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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/preview/preview.el

From: David Kastrup
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/preview/preview.el
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 19:11:02 -0400

Index: auctex/preview/preview.el
diff -u auctex/preview/preview.el:1.256 auctex/preview/preview.el:1.257
--- auctex/preview/preview.el:1.256     Fri May 20 17:53:57 2005
+++ auctex/preview/preview.el   Mon May 23 23:11:02 2005
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; $Id: preview.el,v 1.256 2005/05/20 17:53:57 angeli Exp $
+;; $Id: preview.el,v 1.257 2005/05/23 23:11:02 dak Exp $
 ;; This style is for the "seamless" embedding of generated images
 ;; into LaTeX source code.  Please see the README and INSTALL files
@@ -1825,9 +1825,11 @@
 \(without extension), ASSOC is what to do with regard to this
 format.  Possible values: NIL means no format is available
 and none should be generated.  T means no format is available,
-it should be generated on demand.  Other values mean that
-a format has been generated and the Emacs-flavor specific
-library keeping watch for a possible change of the preamble.")
+it should be generated on demand.  If the value is a cons cell,
+the CAR of the cons cell is the command with which the format
+has been generated, and the CDR is some Emacs-flavor specific
+value used for maintaining a watch on possible changes of the
 (defun preview-cleanout-tempfiles ()
   "Clean out all directories and files with non-persistent data.
@@ -2636,13 +2638,13 @@
 \\(?:Preview\\|Package Preview Error\\): Snippet \\([---0-9]+\\) 
 \\.? *(\\([---0-9]+\\)\\+\\([---0-9]+\\)x\\([---0-9]+\\))\\)?\\)\\.")
-                   (setq snippet (string-to-int (match-string 1))
+                   (setq snippet (string-to-number (match-string 1))
                          box (unless
                                  (string= (match-string 2) "started")
                                (if (match-string 4)
                                    (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
                                                (* (preview-get-magnification)
-                                                  (string-to-int x)))
+                                                  (string-to-number x)))
                                             (match-string 4)
                                             (match-string 5)
@@ -2665,7 +2667,7 @@
 \\([^\n\r]*?\\)\\(\\.\\.\\.\\|\\^\\(?:\\^[89a-f]?\\)?\\.\\.\\.\\)?\r?$" nil t)
-                                   (string-to-int (match-string 1)))
+                                   (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
                          ;; And a string of the context to search for.
                          string (and line (match-string 3))
                          after-string (and line (buffer-substring
@@ -2722,7 +2724,7 @@
             ((match-beginning 4)
              ;; Hook to change line numbers
              (rplaca TeX-error-offset
-                     (string-to-int (match-string 4))))
+                     (string-to-number (match-string 4))))
             ((match-beginning 5)
              ;; Hook to change file name
              (rplaca TeX-error-file (match-string-no-properties 5)))
@@ -3153,10 +3155,15 @@
                  (cons string (repeat (choice symbol string))))))
-(defun preview-cache-preamble ()
+(defun preview-cache-preamble (&optional format-cons)
   "Dump a pregenerated format file.
 For the rest of the session, this file is used when running
-on the same master file."
+on the same master file.
+Returns the process for dumping, nil if there is still a valid
+format available.
+If FORMAT-CONS is non-nil, a previous format may get reused."
   (let* ((dump-file
          (expand-file-name (preview-dump-file-name (TeX-master-file "ini"))))
@@ -3165,39 +3172,46 @@
         (preview-format-name (preview-dump-file-name (file-name-nondirectory
         (master-file (expand-file-name (TeX-master-file t)))
-        (format-cons (assoc format-name preview-dumped-alist))
+        (command (preview-do-replacements
+                  (TeX-command-expand
+                   (preview-string-expand preview-LaTeX-command)
+                   'TeX-master-file)
+                  preview-dump-replacements))
         (preview-auto-cache-preamble nil))
-    (if format-cons
-       (progn
-         (preview-unwatch-preamble format-cons)
-         (preview-format-kill format-cons)
-         (setcdr format-cons nil))
-      (setq format-cons (list format-name))
-      (push format-cons preview-dumped-alist))
-    ;; mylatex.ltx expects a file name to follow.  Bad. `.tex'
-    ;; in the tools bundle is an empty file.
