")
-                              'reference)))
+                              'function)))
 (defvar LaTeX-l3doc-class-options
diff --git a/style/listings.el b/style/listings.el
index 43d1c191..d9352fc7 100644
--- a/style/listings.el
+++ b/style/listings.el
@@ -412,12 +412,12 @@ caption key is found, an error is issued."
    ;; New symbols
     '("lstalias" ["Alias dialect"] "Alias" ["Dialect"] "Language")
-    '("lstdefinestyle"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((name (TeX-read-string "Style name: ")))
+    `("lstdefinestyle"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
+         (let ((name (TeX-read-string
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Style name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-listings-lstdefinestyles name)
-           (format "%s" name))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert name optional)))
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-listings-key-val-options)))
     '("lstinline" [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-listings-key-val-options)]
diff --git a/style/ltablex.el b/style/ltablex.el
index 1a6c0148..828abfce 100644
--- a/style/ltablex.el
+++ b/style/ltablex.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; ltablex.el --- AUCTeX style for `ltablex.sty' (v1.1)  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2015, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
 ;;; Code:
+;; Silence the compiler:
+(declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
+                  "font-latex"
+                  (keywords class))
 (require 'tex)
@@ -42,7 +47,14 @@
    (TeX-run-style-hooks "tabularx" "longtable")
     '("keepXColumns" 0)
-    '("convertXColumns" 0)))
+    '("convertXColumns" 0))
+   ;; Fontification
+   (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
+              (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("keepXColumns"    "")
+                                ("convertXColumns" ""))
+                              'function)))
 (defvar LaTeX-ltablex-package-options nil
diff --git a/style/ltugboat.el b/style/ltugboat.el
index 92811dde..67d58e63 100644
--- a/style/ltugboat.el
+++ b/style/ltugboat.el
@@ -40,23 +40,6 @@
                   (keywords class))
-(defun LaTeX-env-ltugboat-verbatim (environment)
-  "Insert verbatim environment with an optional argument."
-  (let* ((crm-separator (regexp-quote TeX-esc))
-         (opts (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (TeX-completing-read-multiple
-                           (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "command(s)")
-                           '("\\tiny"  "\\scriptsize" "\\footnotesize"
-                             "\\small" "\\normalsize" "\\large"
-                             "\\Large" "\\LARGE"      "\\huge"
-                             "\\Huge"  "\\makevmeta"  "\\ruled")
-                           nil nil TeX-esc)
-                          TeX-esc)))
-    (LaTeX-insert-environment environment
-                              (when (and opts
-                                         (not (string= opts "")))
-                                (concat LaTeX-optop opts LaTeX-optcl)))))
  (lambda ()
@@ -106,7 +89,14 @@
    ;; 8 Verbatim text
-    '("verbatim" LaTeX-env-ltugboat-verbatim))
+    `("verbatim" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple ("tiny"  "scriptsize" "footnotesize"
+                                         "small" "normalsize" "large"
+                                         "Large" "LARGE"      "huge"
+                                         "Huge"  "makevmeta"  "ruled")
+                                        "Command(s)" nil nil
+                                        ,(regexp-quote TeX-esc)
+                                        ,TeX-esc nil nil nil nil ,TeX-esc]))
    ;; 10.1 Acronyms and logos
diff --git a/style/ltxdoc.el b/style/ltxdoc.el
index 48040c46..112a9b2b 100644
--- a/style/ltxdoc.el
+++ b/style/ltxdoc.el
@@ -56,17 +56,17 @@
     '("oarg" "Optional argument")
     '("parg" "Picture mode argument")
-    '("DocInclude"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("DocInclude"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((file (file-relative-name
-                       "File to include: " nil nil nil nil
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "File to include")
+                       nil nil nil nil
                        (lambda (x)
                          (or (file-directory-p x)
                              (string-match "\\.\\(fdd\\|dtx\\)\\'" x))))
-           (format "%s" file))))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert file optional)))))
    ;; Fontification
    (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
diff --git a/style/ltxtable.el b/style/ltxtable.el
index 51b9b025..3a0b97ea 100644
--- a/style/ltxtable.el
+++ b/style/ltxtable.el
@@ -58,19 +58,18 @@ The regexp for the 2. argument is the same as for \"input\" 
    (TeX-run-style-hooks "tabularx" "longtable")
-    '("LTXtable"
+    `("LTXtable"
       (TeX-arg-length "Width" "1.0\\linewidth")
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((longtable (file-relative-name
-                            "File with longtable: "
+                            (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "File with 
                             nil nil nil nil
                             (lambda (x)
                               (or (file-directory-p x)
                                   (string-match "\\.\\(tex\\|ltx\\)\\'" x))))
-           (format "%s" longtable))))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert longtable optional)))))
    ;; Make sure that \LTXtable stays in its own line:
    (LaTeX-paragraph-commands-add-locally "LTXtable")
diff --git a/style/mathtools.el b/style/mathtools.el
index 505c1571..6a7928e9 100644
--- a/style/mathtools.el
+++ b/style/mathtools.el
@@ -129,14 +129,17 @@
     (dolist (delim (LaTeX-mathtools-DeclarePairedDelimiter-list))
       (let ((cmd (car delim))
             (arg (cadr delim)))
-        (TeX-add-symbols `(,cmd [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathsize-completion ]
-                                ,(if (string= arg "")
-                                     1
-                                   (string-to-number arg)))
-                         `(,(concat cmd "*")
-                           ,(if (string= arg "")
-                                1
-                              (string-to-number arg)))))))
+        (TeX-add-symbols
+         `(,cmd
+           [TeX-arg-completing-read ("\\big" "\\Big" "\\bigg" "\\Bigg")
+                                    "Command" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+           ,(if (string= arg "")
+                1
+              (string-to-number arg)))
+         `(,(concat cmd "*")
+           ,(if (string= arg "")
+                1
+              (string-to-number arg)))))))
   (when (LaTeX-mathtools-newgathered-list)
     (dolist (env (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-mathtools-newgathered-list)))
       (LaTeX-add-environments env)
@@ -151,41 +154,30 @@
 (add-hook 'TeX-auto-cleanup-hook #'LaTeX-mathtools-auto-cleanup t)
 (add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t)
-(defun LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion (optional)
-  "Query and insert mathstyle argument to various commands.
-If OPTIONAL, insert it as optional argument in brackets."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil
-                         (concat "Math style: " TeX-esc) t)
-    '("displaystyle" "textstyle"
-      "scriptstyle"  "scriptscriptstyle"))
-   optional TeX-esc))
-(defun LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathsize-completion (optional)
-  "Query and insert math size argument to various commands.
-If OPTIONAL, insert it as optional argument in brackets."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read
-    (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil
-                         (concat "Size command: " TeX-esc) t)
-    '("big" "Big" "bigg" "Bigg"))
-   optional TeX-esc))
+(defvar LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+  '("\\displaystyle" "\\textstyle"
+    "\\scriptstyle"  "\\scriptscriptstyle")
+  "List of math styles supported by the mathtools package.")
 (defun LaTeX-mathtools-arg-declarepaireddelimiter (optional &optional X)
-  "Query and insert various \\DeclarePairedDelimiter macros from mathtools 
+  "Query and insert various \\DeclarePairedDelimiter macros from mathtools 
+If X is non-nil, be aware of the macros \\DeclarePairedDelimiterX
+and \\DeclarePairedDelimiterXPP."
