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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/texmathp.el,v

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/texmathp.el,v
Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 06:50:37 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/auctex
Module name:    auctex
Changes by:     Ralf Angeli <angeli>    08/05/25 06:50:33

Index: texmathp.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/auctex/auctex/texmathp.el,v
retrieving revision 5.22
retrieving revision 5.23
diff -u -b -r5.22 -r5.23
--- texmathp.el 3 Feb 2008 14:53:32 -0000       5.22
+++ texmathp.el 25 May 2008 06:50:32 -0000      5.23
@@ -233,14 +233,15 @@
 ;; We need our own syntax table to play with the syntax of () [] and {}
 ;; For speed reasons we define it statically instead of copying it each time.
-(defvar texmathp-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)
-  "Syntax table used while texmathp is parsing.")
-(mapcar (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry (car x) (cdr x) 
+(defvar texmathp-syntax-table
+  (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
+    (mapc (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry (car x) (cdr x) table))
        '((?\\ . "\\") (?\f .">")  (?\n . ">")  (?% . "<")
          (?\[ . ".")  (?\] . ".") (?\{ . "(}") (?\} . "){")
          (?\( . ".")  (?\) . ".") (?\" . ".")  (?& . ".")   (?_ . ".")
-         (?@ . "_")   (?~ . " ")  (?$ . "$")   (?' . "w")
-         ))
+           (?@ . "_")   (?~ . " ")  (?$ . "$")   (?' . "w")))
+    table)
+  "Syntax table used while texmathp is parsing.")
 (defun texmathp ()

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