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Re: [FR] Recognize L3 \msg_line_context: on warning parsing

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: [FR] Recognize L3 \msg_line_context: on warning parsing
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2021 14:27:03 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.6; emacs 28.0.50

Gustavo Barros <> writes:

Hi Gustavo,

> The LaTeX3 `l3msg' package defines the helper macro
> `\msg_line_context:' for use in messages, which is documented as:
> "Prints the current line number when a message is given, and thus
> suitable for giving context to messages. The number itself is
> proceeded by the text 'on line'."
> However, if one uses `\msg_line_context:' in their messages, AUCTeX
> fails to recognize the line of the message, and some convenience is
> lost because of that.
> As far as I can tell, this is because this message differs from the
> traditional "on input line ...", and `TeX-warning' at `tex-buf.el'
> sets the let-bound `line-string' to `"on input line \\([0-9]*\\)\\."'.
> WDYT, could `TeX-warning' be adjusted to accommodate `\msg_line_context:' too?

Would just changing

  "on input line \\([0-9]*\\)\\."


  "on \\(?:input \\)?line \\([0-9]*\\)\\."



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