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[AUCTeX-diffs] GNU AUCTeX branch, master, updated. c70b7f90f849abaaa0b02

From: Mosè Giordano
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] GNU AUCTeX branch, master, updated. c70b7f90f849abaaa0b02e164841237f80d49553
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2016 19:55:10 +0000 (UTC)

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GNU AUCTeX".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  c70b7f90f849abaaa0b02e164841237f80d49553 (commit)
      from  c541d75345f205debaa5df1d2ee8aa42bd59b019 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c70b7f90f849abaaa0b02e164841237f80d49553
Author: Uwe Brauer <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri Dec 30 19:33:39 2016 +0000

    Add new style/exam.sty
    * (STYLESRC): add exam.el
    * style/exam.el: Add style file
    * tex-style.el: Move defcustom from exam.el to tex-style.el
    Signed-off-by: Mosè Giordano <address@hidden>

diff --git a/ b/
index 1efcdd1..64ffb18 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ STYLESRC = style/prosper.el \
           style/bidi.el      style/FiraMono.el  style/FiraSans.el \
           style/bicaption.el style/amsfonts.el  style/subfiles.el \
           style/dcolumn.el   style/mdframed.el  style/tcolorboxlib-raster.el \
-          style/titleps.el   style/titlesec.el  style/titletoc.el
+          style/titleps.el   style/titlesec.el  style/titletoc.el \
+          style/exam.el
 STYLEELC = $(STYLESRC:.el=.elc)
diff --git a/style/exam.el b/style/exam.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad6aedc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style/exam.el
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+;;; exam.el --- AUCTeX style for the (LaTeX) exam class
+;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Uwe Brauer <address@hidden>
+;; Created: 2016-03-06
+;; Keywords: tex
+;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
+;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+;; 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file adds support for the exam class.
+;; Acknowledgements
+;; Arash Esbati <address@hidden> for a almost complete rewrite.
+;;; Code:
+(defvar LaTeX-exam-class-options
+  '("answers" "noanswers" "cancelspace" "nocancelspace" "addpoints")
+  "Class options for the exam class.")
+(defun LaTeX-exam-insert-item ()
+  "Insert a new item in an environment from exam class.
+Item inserted depends on the environment."
+  (TeX-insert-macro
+   (cond ((string= environment "questions")
+          "question")
+         ((string= environment "parts")
+          "part")
+         ((string= environment "subparts")
+          "subpart")
+         ((string= environment "subsubparts")
+          "subsubpart")
+         ;; Fallback
+         (t "item"))))
+(defun LaTeX-exam-insert-label (_optional &optional name type)
+  "Indent the line and query/insert a label incl. the \"\\label\" macro.
+Arguments NAME and TYPE are the same as for the function
+`LaTeX-label'.  OPTIONAL is ignored."
+  (indent-according-to-mode)
+  (let ((currenv (LaTeX-current-environment)))
+    (LaTeX-label (or name currenv) (or type 'environment))))
+ "exam"
+ (lambda ()
+   (TeX-run-style-hooks "article")
+   ;; Add options from `LaTeX-article-class-options' only once:
+   (dolist (opt LaTeX-article-class-options)
+     (add-to-list 'LaTeX-exam-class-options opt))
+   ;; Make our label prefix available ...
+   (let ((envs '("questions")))
+     (dolist (env envs)
+       ;; to AUCTeX
+       (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist
+                    (cons env 'LaTeX-exam-label))
+       ;; to RefTeX with `reftex-add-label-environments'
+       (when (fboundp 'reftex-add-label-environments)
+         (reftex-add-label-environments
+          `((,env ,LaTeX-exam-reftex-quick-id-key ,LaTeX-exam-label
+                  "~\\ref{%s}" nil
+                  (regexp "[Qq]uestions?" "[Nn]umbers?")))))))
+   (when (or (member "xcolor" (TeX-style-list))
+             (member "color" (TeX-style-list)))
+     (TeX-add-symbols '("shadedsolutions" 0)))
+   (LaTeX-add-environments
+    '("solution" [ "Height" ])
+    '("solutionorbox" [ "Height" ])
+    '("solutionorlines" [ "Height" ])