   (let ((cmd (TeX-read-string (concat "Command: " TeX-esc)))
         (arg (when X (TeX-read-string
                       (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Number of arguments")))))
-    (TeX-add-symbols `(,cmd [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathsize-completion ]
-                            ,(if X
-                                 ;; This is no precaution, arg has to be > 0
-                                 (string-to-number arg)
-                               1))
-                     `(,(concat cmd "*")
-                       ,(if X
-                            (string-to-number arg)
-                          1)))
+    (TeX-add-symbols
+     `(,cmd
+       [TeX-arg-completing-read ("\\big" "\\Big" "\\bigg" "\\Bigg")
+                                "Command" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+       ,(if X
+            ;; This is no precaution, arg has to be > 0
+            (string-to-number arg)
+          1))
+     `(,(concat cmd "*")
+       ,(if X
+            (string-to-number arg)
+          1)))
      `(,cmd ,(if X arg "")))
     (TeX-argument-insert cmd optional TeX-esc)
@@ -289,17 +281,38 @@ Put line break macro on the last line.  Next, insert an 
     '("mathtoolsset" (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-mathtools-key-val-options))
     ;; 3.1.1 A complement to \smash, \llap, and \rlap
-    '("mathllap" [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion ] t)
-    '("mathrlap" [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion ] t)
-    '("mathclap" [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion ] t)
-    '("mathmakebox" [ (TeX-arg-length "Width") ] [ "Position" ] 1)
+    '("mathllap"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+                               "Math style" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+      t)
+    '("mathrlap"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+                               "Math style" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+      t)
+    '("mathclap"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+                               "Math style" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+      t)
+    '("mathmakebox" [TeX-arg-length "Width"] [ "Position" ] 1)
     '("clap" 1)
     '("mathmbox" 1)
     ;; 3.1.2 Forcing a cramped style
-    '("cramped" [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion ] 1)
-    '("crampedllap" [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion ] t)
-    '("crampedrlap" [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion ] t)
-    '("crampedclap" [ LaTeX-mathtools-arg-mathstyle-completion ] t)
+    '("cramped"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+                               "Math style" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+      1)
+    '("crampedllap"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+                               "Math style" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+      t)
+    '("crampedrlap"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+                               "Math style" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+      t)
+    '("crampedclap"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-mathtools-mathstyle-list
+                               "Math style" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\"]
+      t)
     ;; 3.1.3 Smashing an operator
     '("smashoperator" [ "Position (l, r or lr (default)" ] 1)
     ;; 3.1.4 Adjusting the limits of operators
@@ -307,13 +320,12 @@ Put line break macro on the last line.  Next, insert an 
     ;; 3.1.5 Swapping space above AMS display math environments
     '("SwapAboveDisplaySkip" 0)
     ;; 3.2.1 The appearance of tags
-    '("newtagform"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newtagform"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((newtag (TeX-read-string
-                        (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Name"))))
+                        (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-mathtools-newtagforms newtag)
-           (format "%s" newtag))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert newtag optional)))
       [ "Inner format" ] "Left" "Right")
       (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-mathtools-newtagform-list) "Name")
@@ -338,17 +350,17 @@ Put line break macro on the last line.  Next, insert an 
     '("xrightleftharpoons" ["Below"] "Above")
     '("xleftrightharpoons" ["Below"] "Above")
     ;; 3.3.2 Braces and brackets
-    '("underbracket" [ (TeX-arg-length "Rule thickness") ]
+    '("underbracket" [TeX-arg-length "Rule thickness"]
       [ (TeX-arg-length "Bracket height") ] t)
-    '("overbracket"  [ (TeX-arg-length "Rule thickness") ]
+    '("overbracket"  [TeX-arg-length "Rule thickness"]
       [ (TeX-arg-length "Bracket height") ] t)
     '("underbrace" 1)
     '("overbrace" 1)
     '("LaTeXunderbrace" 1)
     '("LaTeXoverbrace" 1)
     ;; 3.4.2
-    '("shoveleft"  [ (TeX-arg-length "Dimension") ] 1)
-    '("shoveright" [ (TeX-arg-length "Dimension") ] 1)
+    '("shoveleft"  [TeX-arg-length "Dimension"] 1)
+    '("shoveright" [TeX-arg-length "Dimension"] 1)
     ;; 3.4.4
     '("MoveEqLeft" [ "Number" ])
     ;; 3.4.5 Boxing a single line in an alignment
@@ -377,13 +389,12 @@ Put line break macro on the last line.  Next, insert an 
       "Pre-code" "Left delimiter" "Right delimiter" 2)
     '("delimsize" 0)
     ;; 3.6.1 Expert use
-    '("reDeclarePairedDelimiterInnerWrapper"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((cmd (completing-read
-                     (concat "Command: " TeX-esc)
-                     (mapcar #'car 
-           (concat TeX-esc cmd))))
+    `("reDeclarePairedDelimiterInnerWrapper"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read
+       ,(lambda ()
+          (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat TeX-esc (car x)))
+                  (LaTeX-mathtools-DeclarePairedDelimiter-list)))
+       "Command" nil nil nil nil nil nil "\\")
       (TeX-arg-completing-read ("star" "nostar") "star or nostar")
     ;; 3.7.1 Left and right parentheses
@@ -401,18 +412,17 @@ Put line break macro on the last line.  Next, insert an 
     ;; 4.3 Declaring math sizes
     '("DeclareMathSizes" 4)
     ;; 4.5 Gathered environments
-    '("newgathered"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newgathered"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((env (TeX-read-string
-                     (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Name"))))
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-environments env)
            (LaTeX-add-mathtools-newgathereds env)
            (add-to-list 'LaTeX-item-list
                         `(,env . LaTeX-item-equation) t)
            (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist
                         `(,env . LaTeX-amsmath-label) t)
-           (format "%s" env))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert env optional)))
       (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-mathtools-newgathered-list) "Name")
diff --git a/style/mdframed.el b/style/mdframed.el
index 53981d62..b04f2f37 100644
--- a/style/mdframed.el
+++ b/style/mdframed.el
@@ -276,17 +276,16 @@ and prepends them to variable 
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-mdframed-key-val-options)))
-    '("newmdenv"
+    `("newmdenv"
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-mdframed-key-val-options)]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((env (TeX-read-string
-                     (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment"))))
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
             `(,env LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val 
            ;; Add new env's to `ispell-tex-skip-alist': skip the optional 
            (TeX-ispell-skip-setcdr `((,env ispell-tex-arg-end 0)))
-           (format "%s" env)))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert env optional))))
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-mdframed-key-val-options)]
@@ -306,13 +305,12 @@ and prepends them to variable 
     ;; 5. Defining your own style
-    '("mdfdefinestyle"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("mdfdefinestyle"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((style (TeX-read-string
-                       (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Style name"))))
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Style name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-mdframed-mdfdefinestyles style)
-           (format "%s" style))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert style optional)))
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-mdframed-key-val-options)))
@@ -325,15 +323,14 @@ and prepends them to variable 
     ;; 8. Theorems
-    '("newmdtheoremenv"
+    `("newmdtheoremenv"
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-mdframed-key-val-options)]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthm (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
            (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm (vector "Heading")))
-           (format "%s" nthm))))
-      [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ]
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthm optional)))
+      [TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like"]
       t [ (TeX-arg-eval progn (if (eq (save-excursion
                                         (backward-char 2)
@@ -342,16 +339,15 @@ and prepends them to variable 
                                 (TeX-arg-counter t "Within counter"))
                         "") ])
-    '("mdtheorem"
+    `("mdtheorem"
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-mdframed-key-val-options)]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthm (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
            (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm (vector "Heading"))
                                    (list (concat nthm "*") (vector "Heading")))
-           (format "%s" nthm))))
-      [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ]
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthm optional)))
+      [TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like"]
       t [ (TeX-arg-eval progn (if (eq (save-excursion
                                         (backward-char 2)
diff --git a/style/minted.el b/style/minted.el
index 354213be..a3e721fe 100644
--- a/style/minted.el
+++ b/style/minted.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; minted.el --- AUCTeX style for `minted.sty' (v2.5)  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2014--2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Tassilo Horn <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -132,18 +132,17 @@
     ;; in a .tex file, Emacs asks to apply a variable which is not
     ;; safe and does not restore the window; the splitted frame
     ;; remains.  I couldn't figure out why, so for now, I add the
-    ;; styles from Pygments version 2.11 here.
+    ;; styles from Pygments version 2.14.0 here.
     ("style" ("abap" "algol" "algol_nu" "arduino" "autumn"
               "borland" "bw" "colorful" "default" "dracula"
               "emacs" "friendly" "friendly_grayscale" "fruity"
-              "gruvbox-dark" "gruvbox-light" "igor" "inkpot"
-              "lilypond" "lovelace" "manni" "material"
-              "monokai" "murphy" "native" "one-dark"
-              "paraiso-dark" "paraiso-light" "pastie" "perldoc"
-              "rainbow_dash" "rrt" "sas" "solarized-dark"
-              "solarized-light" "stata-dark" "stata-light"
-              "stata" "tango" "trac" "vim" "vs" "xcode"
-              "zenburn"))
+              "github-dark" "gruvbox-dark" "gruvbox-light"
+              "igor" "inkpot" "lilypond" "lovelace" "manni" "material"
+              "monokai" "murphy" "native" "nord" "nord-darker"
+              "one-dark" "paraiso-dark" "paraiso-light" "pastie" "perldoc"
+              "rainbow_dash" "rrt" "sas" "solarized-dark" "solarized-light"
+              "staroffice" "stata" "stata-dark" "stata-light"
+              "tango" "trac" "vim" "vs" "xcode" "zenburn"))
     ("stepnumberoffsetvalues" ("true" "false"))
@@ -197,15 +196,6 @@ Update the variable `LaTeX-minted-language-list' if still 
             (setq LaTeX-minted-language-list languages))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-minted-language (optional &optional prompt)
-    "Insert a selected pygmentize language as argument for macros from 
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert it as optional argument in
-brackets.  PROMPT replaces the standard one."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Language")
-                    (LaTeX-minted-language-list))
-   optional))
 (defvar LaTeX-minted-style-list nil
   "List containing styles provided by pymentize program.")
