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Re: [Arx-users] How does tag work?

From: Kevin Smith
Subject: Re: [Arx-users] How does tag work?
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 22:55:38 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040916)

Walter Landry wrote:
init-tree created the ,,manifest file as a temp file.  Before it could
delete it, it ran into an exception and bailed.  ArX should really
clean up after itself in such a case.

Ah. Ok. You seem to be correct, as a fresh init-tree did not create (leave behind) any ,, files. I think the very first init-tree I ever did failed and left behind a ,, file, so my scarred memory is causing me to imagine things now that aren't really happening.

With the example you gave, you had a main "waldron" branch, with a
"initial" sub-branch.  If you want to tag a particular revision of
that as v0.0.1, then

  arx tag waldron.initial waldron.initial.v0.0.1

I think this would make an excellent example for the manual and --help (with names changed, of course).

  arx tag myproduct.main myproduct.main.v0.0.1

You might also mention how it will show up under arx browse, since I found it a bit jarring at first. I think I like it now, but am not certain.

I see that you are now recommending that people pass init-tree a simple project name ("hello"). That's sure a huge improvement over arch!

It is more like tag would become more powerful.  For simple cases, the
syntax is the same except the order is reversed

  arx aka foo.stable foo.main

Please keep a simple tag operation for those of us working on simple projects.

However, you can also lump more than one project into it

  arx aka foo.stable foo.main bar.main bar baz.main baz

Then if you ran

  arx get foo.stable foo

you would get a directory structure like this

foo         ----> Contains the project foo.main
foo/bar     ----> Contains the project bar.main
foo/baz     ----> Contains the project baz.main

Ok. That does look fairly cool. Not enough to mess up tag, but I can definitely see some uses for it in a larger project.

Hm. If the first argument to tag was the tag name, and it defaulted to the current branch, then the aka syntax above looks like it would work for tag (and it does make sense as a "tag"), avoiding the need for yet another command name:

  arx tag tag-name [branch1 [branch2 [...]]]



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