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Re: Output to directory patch

From: Al Haji-Ali
Subject: Re: Output to directory patch
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 09:06:18 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.8; emacs 27.1

Hello Uwe,

On 02/03/2021, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> I see
> commit 7a45bb1b1363fc4e3d301c6e9069cac865374efc (HEAD -> tex-build-only, 
> origin/tex-build-only)
This is the correct commit.

The `origin/tex-build-only` is a direct copy of the remote branch, when you 
call `git fetch`, this branch is synchronized with the remote branch.

The other branch `tex-build-only` is your local copy. When you do `git pull` 
while on the local branch `tex-build-only`, this is effectively translated as 
two commands
`git fetch origin tex-build-only`
followed by
`git merge origin/tex-build-only`
So the remote branch `origin/tex-build-only` is synchronized then merged into 
the local branch `tex-build-only`.

The reason is that you can make changes to your local branch without affecting 
the remote branch (until you do `git push`). Also, after making changes to your 
local branch, you can get changes from other contributors and merge them into 
your local branch before pushing.

Best regards,
-- Al

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