@@ -225,15 +215,6 @@ Update the variable `LaTeX-minted-style-list' if still 
             (setq LaTeX-minted-style-list styles))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-minted-style (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Insert a selected pygmentize style as argument for macros from minted.sty.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert it as optional argument in
-brackets.  PROMPT replaces the standard one."
-  (TeX-argument-insert
-   (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Style")
-                    (LaTeX-minted-style-list))
-   optional))
 (defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted nil)
 (defvar LaTeX-minted-newminted-regexp
@@ -373,38 +354,46 @@ a list of strings."
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
-      LaTeX-arg-minted-language TeX-arg-verb)
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")
+      TeX-arg-verb)
       [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
-      LaTeX-arg-minted-language TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
-    '("newminted" ["Environment Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")
+      TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
+    '("newminted" ["Environment Name"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
-    '("newmint" ["Macro Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
+    '("newmint" ["Macro Name"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
-    '("newmintinline" ["Macro Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
+    '("newmintinline" ["Macro Name"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
-    '("newmintedfile" ["Macro Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
+    '("newmintedfile" ["Macro Name"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
     ;; 3.3 Formatting source code
-      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
-      (LaTeX-arg-minted-language)
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-vaLaTeX-arg-minted-languagel-options)]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")
     ;; 3.4 Using different styles
-      [ LaTeX-arg-minted-language ] LaTeX-arg-minted-style)
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language"]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-style-list) "Style"))
     ;; 5.2 Macro option usage
-      [ LaTeX-arg-minted-language ]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language"]
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
-      [ LaTeX-arg-minted-language ]
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language"]
       (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options))))
    ;; New environments
-    '("minted" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
-      LaTeX-arg-minted-language))
+    '("minted" LaTeX-env-args
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-minted-language-list) "Language")))
    ;; 4 Floating listings: If option "newfloat" is given, run the
    ;; style hook and use the interface provided by the style,
diff --git a/style/natbib.el b/style/natbib.el
index 00ea4b39..3cac5960 100644
--- a/style/natbib.el
+++ b/style/natbib.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; natbib.el --- AUCTeX style for `natbib.sty' version 8.31b  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2004, 2007, 2014--2022 Free Software Foundation, 
+;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2004, 2007, 2014--2023 Free Software Foundation, 
 ;; Authors: Berwin Turlach <>
 ;;          Carsten Dominik <>
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
                                 ("citealp"        "*[[{")
                                 ("citeauthor"     "*[[{")
                                 ("citefullauthor" "[[{")
+                                ("citetext"       "{")
                                 ("citeyear"       "[[{")
                                 ("citeyearpar"    "[[{")
                                 ("shortcites"     "{")
diff --git a/style/ntheorem.el b/style/ntheorem.el
index aa28c31f..59455b99 100644
--- a/style/ntheorem.el
+++ b/style/ntheorem.el
@@ -29,10 +29,20 @@
 ;; This file adds support for `ntheorem.sty' (v1.33) from 2011/08/15.
 ;; `ntheorem.sty' is and part of TeXLive.
-;; The style provides the function `LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label' which
-;; enables new defined environments with "\newtheoreom" to interact
-;; with AUCTeX and RefTeX mechanisms for inserting labels.  Check
-;; docstring of `LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label' for instructions.
+;; This style interacts with AUCTeX and RefTeX mechanisms for
+;; inserting labels into new defined environments with "\newtheoreom".
+;; AUCTeX users need to add the new environment to `LaTeX-label-alist'
+;; via customize or in init-file like this:
+;;   (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist '("lemma" . "lem:"))
+;; RefTeX users have to add the value to both `LaTeX-label-alist' and
+;; `reftex-label-alist' like this:
+;;   (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist '("lemma" . "lem:"))
+;;   (add-to-list 'reftex-label-alist
+;;                '("lemma" ?m "lem:" "~ref{%s}"
+;;                  nil ("Lemma" "lemma") nil))
 ;;; Code
@@ -65,60 +75,6 @@ defined with \"\\newtheoremstyle\".")
 \"\\theoremlisttype\" provided by `ntheorem.el' and new ones
 defined with \"\\newtheoremlisttype\".")
-(defvar LaTeX-ntheorem-fontdecl
-  '(;; family
-    "rmfamily" "sffamily" "ttfamily"
-    ;; series
-    "mdseries" "bfseries"
-    ;; shape
-    "upshape" "itshape" "slshape" "scshape"
-    ;; size
-    "tiny"  "scriptsize" "footnotesize"
-    "small" "normalsize" "large"
-    "Large" "LARGE" "huge" "Huge"
-    ;; reset macro
-    "normalfont")
-  "List of font declaration commands for \"\\newtheoremstyle\".")
-(defun LaTeX-arg-ntheorem-fontdecl (optional &optional prompt)
-  "Prompt for font declaration commands in \"\\theorem(body|header)font\".
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the resulting value as an optional
-argument.  Use PROMPT as the prompt string."
-  (let* ((crm-separator (regexp-quote TeX-esc))
-         (fontdecl (mapconcat #'identity
-                              (TeX-completing-read-multiple
-                               (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Font 
declaration: \\" t)
-                               LaTeX-ntheorem-fontdecl)
-                              TeX-esc)))
-    (TeX-argument-insert fontdecl
-                         optional
-                         (when (and fontdecl (not (string= fontdecl "")))
-                           TeX-esc))))
-(defun LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label (environment)
-  "Insert ENVIRONMENT, query for an optional argument and prompt
-for label.  AUCTeX users should add ENVIRONMENT to
-`LaTeX-label-alist' via customize or in init-file with:
-  (add-to-list \\='LaTeX-label-alist \\='(\"lemma\" . \"lem:\"))
-RefTeX users should customize or add ENVIRONMENT to
-`LaTeX-label-alist' and `reftex-label-alist', for example
-  (add-to-list \\='LaTeX-label-alist \\='(\"lemma\" . \"lem:\"))
-  (add-to-list \\='reftex-label-alist
-               \\='(\"lemma\" ?m \"lem:\" \"~\\ref{%s}\"
-                 nil (\"Lemma\" \"lemma\") nil))"
-  (let ((opthead (TeX-read-string
-                  (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Heading"))))
-    (LaTeX-insert-environment environment
-                              (when (and opthead
-                                         (not (string= opthead "")))
-                                (format "[%s]" opthead))))
-  (when (LaTeX-label environment 'environment)
-    (LaTeX-newline)
-    (indent-according-to-mode)))
 ;; Setup parsing for \newtheorem
 (TeX-auto-add-type "ntheorem-newtheorem" "LaTeX")
@@ -141,9 +97,10 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
 `LaTeX-ntheorem-theoremstyle-list' with styles defined with
   (dolist (newthm (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-ntheorem-newtheorem-list)))
-    (LaTeX-add-environments (list newthm #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
+    (LaTeX-add-environments (list newthm
+                                  #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
     (LaTeX-add-environments (list (concat newthm "*")
-                                  #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label)))
+                                  #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"])))
   (dolist (newthmstyle (LaTeX-ntheorem-newtheoremstyle-list))
     (add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-ntheorem-theoremstyle-list)
@@ -183,16 +140,16 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
     ;; 2.2 Defining New Theorem Sets
     ;; Overrule the defintion in `latex.el':
-    '("newtheorem"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newtheorem"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthm (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
            (LaTeX-add-ntheorem-newtheorems nthm)
-           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
+           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm
+                                         #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
            (LaTeX-add-environments (list (concat nthm "*")
-                                         #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
-           (format "%s" nthm))))
+                                         #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthm optional)))
       [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ]
       t [ (TeX-arg-eval progn (if (eq (save-excursion
                                         (backward-char 2)
@@ -216,11 +173,23 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
       (TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-ntheorem-theoremstyle-list "Style"))
-    '("theorembodyfont"
-      (LaTeX-arg-ntheorem-fontdecl "Body font"))
+    `("theorembodyfont"
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple
+       ,(lambda () (append LaTeX-font-family
+                           LaTeX-font-series
+                           LaTeX-font-shape
+                           LaTeX-font-size))
+       "Body font" nil nil ,(regexp-quote TeX-esc) ,TeX-esc
+       nil nil nil nil ,TeX-esc))
-      (LaTeX-arg-ntheorem-fontdecl "Header font"))
+      (TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple
+       ,(lambda () (append LaTeX-font-family
+                           LaTeX-font-series
+                           LaTeX-font-shape
+                           LaTeX-font-size))
+       "Header font" nil nil ,(regexp-quote TeX-esc) ,TeX-esc
+       nil nil nil nil ,TeX-esc))