-    (write-region "\\ifx\\pdfoutput\\undefined\\else\
+    (unless (and (consp (cdr format-cons))
+                (string= command (cadr format-cons)))
+      (unless format-cons
+       (setq format-cons (assoc format-name preview-dumped-alist)))
+      (if format-cons
+         (preview-cache-preamble-off format-cons)
+       (setq format-cons (list format-name))
+       (push format-cons preview-dumped-alist))
+      ;; mylatex.ltx expects a file name to follow.  Bad. `.tex'
+      ;; in the tools bundle is an empty file.
+      (write-region "\\ifx\\pdfoutput\\undefined\\else\
mylatex.ltx \\relax\n" nil dump-file)
-    (TeX-save-document master)
-    (setq TeX-current-process-region-p nil)
-    (prog1
-       (preview-generate-preview nil master preview-dump-replacements)
-      (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'preview-cleanout-tempfiles t)
-      (setq TeX-sentinel-function
-           `(lambda (process string)
-              (condition-case err
-                  (progn
-                    (if (and (eq (process-status process) 'exit)
-                             (zerop (process-exit-status process)))
-                        (preview-watch-preamble
-                         ,master-file
-                         ',format-cons)
-                      (preview-format-kill ',format-cons))
-                    (delete-file ,dump-file))
-                (error (preview-log-error err "Dumping" process)))
-              (preview-reraise-error process))))))
+      (TeX-save-document master)
+      (prog1
+         (preview-generate-preview
+          nil (file-name-nondirectory master)
+          command)
+       (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'preview-cleanout-tempfiles t)
+       (setq TeX-sentinel-function
+             `(lambda (process string)
+                (condition-case err
+                    (progn
+                      (if (and (eq (process-status process) 'exit)
+                               (zerop (process-exit-status process)))
+                          (preview-watch-preamble
+                           ',master-file
+                           ',command
+                           ',format-cons)
+                        (preview-format-kill ',format-cons))
+                      (delete-file ',dump-file))
+                  (error (preview-log-error err "Dumping" process)))
+                (preview-reraise-error process)))))))
 (defun preview-cache-preamble-off (&optional old-format)
   "Clear the pregenerated format file.
@@ -3231,7 +3245,11 @@
                              (goto-char begin)
                              (if (bolp) 0 -1))))))
   (preview-generate-preview t (TeX-region-file nil t)
-                           preview-LaTeX-command-replacements))
+                           (preview-do-replacements
+                            (TeX-command-expand
+                             (preview-string-expand preview-LaTeX-command)
+                             'TeX-region-file)
+                            preview-LaTeX-command-replacements)))
 (defun preview-buffer ()
   "Run preview on current buffer."
@@ -3265,8 +3283,13 @@
   "Run preview on master document."
   (TeX-save-document (TeX-master-file))
-  (preview-generate-preview nil (TeX-master-file nil t)
-                           preview-LaTeX-command-replacements))
+  (preview-generate-preview
+   nil (TeX-master-file nil t)
+   (preview-do-replacements
+    (TeX-command-expand
+     (preview-string-expand preview-LaTeX-command)
+     'TeX-master-file)
+    preview-LaTeX-command-replacements)))
 (defun preview-environment (count)
   "Run preview on LaTeX environment.
@@ -3298,24 +3321,12 @@
     (preview-region (region-beginning) (region-end))))
-(defun TeX-inline-preview (name command file)
-  "Main function called by AUCTeX.
-NAME, COMMAND and FILE are described in `TeX-command-list'."
-  (preview-generate-preview
-   TeX-current-process-region-p
-   file
-   (symbol-value (cdr (assoc name '(("Generate Preview" .
-                      preview-LaTeX-command-replacements)
-                        ("Cache Preamble" .
-                         preview-dump-replacements)))))))
-(defun preview-generate-preview (region-p file replacements)
+(defun preview-generate-preview (region-p file command)
   "Generate a preview.
-REGION-P is the region flag, FILE is the file, REPLACEMENTS
-is either `preview-LaTeX-command-replacements' or
+REGION-P is the region flag, FILE the file (without default
+extension and directory), COMMAND is the command to use.
+It returns the started process."