+    '("solutionordottedlines" [ "Height" ])
+    '("solutionorgrid" [ "Height" ])
+    '("questions" LaTeX-env-item)
+    '("parts" LaTeX-env-item)
+    '("subparts" LaTeX-env-item)
+    '("subsubparts" LaTeX-env-item))
+   ;; Tell AUCTeX about special environments:
+   (let ((envs '("questions" "parts" "subparts" "subsubparts")))
+     (dolist (env envs)
+       (add-to-list 'LaTeX-item-list
+                    (cons env 'LaTeX-exam-insert-item))))
+   ;; Append us only once:
+   (unless (and (string-match "question" LaTeX-item-regexp)
+                (string-match "subsub" LaTeX-item-regexp))
+     (set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-item-regexp)
+          (concat
+           LaTeX-item-regexp
+           "\\|"
+           "\\(titled\\)?question\\b"
+           "\\|"
+           "\\(sub\\|subsub\\)?part\\b"))
+     (LaTeX-set-paragraph-start))
+   (TeX-add-symbols
+    '("part" [ "Points" ] (TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("subpart" [ "Points" ] (TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("gradetable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("bonusgradetable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("bonuspointtable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("partialgradetable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("partialbonusgradetable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("partialbonuspointtable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("pointtable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("partialpointtable"
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Orientation")
+                     '("v" "h") ]
+      [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Table index")
+                     '("questions" "pages") ] )
+    '("subsubpart" [ "Points" ] (TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("question"  ["Points"] (TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("bonusquestion"  ["Points"] (TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("extrafootheight"  [ TeX-arg-length "Extra height 1. page footer" ]
+      (TeX-arg-length "Extra height footers"))
+    '("titledquestion" "Title" ["Points"] LaTeX-exam-insert-label 
(TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("ContinuedQuestion" 0)
+    '("CorrectChoice" 0)
+    '("CorrectChoiceEmphasis" 1)
+    '("IncompleteQuestion" 0)
+    '("SolutionEmphasis" 1)
+    '("addpoints" 0)
+    '("addquestionobject" 0)
+    '("answerclearance" 1)
+    '("answerline"  ["Points"] (TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("begingradingrange" 1)
+    '("bhpgword" 1)
+    '("bhpword" 1)
+    '("bhqword" 1)
+    '("bhsword" 1)
+    '("bhtword" 1)
+    '("bonuspart" 0)
+    '("bonuspointformat" 0)
+    '("bonuspointname" 1)
+    '("bonuspointpoints" 2)
+    '("bonuspointsinrange" 0)
+    '("bonuspointsofquestion" 1)
+    '("bonuspointsonpage" 0)
+    '("bonusqformat" 1)
+    '("bonussubpart" 0)
+    '("bonussubsubpart" 0)
+    '("bonustitledquestion" "Title" ["Points"] LaTeX-exam-insert-label 
(TeX-arg-literal " "))
+    '("bonustotalformat" 0)
+    '("boxedpoints" 0)
+    '("bracketedpoints" 0)
+    '("bvpgword" 1)
+    '("bvpword" 1)
+    '("bvqword" 1)
+    '("bvsword" 1)
+    '("bvtword" 1)
+    '("cancelspace" 0)
+    '("cellwidth" 1)
+    '("cfoot" 1)
+    '("chbpword" 1)
+    '("chead" 1)
+    '("checkboxchar" 1)
+    '("checkboxeshook" 0)
+    '("checkedchar" 1)
+    '("choice" 0)
+    '("choicelabel" 0)
+    '("choiceshook" 0)
+    '("chpgword" 1)
+    '("chpword" 1)
+    '("chqword" 1)
+    '("chsword" 1)
+    '("chsword" 1)
+    '("correctchoice" 0)
+    '("correctchoiceemphasis" 1)
+    '("covercfoot" 3)
+    '("coverchead" 3)
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+    '("coverextraheadheight" 3)
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+    '("coverfirstpageheader" 3)
+    '("coverfooter" 3)
+    '("coverheader" 3)
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+    '("coverlhead" 3)
+    '("coverrfoot" 3)
+    '("coverrhead" 3)
+    '("coverrunningfooter" 3)
+    '("coverrunningheader" 3)
+    '("cvbpword" 1)
+    '("cvpgword" 1)
+    '("cvpword" 1)
+    '("cvqword" 1)
+    '("cvsword" 1)
+    '("cvtword" 1)