       (TeX-arg-completing-read ("arabic" "roman" "Roman" "alph" "Alph"
@@ -259,21 +228,22 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
                    "Proof"      "Beweis")))
         (dolist (elt env)
           (LaTeX-add-ntheorem-newtheorems elt)
-          (LaTeX-add-environments (list elt #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
+          (LaTeX-add-environments (list elt
+                                        #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
           (LaTeX-add-environments (list (concat elt "*")
-                                        #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label)))))
+                                        #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"])))))
     ;; 2.3.7 Framed and Boxed Theorems
-    '("newframedtheorem"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newframedtheorem"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthm (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
            (LaTeX-add-ntheorem-newtheorems nthm)
-           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
+           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm
+                                         #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
            (LaTeX-add-environments (list (concat nthm "*")
-                                         #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
-           (format "%s" nthm))))
+                                         #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthm optional)))
       [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ]
       t [ (TeX-arg-eval progn (if (eq (save-excursion
                                         (backward-char 2)
@@ -282,16 +252,16 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
                                 (TeX-arg-counter t "Within counter"))
                         "") ])
-    '("newshadedtheorem"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newshadedtheorem"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((nthm (TeX-read-string
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment"))))
+                      (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Environment"))))
            (LaTeX-add-ntheorem-newtheorems nthm)
-           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
+           (LaTeX-add-environments (list nthm
+                                         #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
            (LaTeX-add-environments (list (concat nthm "*")
-                                         #'LaTeX-ntheorem-env-label))
-           (format "%s" nthm))))
+                                         #'LaTeX-env-label-args ["Heading"]))
+           (TeX-argument-insert nthm optional)))
       [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ]
       t [ (TeX-arg-eval progn (if (eq (save-excursion
                                         (backward-char 2)
@@ -299,16 +269,15 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
                                 (TeX-arg-counter t "Within counter"))
                         "") ])
-    '("shadecolor"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
-         (let ((color (cond ((member "xcolor" (TeX-style-list))
-                             (completing-read "Color name: " 
-                            ((member "color" (TeX-style-list))
-                             (completing-read "Color name: " 
-                            (t
-                             (TeX-read-string "Color name: ")))))
-           (format "%s" color)))))
+    `("shadecolor"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional (TeX-member "\\`x?color\\'" (TeX-style-list) 
+          ((TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                       (or (and (fboundp 
+                                           (and (fboundp 
+                                    "Color name"))
+        ("Color name")))
       (TeX-arg-length "Skip before framed theorem"))
@@ -344,15 +313,14 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
     ;; 2.5.1 Defining New Theorem Layouts
-    '("newtheoremstyle"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newtheoremstyle"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((style (TeX-read-string
-                       (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Style name"))))
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Style name"))))
            (LaTeX-add-ntheorem-newtheoremstyles style)
            (add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-ntheorem-theoremstyle-list)
                         (list style))
-           (format "%s" style))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert style optional)))
@@ -361,15 +329,14 @@ make them available as new environments.  Update
     ;; 2.5.2 Defining New Theorem List Layouts
-    '("newtheoremlisttype"
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+    `("newtheoremlisttype"
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((layout (TeX-read-string
-                        (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "List layout name"))))
+                        (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "List layout 
            (LaTeX-add-ntheorem-newtheoremlisttypes layout)
            (add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-ntheorem-listtype-list)
                         (list layout))
-           (format "%s" layout))))
+           (TeX-argument-insert layout optional)))
diff --git a/style/physics.el b/style/physics.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f805df1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style/physics.el
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+;;; physics.el --- AUCTeX style for `physics' (v1.3).  -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Ikumi Keita <>
+;; Maintainer:
+;; Created: 2022-12-20
+;; Keywords: tex
+;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
+;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+;; 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file adds support for `physics.sty' (v1.3) from 2012/12/12
+;; `physics.sty' is part of TeX Live.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'tex)
+;; List of supported braces by macros in physics package
+;;     | () | [] | || | {} |null| big
+;; ----+----+----+----+----+--- +----
+;; qty | +  | +  | +  | +  | !  | +
+;; abs | !  | !  | !  | @  | !  | +
+;; eval| *  | *  | !  | -  | !  | !
+;; grad| +  | +  |    | @  | =  | !
+;; sin | +  | ^  |    | @  | =  | !
+;; exp | +  | +  |    | +  |    | !
+;; tr  | +  | +  |    | +  |    | !
+;; erf |    |    |    | @  | =  | !
+;; Res | +  | +  |    | +  |    | !
+;; pv  |    |    |    | @  | =  | !
+;; Re  |    |    |    | +  |    | !
+;; dd  | +  | ^  |    | @  |    | !
+;; bra |    |    |    | +  | =  | !
+;; mqty| +  | +  | +  | @  | !  | !
+;;mqty*| +  |    |    | @  | !  | !
+;; + ... supported
+;; ! ... error or wrong result
+;; @ ... works, but missing "{}" in the output
+;; * ... supported, but the right brace must be "|"
+;; - ... works, with only right "|" in the output
+;; = ... same as {}
+;; ^ ... interpreted as power optional argument
+;; Special note
+;;  + \sin[2]x and \sin[2]{x} aren't supported.
+;;  + "\dd{x}" and "\dd x" give different output.
+;;  + mqty* is only meaningful when followed by "(...)".
+;;  + as opposed to the document, \tr and \trace aren't equivalent.
+;;  + dv accepts one or two arguments except optional argument.
+;;    o 1 arg      ... {derivative variable}
+;;    o 2 arg      ... {function to derive}{derivative variable}
+;;    O 1 arg + () ... {derivative variable}(function to derive)
+;;  + pdv accepts one, two or three arguments except optional argument.
+;;    o 1 arg      ... {derivative variable}
+;;    o 2 args     ... {function to derive}{derivative variable}
+;;    o 3 args     ... {func. to der.}{der. var.1}{der. var.2}
+;;    o 1 arg + () ... {derivative variable}(function to derive)
+;;    - 2 args + ()... NA
+;;    - 3 args + ()... NA
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-big (_optional)
+  "Prompt for various \\big specification and insert it without braces.
+\\Big, \\bigg and \\Bigg are also allowed."
+  (TeX-arg-completing-read t '("big" "Big" "bigg" "Bigg")
+                           "bigness specification: " t TeX-esc "" "" nil t))
+(defun TeX-physics--arg-any-braces (paren bracket vert brace
+                                          &optional default close)
+  "Template to query and insert various braces.
+Boolean arguments PAREN, BRACKET, VERT and BRACE mean to support (...),
+[...], |...| and {...}, respectively.
+Optional argument DEFAULT specifies default open brace.
+Non-nil CLOSE specifies close brace unconditionally."
+  (let* ((candidates
+          (let (lst)
+            (if paren   (push '("(" . ")") lst))
+            (if bracket (push (cons LaTeX-optop LaTeX-optcl) lst))
+            (if vert    (push '("|" . "|") lst))
+            (if brace   (push (cons TeX-grop TeX-grcl) lst))
+            lst))
+         (open (completing-read
+                (concat "Which brace?"
+                        (cond
+                         (default
+                           (format " (default \"%s\")" default))
+                         (brace
+                          " (RET to omit)")
+                         (t
+                          ""))
+                        ": ")
+                candidates nil t nil nil default)))
+    (or close
+        (setq close (cdr (assoc open candidates))))
+    ;; When `default' is nil and the user gave empty answer,
+    ;;  - If `brace' is nil, use "{}".
+    ;;  - Otherwise do nothing.
+    (if (and (= 0 (length open))
+             (not brace))
+        (setq open TeX-grop
+              close TeX-grcl))
+    (when (< 0 (length open))
+      (setq TeX-arg-opening-brace open
+            TeX-arg-closing-brace close)
+      (let ((content
+             (if (TeX-active-mark)
+                 (prog1
+                     (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mark))
+                   (delete-region (point) (mark)))
+               "")))
+        (TeX-argument-insert content nil)))))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-qty (_optional)
+  "Query and insert (), [], || or {}.
+Default ()."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-any-braces t t t t "("))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-eval (_optional)
+  "Query and insert (| or [|.
+When the user declined, supplement {} instead."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-any-braces t t nil nil nil "|"))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-grad (_optional)
+  "Query and insert () or [].