   (setq TeX-current-process-region-p region-p)
   (let* ((geometry (preview-get-geometry))
         (commandbuff (current-buffer))
@@ -3324,57 +3335,54 @@
-        (command (preview-do-replacements
-                  (TeX-command-expand
-                   (preview-string-expand preview-LaTeX-command)
-                   (car pr-file))
-                  replacements))
         (master (TeX-master-file))
         (master-file (expand-file-name master))
         (dumped-cons (assoc master-file
-                            preview-dumped-alist)))
-    (if (if dumped-cons
-           (eq (cdr dumped-cons) t)
-         (push (setq dumped-cons (cons master-file
-                                       (if (eq preview-auto-cache-preamble 
-                                           (y-or-n-p "Cache preamble? ")
-                                         preview-auto-cache-preamble)))
-               preview-dumped-alist)
-         (cdr dumped-cons))
-       (prog1 (let (TeX-current-process-region-p)
-                (preview-cache-preamble))
-         (setq TeX-sentinel-function
-               `(lambda (process string)
-                  (funcall ,TeX-sentinel-function process string)
-                  (TeX-inline-preview-internal
-                   ,command ,file
-                   ',pr-file ,commandbuff
-                   ',dumped-cons
-                   ',master
-                   ',geometry
-                   (prog1
-                       (buffer-string)
-                     (set-buffer ,commandbuff))))))
-      (TeX-inline-preview-internal command file
-                                  pr-file commandbuff
-                                  dumped-cons master
-                                  geometry))))
+                            preview-dumped-alist))
+        process)
+    (unless dumped-cons
+      (push (setq dumped-cons (cons master-file
+                                   (if (eq preview-auto-cache-preamble 'ask)
+                                       (y-or-n-p "Cache preamble? ")
+                                     preview-auto-cache-preamble)))
+           preview-dumped-alist))
+    (when (cdr dumped-cons)
+      (let* (TeX-current-process-region-p)
+       (setq process (preview-cache-preamble dumped-cons))
+       (if process
+           (setq TeX-sentinel-function
+                 `(lambda (process string)
+                    (funcall ,TeX-sentinel-function process string)
+                    (TeX-inline-preview-internal
+                     ,command ,file
+                     ',pr-file ,commandbuff
+                     ',dumped-cons
+                     ',master
+                     ',geometry
+                     (buffer-string)))))))
+    (or process
+       (TeX-inline-preview-internal command file
+                                    pr-file commandbuff
+                                    dumped-cons master
+                                    geometry))))
 (defun TeX-inline-preview-internal (command file pr-file
                                    commandbuff dumped-cons master
                                    &optional str)
-  "See doc of `TeX-inline-preview'.
-Should explain meaning of COMMAND, FILE, and
+  "Internal stuff for previewing.
+COMMAND and FILE should be explained in `TeX-command-list'.
+PR-FILE is the target file name in the form for `preview-gs-file'.
 internal parameters, STR may be a log to insert into the current log."
+  (set-buffer commandbuff)
       ((preview-format-name (preview-dump-file-name
                             (file-name-nondirectory master)))
-        (if (cdr dumped-cons)
+        (if (consp (cdr dumped-cons))
              command preview-undump-replacements)
           command) file)))
@@ -3391,7 +3399,7 @@
          (setq TeX-sentinel-function 'preview-TeX-inline-sentinel)
          (when (featurep 'mule)
            (setq preview-coding-system
-                 (with-current-buffer TeX-command-buffer
+                 (with-current-buffer commandbuff
            (when preview-coding-system
              (setq preview-coding-system
@@ -3405,12 +3413,12 @@
            (TeX-synchronous-sentinel "Preview-LaTeX" file process)))
       (error (preview-log-error err "Preview" process)
-            (delete-process process)))
-    (preview-reraise-error process)))
+            (delete-process process)
+            (preview-reraise-error process)))))
 (defconst preview-version (eval-when-compile
   (let ((name "$Name:  $")
-       (rev "$Revision: 1.256 $"))
+       (rev "$Revision: 1.257 $"))
     (or (if (string-match "\\`[$]Name: *\\([^ ]+\\) *[$]\\'" name)
            (match-string 1 name))
        (if (string-match "\\`[$]Revision: *\\([^ ]+\\) *[$]\\'" rev)
@@ -3421,7 +3429,7 @@
 (defconst preview-release-date
-    (let ((date "$Date: 2005/05/20 17:53:57 $"))
+    (let ((date "$Date: 2005/05/23 23:11:02 $"))
        "\\`[$]Date: *\\([0-9]+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)"

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