Hi Maki,
Thanks for the reply !
I can get the error if my static_filters.src.cpp is not correct.
This is a generated file that is included by lib\new_filter.cpp.
I do NOT have his file in the lib/ subdir but in the gen/ subdir !
Below is the array from my static_filters.src.cpp which defines
the list of filters available.
static FilterEntry standard_filters[] = {
What does your static_filters.src.cpp file look like?
And I do NOT have this filters list inside this file anyway !!
The file is generated by gen/mk-static-filter.pl. I don't recall
off the top of my head where it gets it's list of available
filters, but it might be the list of *.amf files.
I don't know much about those *amf files ?? Should I create some first
before running copnfigure ??
What kind of changes ?
Attached : my static_filters.src.cpp file.