+When the user declined, supplement {} instead."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-any-braces t t nil nil))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-exp (_optional)
+  "Query and insert (), [] or {}."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-any-braces t t nil t))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-dd (_optional)
+  "Query and insert () or {}."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-any-braces t nil nil t))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-mqty (_optional)
+  "Query and insert (), [] or ||.
+When the user declined, supplement {} instead."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-any-braces t t t nil))
+(defun TeX-physics--arg-single-brace (open close &optional force)
+  "Template to query and insert single flavor of braces.
+If optional argument FORCE is non-nil, don't ask and always insert."
+  (when (or force
+            (y-or-n-p (format "Use \"%s%s\"? " open close)))
+    (setq TeX-arg-opening-brace open
+          TeX-arg-closing-brace close)
+    (let ((content (if (TeX-active-mark)
+                       (prog1
+                           (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mark))
+                         (delete-region (point) (mark)))
+                     "")))
+      (TeX-argument-insert content nil))))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-trig (_optional)
+  "Query and insert ().
+First query optional argument for power.  If that is non-empty,
+use () unconditionally."
+  ;; XXX: Should we respect `TeX-insert-macro-default-style'?
+  (let ((power (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Power: ")))
+    (let ((TeX-arg-opening-brace LaTeX-optop)
+          (TeX-arg-closing-brace LaTeX-optcl))
+      (TeX-argument-insert power t))
+    (TeX-physics--arg-single-brace "(" ")" (< 0 (length power)))))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-ReIm (_optional)
+  "Query and insert {}."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-single-brace TeX-grop TeX-grcl))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-mqty* (_optional)
+  "Insert ()."
+  (TeX-physics--arg-single-brace "(" ")" t))
+(defun TeX-physics--arg-1-or-2-arg (prompt1 prompt2)
+  "Template to query and insert one or two arguments."
+  (let* ((arg1 (TeX-read-string (concat prompt1 ": ")))
+         (arg2 (TeX-read-string (concat prompt2 " (RET to omit): "))))
+    (TeX-argument-insert arg1 nil)
+    (if (< 0 (length arg2))
+        (TeX-argument-insert arg2 nil))))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-braket (_optional)
+  (TeX-physics--arg-1-or-2-arg "Bra content" "Ket content"))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-ketbra (_optional)
+  (TeX-physics--arg-1-or-2-arg "Ket content" "Bra content"))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-expval (_optional)
+  (TeX-physics--arg-1-or-2-arg "Observable" "State"))
+(defun TeX-arg-physics-derivative (_optional &optional partial)
+  "Query and insert one or two arguments for derivative.
+The user can choose whether to wrap the function to derive with ().
+In addition, query and insert optional power argument.
+If optional argument PARTIAL is non-nil, three arguments are also
+supported for partial derivative.
+When three arguments are specified, don't ask optional power argument."
+  (let* ((func (TeX-read-string
+                "\
+Function to derive (RET to omit, SPC RET to have empty placeholder): "))
+         (paren (and (< 0 (length func))
+                     (y-or-n-p "Use \"()\" to wrap the function? ")))
+         (var1 (TeX-read-string "Derivative variable: "))
+         (var2 (and partial (not paren) (< 0 (length func))
+                    (TeX-read-string
+                     "Derivative variable 2nd (RET to omit): "))))
+    (unless var2
+      ;; XXX: Should we respect `TeX-insert-macro-default-style'?
+      (TeX-arg-string t "Power" nil nil nil LaTeX-optop LaTeX-optcl))
+    (when (and (< 0 (length func))
+               (not paren))
+      (if (equal func " ")
+          (setq func ""))
+      (TeX-argument-insert func nil))
+    (TeX-argument-insert var1 nil)
+    (if (< 0 (length var2))
+        (TeX-argument-insert var2 nil))
+    (when paren
+        (setq TeX-arg-opening-brace "("
+              TeX-arg-closing-brace ")")
+        (if (equal func " ")
+            (setq func ""))
+        (TeX-argument-insert func nil))))
+ "physics"
+ (lambda ()
+   ;; physics requires amsmath and xparse.
+   (TeX-run-style-hooks "amsmath" "xparse")
+   (TeX-add-symbols
+    ;; 2.1 Automatic bracing
+    '("quantity" [TeX-arg-physics-big] TeX-arg-physics-qty)
+    '("qty" [TeX-arg-physics-big] TeX-arg-physics-qty)
+    '("pqty" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t) '("bqty" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t)
+    '("vqtry" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t) '("Bqty" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t)
+    '("absolutevalue" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t)
+    '("absolutevalue*" t)
+    '("abs" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t) '("abs*" t)
+    '("norm" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t)
+    '("norm*" t)
+    '("evaluated" TeX-arg-physics-eval)
+    '("evaluated*" TeX-arg-physics-eval)
+    '("eval" TeX-arg-physics-eval) '("eval*" TeX-arg-physics-eval)
+    '("order" [TeX-arg-physics-big] t)
+    '("order*" t)
+    '("commutator" [TeX-arg-physics-big] 2)
+    '("commutator*" 2)
+    '("comm" [TeX-arg-physics-big] 2) '("comm*" 2)
+    '("anticommutator" [TeX-arg-physics-big] 2)
+    '("anticommutator*" 2)
+    '("acomm" [TeX-arg-physics-big] 2) '("acomm*" 2)
+    '("poissonbracket" [TeX-arg-physics-big] 2)
+    '("poissonbracket*" 2)
+    '("pb" [TeX-arg-physics-big] 2) '("pb*" 2)
+    ;; 2.2 Vector notation
+    '("vectorbold" t) '("vectorbold*" t)
+    '("vb" t) '("vb*" t)
+    '("vectorarrow" t) '("vectorarrow*" t)
+    '("va" t) '("va*" t)
+    '("vectorunit" t) '("vectorunit*" t)
+    '("vu" t) '("vu*" t)
+    "dotproduct" "vdot"
+    "crossproduct" "cross"
+    "cp"
+    '("gradient" TeX-arg-physics-grad)
+    '("grad" TeX-arg-physics-grad)
+    '("divergence" TeX-arg-physics-grad)
+    '("div" TeX-arg-physics-grad)
+    "divisionsymbol"
+    '("curl" TeX-arg-physics-grad)
+    '("laplacian" TeX-arg-physics-grad)
+   ;; 2.3 Operators
+    '("sin" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("sinh" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("arcsin" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("asin" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("cos" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("cosh" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("arccos" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("acos" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("tan" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("tanh" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("arctan" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("atan" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("csc" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("csch" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("arccsc" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    '("acsc" TeX-arg-physics-trig)
+    "sine"      "hypsine"      "arcsine"      "asine"
+    "cosine"    "hypcosine"    "arccosine"    "acosine"
+    "tangent"   "hyptangent"   "arctangent"   "atangent"
+    "cosecant"  "hypcosecant"  "arccosecant"  "acosecant"
+    "secant"    "hypsecant"    "arcsecant"    "asecant"
+    "cotangent" "hypcotangent" "arccotangent" "acotangent"
+    '("exp" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    '("log" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    '("ln" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    '("det" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    '("Pr" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    "exponential" "logarithm" "naturallogarithm" "determinant" "Probability"
+    '("tr" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    '("Tr" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    "rank" "erf"
+    '("Res" TeX-arg-physics-exp)
+    '("principalvalue" t)
+    '("pv" t) '("PV" t)
+    '("Re" TeX-arg-physics-ReIm)
+    '("Im" TeX-arg-physics-ReIm)
+    "real" "imaginary"
+    ;; 2.4 Quick quad text
+    '("qqtext" t)
+    '("qqtext*" t)
+    '("qq" t) '("qq*" t)
+    "qcomma" "qcomma*" "qc" "qc*" "qcc" "qcc*"
