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Re: [Arx-users] Fwd: Errors in the mirror command ? (Segmentation errors

From: Walter Landry
Subject: Re: [Arx-users] Fwd: Errors in the mirror command ? (Segmentation errors too)
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 19:38:23 -0500 (EST)

Kevin Smith <address@hidden> wrote:
> Walter Landry wrote:
> > I have been thrashing about for designs, and I think I have come up
> > with something reasonable.  The main thing that I don't like about the
> > current setup is that mirrors have a different name from the master.
> > With the new scheme everything goes into the same name.  Thus, the
> > output of "arx archives" might look like
> > 
> > address@hidden
> >   file:///home/foo/bar
> >
> >   sftp://address@hidden/bar
> This seems frighteningly sane. Again, I applaud your sense of design.
> > By default, the first one on the list is the location that will be
> > used for "get", "merge", "commit", etc.  
> (snip)
> > To change the order of
> > archives, so that a different one is the default used for "get" etc.,
> > you just unregister and reregister.
> This bothers me slightly. Perhaps the register command could have an 
> optional flag to force this entry to the top of the list (and it could 
> work even if the archive is already registered. If you have 5 mirrors, 
> and want to set one to the top, it would be a bit of a pain to have to 
> unregister and reregister 4 of the 5.
> It's a corner case, so it's not critical to have this feature, but it 
> would be a nice touch, and I don't think it adds much complexity.

I am a bit wary of making the interface more complicated.  However,
how about this: when you register an archive implicitly (e.g. by
browsing a URL), that puts it at the end of the list.  Only when you
explicitly add it with "archives -a" does it put it at the top of the

> > To actually mirror, you specify the archive, the source, and the
> > target.  So to mirror the local version to the sftp version, it would
> > be
> > 
> >   arx mirror address@hidden file:///home/foo/bar sftp://address@hidden/bar
> Long, but scriptable (and abbreviatable as you point out). Any chance of 
> supporting:
>    arx mirror address@hidden --updateall
> to automatically mirror the master to all the listed mirrors? 

That only works if the master is also the source archive.  If you are
making a local copy of a remote archive, then the master archive (for
"get" etc.) is different from the source archive.

> I personally can't think of a use for updating one mirror but not
> the others.

You could have one mirror for backup and another for publishing.  The
backup is on a local nfs mounted drive, and the publishing mirror is
on a webserver.

You could also have an archive listed the way I showed, with a file
(local), sftp (publish), and http (to check publishing).  You can't
update to the http archive directly.

> Will/does ArX check to ensure that only one of the listed archives is a 
> non-mirror? Are there any checks you can/will do to help users avoid 
> ending up listing unrelated archives as if they were mirrors of each other?

ArX gets the name of the archive from the archive itself, so unless
you create an archive with the same name as another person, that
shouldn't happen.


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