+    '("dottedlinefillheight" 1)
+    '("droppoints" 0)
+    '("droptotalbonuspoints" 0)
+    '("droptotalpoints" 0)
+    '("endgradingrange" 1)
+    '("extraheadheight" 1)
+    '("extrawidth" 1)
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+    '("fillwithdottedlines" 1)
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+    '("firstpageheader" 3)
+    '("firstpageheadrule" 0)
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+    '("greeknum" 0)
+    '("half" 0)
+    '("hpgword" 1)
+    '("hpword" 1)
+    '("hqword" 1)
+    '("hsword" 1)
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+    '("ifcontinuation" 0)
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+    '("lfoot" 1)
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+    '("makeemptybox" 1)
+    '("marginbonuspointname" 1)
+    '("marginpointname" 1)
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+    '("marksnotpoints" 0)
+    '("noaddpoints" 0)
+    '("nobonusqformat" 1)
+    '("noboxedpoints" 0)
+    '("nobracketedpoints" 0)
+    '("nocancelspace" 0)
+    '("nomorequestions" 0)
+    '("nopointsinmargin" 0)
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+    '("noqformat" 1)
+    '("numbonuspoints" 0)
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+    '("numquestions" 0)
+    '("numsubparts" 0)
+    '("numsubsubparts" 0)
+    '("oddeven" 2)
+    '("partlabel" 0)
+    '("partopsep" 0)
+    '("partshook" 0)
+    '("pointname" 1)
+    '("pointpoints" 2)
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+    '("pointsinmargin" 0)
+    '("pointsinrightmargin" 0)
+    '("pointsofquestion" 1)
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+    '("qformat" 1)
+    '("questionlabel" 0)
+    '("questionshook" 0)
+    '("rfoot" 1)
+    '("rhead" 1)
+    '("rightpointsmargin" 0)
+    '("roman" 0)
+    '("romannumeral" 0)
+    '("runningfooter" 3)
+    '("runningfootrule" 0)
+    '("runningheader" 3)
+    '("runningheadrule" 0)
+    '("settabletotalbonuspoints" 1)
+    '("settabletotalpoints" 1)
+    '("shadedsolutions" 0)
+    '("solutiontitle" 0)
+    '("subpartlabel" 0)
+    '("subpartshook" 0)
+    '("subsubpartlabel" 0)
+    '("subsubpartshook" 0)
+    '("thechoice" 0)
+    '("themarginpoints" 0)
+    '("thepartno" 0)
+    '("thequestion" 0)
+    '("thequestiontitle" 0)
+    '("thesubpart" 0)
+    '("thesubsubpart" 0)
+    '("totalbonuspoints" 0)
+    '("totalformat" 0)
+    '("totalnumpages" 0)
+    '("totalpoints" 0)
+    '("unframedsolutions" 0)
+    '("uplevel" 1)
+    '("usehorizontalhalf" 0)
+    '("useslantedhalf" 0)
+    '("vpgword" 1)
+    '("vpword" 1)
+    '("vqword" 1)
+    '("vsword" 1)
+    '("vtword" 1)
+    '("thepoints" 0)
+    ;; ... more stuff here
+    )
+   (LaTeX-add-lengths "answerlinelength" "answerskip")
+   ;; Fontification
+   (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
+              (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("question"        "[")
+                                ("titledquestion"  "{[")
+                                ("subpart"         "[")
+                                ("subsubpart"      "["))
+                              'textual)))
+ LaTeX-dialect)
+;;; exam.el ends here
diff --git a/tex-style.el b/tex-style.el
index b6e2e4d..8a11de9 100644
--- a/tex-style.el
+++ b/tex-style.el
@@ -272,6 +272,22 @@ produced by emp.sty and then re-LaTeX the document."
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'LaTeX-style)
+;; style/exam.el
+(defcustom LaTeX-exam-reftex-quick-id-key ?x
+  "Unique letter identifying exam class macros in RefTeX.
+A character argument for quick identification when RefTeX inserts
+new labels with `reftex-label'.  It must be unique.  It is
+initialized to ?x."
+  :group 'LaTeX-style
+  :type 'character)
+(defcustom LaTeX-exam-label "exm:"
+  "Default prefix to labels in environments of exam class."
+  :group 'LaTeX-style
+  :type 'string)
 ;; style/fontspec.el
 (defcustom LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font-search t


Summary of changes:   |    3 +-
 style/exam.el |  378 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tex-style.el  |   16 +++
 3 files changed, 396 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 style/exam.el


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