+    "qif" "qif*" "qthen" "qthen*" "qelse" "qelse*" "qotherwise" "qotherwise*"
+    "qunless" "qunless*" "qgiven" "qgiven*" "qusing" "qusing*"
+    "qassume" "qassume*" "qsince" "qsince*" "qlet" "qlet*" "qfor" "qfor*"
+    "qall" "qall*" "qeven" "qeven*" "qodd" "qodd*" "qinteger" "qinteger*"
+    "qand" "qand*" "qor" "qor*" "qas" "qas*" "qin" "qin*"
+    ;; 2.5 Derivatives
+    '("differential" ["Power"] TeX-arg-physics-dd)
+    '("dd" ["Power"] TeX-arg-physics-dd)
+    '("derivative" TeX-arg-physics-derivative)
+    '("derivative*" TeX-arg-physics-derivative)
+    '("dv" TeX-arg-physics-derivative)
+    '("dv*" TeX-arg-physics-derivative)
+    '("partialderivative" (TeX-arg-physics-derivative t))
+    '("partialderivative*" (TeX-arg-physics-derivative t))
+    '("pderivative" (TeX-arg-physics-derivative t))
+    '("pderivative*" (TeX-arg-physics-derivative t))
+    '("pdv" (TeX-arg-physics-derivative t))
+    '("pdv*" (TeX-arg-physics-derivative t))
+    '("variation" ["Power"] TeX-arg-physics-dd)
+    '("var" ["Power"] TeX-arg-physics-dd)
+    '("functionalderivative" TeX-arg-physics-derivative)
+    '("fdv" TeX-arg-physics-derivative)
+    ;; 2.6 Dirac bra-ket notation
+    '("bra" t)
+    '("bra*" t)
+    '("ket" t)
+    '("ket*" t)
+    '("innerproduct" TeX-arg-physics-braket)
+    '("innerproduct*" TeX-arg-physics-braket)
+    '("braket" TeX-arg-physics-braket)
+    '("braket*" TeX-arg-physics-braket)
+    '("ip" TeX-arg-physics-braket)
+    '("outerproduct" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("outerproduct*" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("dyad" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("dyad*" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("ketbra" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("ketbra*" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("op" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("op*" TeX-arg-physics-ketbra)
+    '("expectationvalue" TeX-arg-physics-expval)
+    '("expectationvalue*" TeX-arg-physics-expval)
+    '("expval" TeX-arg-physics-expval)
+    '("expval*" TeX-arg-physics-expval)
+    '("ev" TeX-arg-physics-expval)
+    '("ev*" TeX-arg-physics-expval)
+    '("matrixelement" 3)
+    '("matrixelement*" 3)
+    '("matrixelement**" 3)
+    '("matrixel" 3) '("matrixel*" 3) '("matrixel**" 3)
+    '("mel" 3) '("mel*" 3) '("mel**" 3)
+    ;; 2.7 Matrix macros
+    '("matrixquantity" TeX-arg-physics-mqty)
+    '("matrixquantity*" TeX-arg-physics-mqty*)
+    '("mqty" TeX-arg-physics-mqty)
+    '("mqty*" TeX-arg-physics-mqty*)
+    '("pmqty" t) '("Pmqty" t) '("bmqty" t) '("vmqty" t)
+    '("smallmatrixquantity" TeX-arg-physics-mqty)
+    '("smallmatrixquantity*" TeX-arg-physics-mqty*)
+    '("smqty" TeX-arg-physics-mqty)
+    '("smqty*" TeX-arg-physics-mqty*)
+    '("spmqty" t) '("sPmqty" t) '("sbmqty" t) '("svmqty" t)
+    '("matrixdeterminant" t)
+    '("mdet" t) '("smdet" t)
+    '("identitymatrix" "Size")
+    '("imat" "Size")
+    '("xmatrix" "Element" "Rows" "Cols")
+    '("xmatrix*" "Element" "Rows" "Cols")
+    '("xmat" "Element" "Rows" "Cols") '("xmat*" "Element" "Rows" "Cols")
+    '("zeromatrix" "Rows" "Cols")
+    '("zmat" "Rows" "Cols")
+    '("paulimatrix" "0,1,2,3 or x,y,z")
+    '("pmat" "0,1,2,3 or x,y,z")
+    '("diagonalmatrix" ["Filler"] t)
+    '("dmat" ["Filler"] t)
+    '("antidiagonalmatrix" ["Filler"] t)
+    '("admatrix" ["Filler"] t)))
+ TeX-dialect)
+(defvar LaTeX-physics-package-options
+  '("bolddel" "arrowdel" "trig" "notrig" "uprightdiff" "italicdiff")
+  "Package options for the physics package.")
+;;; physics.el ends here
diff --git a/style/pstricks.el b/style/pstricks.el
index 6a6707f3..b5b93df6 100644
--- a/style/pstricks.el
+++ b/style/pstricks.el
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ available through package name PNAME and return 
                    ((string-match bregexp param)
          val compl)
+    ;; See FIXME below: The next form is just to silence the compiler:
+    (setq compl nil)
     ;; ask for value
     (setq val (TeX-arg-compl-list
                (symbol-value parlist)
diff --git a/style/theorem.el b/style/theorem.el
index 6657c3c0..52aea651 100644
--- a/style/theorem.el
+++ b/style/theorem.el
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ make them available as new environments."
        ,(lambda () (append LaTeX-font-family
-                           LaTeX-font-shape
+                           LaTeX-font-series
        "Body font" nil nil ,(regexp-quote TeX-esc) ,TeX-esc
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ make them available as new environments."
        ,(lambda () (append LaTeX-font-family
-                           LaTeX-font-shape
+                           LaTeX-font-series
        "Header font" nil nil ,(regexp-quote TeX-esc) ,TeX-esc
diff --git a/style/tikz.el b/style/tikz.el
index a0edfd46..e0cb0413 100644
--- a/style/tikz.el
+++ b/style/tikz.el
@@ -37,16 +37,6 @@
 (declare-function ConTeXt-add-environments "context"
                   (&rest environments))
-(defgroup AUCTeX-TikZ nil
-  "AUCTeX TikZ support"
-  :group 'AUCTeX)
-(defcustom TeX-TikZ-point-name-regexp
-  "(\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\))"
-  "A regexp that matches TikZ names."
-  :type 'regexp
-  :group 'AUCTeX-TikZ)
 (defconst TeX-TikZ-point-function-map
   '(("Rect Point" TeX-TikZ-arg-rect-point)
     ("Polar Point" TeX-TikZ-arg-polar-point)
@@ -85,8 +75,8 @@
 (defun TeX-TikZ-get-opt-arg-string (arg &optional open close)
   "Return a string for optional arguments.
 If ARG is nil or \"\", return \"\".  Otherwise return \"OPEN ARG
-CLOSE\". If OPEN or CLOSE are nil, set them to `LaTeX-optop' and
-`LaTeX-optcl' respectively."
+CLOSE\".  If OPEN and CLOSE are nil, set them to `LaTeX-optop'
+and `LaTeX-optcl' respectively."
   (unless (or open close)
     (setq open LaTeX-optop)
     (setq close LaTeX-optcl))
@@ -284,6 +274,16 @@ return \"\"."
         (label (TeX-TikZ-arg-label nil)))
     (insert options " " name  " at" point label ";")))
+;; TODO: Add similar support for plain TeX.
+(defun TeX-TikZ-env-scope (_ignored)
+  "Ask the user for TikZ option and insert it with surrounding \"[]\".
+If the user provides empty input, insert \"[]\" anyway and put the
+point inside it."
+  (let ((option (TeX-TikZ-arg-options nil)))
+    (insert option)
+    (if (string= option "[]")
+        (set-marker TeX-exit-mark (1- (point))))))
  (lambda ()
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ return \"\"."
  (lambda ()
     '("tikzpicture" ["TikZ option"])
-    '("scope" ["TikZ option"]))
+    '("scope" LaTeX-env-args TeX-TikZ-env-scope))
    ;; tikz.sty loads pgfcore.sty, which loads packages graphicx,
    ;; keyval and xcolor, too.
    (TeX-run-style-hooks "pgf" "graphicx" "keyval" "xcolor"))
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ return \"\"."
  (lambda ()
     '("tikzpicture" ["TikZ option"])
-    '("scope" ["TikZ option"])))
+    '("scope" ConTeXt-env-args TeX-TikZ-env-scope)))
 ;; plain TeX specific stuff
diff --git a/style/xcolor.el b/style/xcolor.el
index 001f4086..b0bc74fb 100644
--- a/style/xcolor.el
+++ b/style/xcolor.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; xcolor.el --- AUCTeX style for `xcolor.sty' (v2.12)  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2016--2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2016--2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
 ;; Maintainer:
@@ -416,15 +416,16 @@ xcolor package.")
     '("providecolor" TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolor)
     ;; \colorlet[<type>]{<name>}[<num model>]{<color>}
-    '("colorlet"
+    `("colorlet"
       [TeX-arg-completing-read LaTeX-xcolor-type-color-models "Type"]
-      (TeX-arg-eval
-       (lambda ()
+      ,(lambda (optional)
          (let ((xcolor (TeX-read-string
-                        (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Color"))))
+                        (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Color"))))
            (LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors xcolor)
-           (format "%s" xcolor))))
-      [TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t) "Model"]
+           (TeX-argument-insert xcolor optional)))
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read ,(lambda ()
+                                  (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t))
+                               "Model"]
       (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list) "Color"))
     ;; 2.5.3 Defining sets of colors
@@ -539,15 +540,15 @@ xcolor package.")
       ;; \rowcolors[<commands>]{<row>}{<odd-row color>}{<even-row color>}
         (TeX-arg-conditional (y-or-n-p "With optional commands? ")
-                             ( [ t ] )
-                             (ignore))
+            ( [ t ] )
+          (ignore))
         (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list) "Odd-row 
         (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list) "Even-row 
         (TeX-arg-conditional (y-or-n-p "With optional commands? ")
-                             ( [ t ] )
-                             (ignore))
+            ( [ t ] )
+          (ignore))
         (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list) "Odd-row 
         (TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list) "Even-row 
diff --git a/tests/tex/navigation.el b/tests/tex/navigation.el
index 4debb44f..45071bf2 100644
--- a/tests/tex/navigation.el
+++ b/tests/tex/navigation.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; navigation.el --- tests for navigation function in TeX buffer  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2019-2023  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
@@ -26,29 +26,66 @@
 (defun TeX-check-f-m-e-h (string &optional position)
   "Check whether `TeX-find-macro-end-helper' works for exceptional case."
+  (erase-buffer)
+  (insert string)
+  (should (= (or position (point-max))
+             (TeX-find-macro-end-helper (point-min)))))
+(ert-deftest TeX-find-macro-end-helper ()
-    (insert string)
-    (should (= (or position (point-max))
-               (TeX-find-macro-end-helper (point-min))))))
+    (LaTeX-mode)
+    ;; single macro ending at EOB
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo")
+    ;; curly braces ending at EOB
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}")
+    ;; curly brace failing to close at EOB
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar")
+    ;; square brackets ending at EOB
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}[baz]")
+    ;; square bracket failing to close at EOB
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}[baz" (1+ (length "\\foo{bar}")))))
+(defun TeX-check-f-m-b (string &optional chars)
+  "Check whether `TeX-find-macro-boundaries' works for exceptional case."
+  (erase-buffer)
+  (insert string)
+  (if chars (backward-char chars))
+  (let ((result (TeX-find-macro-boundaries)))
+    (should (= (point-min)
+               (car result)))
+    (should (= (point-max)
+               (cdr result)))))
+(ert-deftest TeX-find-macro-boundaries-detached-arg ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    ;; necessary to set comment syntax properly
+    (LaTeX-mode)
+    ;; argument separated by newline
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}
+  {baz}")
-(ert-deftest TeX-find-macro-end-helper-single ()
-  ;; single macro ending at EOB
-  (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo"))
+    (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar} % comment
+  {baz}")
-(ert-deftest TeX-find-macro-end-helper-curly ()
-  ;; curly braces ending at EOB
-  (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}"))
+    (TeX-check-f-m-b "\\foo{bar}
+{baz}" 2)
-(ert-deftest TeX-find-macro-end-helper-curly-fail ()
-  ;; curly brace failing to close at EOB
-  (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar"))
+    (TeX-check-f-m-b "\\foo{bar}
+  {baz}" 2)
-(ert-deftest TeX-find-macro-end-helper-square ()
-  ;; square brackets ending at EOB
-  (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}[baz]"))
+    (TeX-check-f-m-b "\\foo{bar} % comment
+  {baz}" 2)
-(ert-deftest TeX-find-macro-end-helper-square-fail ()
-  ;; square bracket failing to close at EOB
-  (TeX-check-f-m-e-h "\\foo{bar}[baz" (1+ (length "\\foo{bar}"))))
+    (TeX-check-f-m-b "\\foo{bar}% comment
+  {baz}" 2)))
 ;;; navigation.el ends here
diff --git a/tex-info.el b/tex-info.el
index 2ee3d7ac..dd0ff433 100644
--- a/tex-info.el
+++ b/tex-info.el
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ there are unbalanced begin-end pairs in comments and 
   ;; TODO:
   ;; This is identical to the LaTeX counterpart but for the find begin/end
-  ;; functions. So some day the implemenation should be factorized.
+  ;; functions.  So some day the implemenation should be factorized.
   (interactive "p")
   (setq count (if count (abs count) 1))
   (let ((cur (point)) beg end)
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ beginning of keyword `@node' or `@bye'."
 (defun Texinfo-nodename-de-escape (node-name)
   "In NODE-NAME, convert `@comma{}' commands to the corresponding `,'
-character. Return the resulting string."
+character.  Return the resulting string."
   (let ((pos 0) (map '(("comma" . ","))))
     (while (and (< pos (length
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ character. Return the resulting string."
 (defun Texinfo-nodename-escape (node-name)
   "Convert in NODE-NAME the `,' characters to `@comma{}'
-commands. Return the resulting string."
+commands.  Return the resulting string."
   (let* ((pos 0)
          (map '(("," . "comma")))
          (re (regexp-opt (mapcar #'car map))) )
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ is assumed by default."
          (literal (buffer-substring-no-properties
                    (1- (match-beginning 3))
                    (min (point-max) (+ (match-end 0) (length text1) 1))))
-         ;; Literal can be too short since text1 too short. No big problem.
+         ;; Literal can be too short since text1 too short.  No big problem.
          (text (reftex-nicify-text text1)))
     ;; Add section number and indentation
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ value of `Texinfo-mode-hook'."
    '("c" (TeX-arg-literal " ") (TeX-arg-free "Comment"))
    '("caption" "Caption"
-     ;; TODO: caption is meaningful only inside float env. Maybe some checking
+     ;; TODO: caption is meaningful only inside float env.  Maybe some checking
      ;; and warning would be good.
    '("center" (TeX-arg-literal " ") (TeX-arg-free "Line of text"))
diff --git a/tex-style.el b/tex-style.el
index b880bfcc..d273ea08 100644
--- a/tex-style.el
+++ b/tex-style.el
@@ -411,6 +411,13 @@ must be unique.  It is initialized to ?s when added to
   :type 'character)
+;; style/tikz.el
+(defcustom TeX-TikZ-point-name-regexp
+  "(\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\))"
+  "A regexp that matches TikZ names."
+  :type 'regexp)
 ;; Don't look for file-local variables before this line, so that the
 ;; example in the docstring of `LaTeX-shortvrb-chars' isn't picked up.
diff --git a/tex.el b/tex.el
index d74d10d0..456c0310 100644
--- a/tex.el
+++ b/tex.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; tex.el --- Support for TeX documents.  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 1985-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1985-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Maintainer:
 ;; Keywords: tex
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
                   (bus service path interface signal handler &rest args))
 (declare-function LaTeX-environment-list "latex" nil)
 (declare-function LaTeX-bibliography-list "latex" nil)
+(declare-function LaTeX-section-name "latex" (level))
 (declare-function comint-exec "ext:comint"
                   (buffer name command startfile switches))
 (declare-function comint-mode "ext:comint" nil)
@@ -91,7 +92,6 @@
 (defvar LaTeX-optcl)
 (defvar LaTeX-optop)
 (defvar LaTeX-largest-level)
-(defvar LaTeX-section-list)
 ;; tex-ispell.el
 (defvar TeX-ispell-verb-delimiters)
 ;; Others:
@@ -270,41 +270,41 @@ expanded.  The expansion is done using the information 
found in
 The third element is the function which actually start the process.
 Several such hooks have been defined:
-TeX-run-command: Start up the process and show the output in a
+`TeX-run-command': Start up the process and show the output in a
 separate buffer.  Check that there is not two commands running for the
 same file.  Return the process object.
-TeX-run-format: As `TeX-run-command', but assume the output is created
+`TeX-run-format': As `TeX-run-command', but assume the output is created
 by a TeX macro package.  Return the process object.
-TeX-run-TeX: For TeX output.
+`TeX-run-TeX': For TeX output.
-TeX-run-interactive: Run TeX or LaTeX interactively.
+`TeX-run-interactive': Run TeX or LaTeX interactively.
-TeX-run-BibTeX: For BibTeX output.
+`TeX-run-BibTeX': For BibTeX output.
-TeX-run-Biber: For Biber output.
+`TeX-run-Biber': For Biber output.
-TeX-run-compile: Use `compile' to run the process.
+`TeX-run-compile': Use `compile' to run the process.
-TeX-run-shell: Use `shell-command' to run the process.
+`TeX-run-shell': Use `shell-command' to run the process.
-TeX-run-discard: Start the process in the background, discarding its
+`TeX-run-discard': Start the process in the background, discarding its
-TeX-run-background: Start the process in the background, show output
+`TeX-run-background': Start the process in the background, show output
 in other window.
-TeX-run-silent: Start the process in the background.
+`TeX-run-silent': Start the process in the background.
-TeX-run-discard-foreground: Start the process in the foreground,
+`TeX-run-discard-foreground': Start the process in the foreground,
 discarding its output.
-TeX-run-function: Execute the Lisp function or function call
+`TeX-run-function': Execute the Lisp function or function call
 specified by the string in the second element.  Consequently,
 this hook does not start a process.
-TeX-run-discard-or-function: If the command is a Lisp function,
+`TeX-run-discard-or-function': If the command is a Lisp function,
 execute it as such, otherwise start the command as a process,
 discarding its output.
@@ -701,11 +701,6 @@ sure \"%p\" is the first entry."
-;; This variable used to be defined in tex-buf.el.  It is used in
-;; `TeX-mode-specific-command-menu-entries' in this file.  It is now
-;; (June 2021) moved into this file to avoid `void-variable' errors
-;; with the "Command" menu if tex-buf.el is not loaded yet for reasons
-;; mentioned above.
 (defcustom TeX-parse-all-errors t
   "Whether to automatically collect all warning and errors after running TeX.
@@ -1106,24 +1101,32 @@ DE is the name of the desktop environment, APP is the 
name of viewer."
     (and (featurep 'dbusbind)
          (require 'dbus nil :no-error)
          (dbus-ignore-errors (dbus-get-unique-name :session))
-         (dbus-ping :session (format "org.%s.%s.Daemon" de app))
+         ;; Apparently, `dbus-ping' can signal errors in certain
+         ;; situations.  If so, fail gracefully (bug#59380).
+         (ignore-errors
+           (dbus-ping :session (format "org.%s.%s.Daemon" de app)
+                      ;; Don't block for up to 25 secs if something
+                      ;; is wonky.
+                      2000))
          (or (not (memq :forward options))
              (let ((spec (dbus-introspect-get-method
                           :session (format "org.%s.%s.Daemon" de app)
                           (format "/org/%s/%s/Daemon" de app)
                           (format "org.%s.%s.Daemon" de app)
-               ;; FindDocument must exist, and its signature must be (String,
-               ;; Boolean, String).  Evince versions between 2.30 and 2.91.x
-               ;; didn't have the Boolean spawn argument we need to start 
-               ;; initially.
-               (and spec
-                    (equal '("s" "b" "s")
-                           (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (elem)
-                                               (when (and (listp elem)
-                                                          (eq (car elem) 'arg))
-                                                 (cdr (caar (cdr elem)))))
-                                             spec)))))))))
+               ;; FindDocument must exist, and its signature must be
+               ;; (String, Boolean, String).  Evince versions between
+               ;; 2.30 and 2.91.x didn't have the Boolean spawn
+               ;; argument we need to start evince initially.
+               (and
+                spec
+                (equal '("s" "b" "s")
+                       (delq nil (mapcar
+                                  (lambda (elem)
+                                    (when (and (listp elem)
+                                               (eq (car elem) 'arg))
+                                      (cdr (caar (cdr elem)))))
+                                  spec)))))))))
 (defun TeX-pdf-tools-sync-view ()
   "Focus the focused page/paragraph in `pdf-view-mode'.
@@ -3257,7 +3260,7 @@ See `completion-at-point-functions'."
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'TeX-default-macro)
 (defcustom TeX-insert-braces t
-  "If non-nil, append a empty pair of braces after inserting a macro.
+  "If non-nil, append an empty pair of braces after inserting a macro.
 See also `TeX-insert-braces-alist'."
   :group 'TeX-macro
@@ -3941,7 +3944,8 @@ Generated by `TeX-auto-add-type'."))
        (make-variable-buffer-local ',change)
        (defun ,add (&rest ,(intern names))
          ,(concat "Add information about " (upcase names)
-                  " to the current buffer.
+                  ".
+Information is added to the current buffer.
 Generated by `TeX-auto-add-type'.")
          (TeX-auto-add-information ,unique-key ,(intern names)))
        (defun ,local ()
@@ -5569,10 +5573,18 @@ in the buffer."
   (TeX-find-balanced-brace -1 depth limit))
 (defun TeX-find-macro-boundaries (&optional lower-bound)
-  "Return a list containing the start and end of a macro.
+  "Return a cons containing the start and end of a macro.
 If LOWER-BOUND is given, do not search backward further than this
 point in buffer.  Arguments enclosed in brackets or braces are
 considered part of the macro."
+  ;; FIXME: Pay attention to `texmathp-allow-detached-args' and
+  ;; `reftex-allow-detached-macro-args'.
+  ;; Should we handle cases like \"{o} and \\[3mm] (that is, a macro
+  ;; whose name is a symbol and takes some arguments) as well?  Note
+  ;; that amsmath package arranges the macro \\ so that white spaces
+  ;; between \\ and [something] prevents the latter to be interpreted
+  ;; as an optional argument.  mathtools package arranges some
+  ;; environments including gathered similarly.
     (when lower-bound
       (narrow-to-region lower-bound (point-max)))
@@ -5599,6 +5611,7 @@ considered part of the macro."
                          (condition-case nil (backward-sexp)
                            (error (throw 'abort nil)))
                          (forward-comment -1)
+                         (skip-chars-backward " \t")
                          (and (memq (char-before) '(?\] ?\}))
                               (not (TeX-escaped-p (1- (point)))))))
                 (skip-chars-backward "A-Za-z@*")
@@ -5628,7 +5641,7 @@ those will be considered part of it."
         (while (not (eobp))
            ;; Skip over pairs of square brackets
-           ((or (looking-at "[ \t]*\n?\\(\\[\\)") ; Be conservative: Consider
+           ((or (looking-at "[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*\\(\\[\\)") ; Be conservative: 
                                         ; only consecutive lines.
                 (and (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" TeX-comment-start-regexp))
@@ -5639,7 +5652,7 @@ those will be considered part of it."
               (scan-error (throw 'found (point)))))
            ;; Skip over pairs of curly braces
-           ((or (looking-at "[ \t]*\n?{") ; Be conservative: Consider
+           ((or (looking-at "[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*{") ; Be conservative: Consider
                                         ; only consecutive lines.
                 (and (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" TeX-comment-start-regexp))
@@ -5714,8 +5727,8 @@ throwing an error.
 A pattern is escaped, if it is preceded by an odd number of escape
   (let ((search-fun (if (eq direction 'backward)
-                        (if regexp-flag 're-search-backward 'search-backward)
-                      (if regexp-flag 're-search-forward 'search-forward))))
+                        (if regexp-flag #'re-search-backward #'search-backward)
+                      (if regexp-flag #'re-search-forward #'search-forward))))
     (catch 'found
       (while (funcall search-fun pattern bound noerror)
         (when (not (TeX-escaped-p (match-beginning 0)))
@@ -6278,7 +6291,7 @@ between.
 If there is an active region, ARG will be ignored, braces will be
 inserted around the region, and point will be left after the
 closing brace."
-  (interactive "P")
+  (interactive "*P")
   (if (TeX-active-mark)
         (if (< (point) (mark))
@@ -9074,8 +9087,7 @@ Initialize it to `LaTeX-largest-level' if needed."
 determine the current section by `LaTeX-command-section'.
 The levels are defined by `LaTeX-section-list'."
   (interactive "p")
-  (let ((old-level (car (rassoc (list (LaTeX-command-section-level))
-                                LaTeX-section-list))))
+  (let ((old-level (LaTeX-section-name (LaTeX-command-section-level))))
     (setq LaTeX-command-section-level (+ LaTeX-command-section-level arg))
      ((> LaTeX-command-section-level 6)
@@ -9085,8 +9097,8 @@ The levels are defined by `LaTeX-section-list'."
       (setq LaTeX-command-section-level 0)
       (message "Cannot enlarge LaTeX-command-section-level above part."))
      (t (message "Changed level from %s to %s."
-                 old-level (car (rassoc (list LaTeX-command-section-level)
-                                        LaTeX-section-list)))))))
+                 old-level (LaTeX-section-name
+                            LaTeX-command-section-level))))))
 (defun LaTeX-command-section-boundaries ()
   "Return the boundaries of the current section as (start . end).
@@ -9094,13 +9106,10 @@ The section is determined by 
   (let* ((case-fold-search nil)
          (rx (concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt
-                              (lambda (level)
-                                (car (rassoc (list level) LaTeX-section-list)))
-                              (let (r)
-                                (dotimes (i (1+ (LaTeX-command-section-level)))
-                                  (push i r))
-                                r)))
-                     "{")))
+                              #'LaTeX-section-name
+                              (number-sequence
+                               0 (LaTeX-command-section-level))))
+                     "\\*?{")))
     (cons (save-excursion
             (re-search-backward rx nil t)

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