We are very happy to announce the release of aroundme 0.4.0, our first
Alpha edition of our social networking, group collaboration and
interaction software.
New in this edition:
Access control system module
This module allows you to customise groups and the node for any type of
user - in other words you can make roles, grant privileges to those
roles and then grant roles to users of the system.
Content management system module
Both user and group based content can now be submitted for inclusion
into either the 'splash' section (a built in e-zine) or to the group
home page. Options can be configured to allow direct automatic
publishing or to go to a queue for editorial approval prior to
Tree based extensible social networking module
Prior to this version we had hard coded 2 degree networking. In this
version networking is extensible and customisable to allow any number
of degrees to be allocated to roles.
Users can now set up different profiles for different groups and
degrees of social network. You can customise who you want to see what
regarding your personal data or present yourself differently across
different types of groups or contacts.
Blogs, Polls, Library articles and Forum subjects now have a comments
section so that a use can apply a comment to an item should the author
with to receive comments.
Customisable MIME type
Aroundme can now be customised to allow for any type of file upload
into the group or users file library. By default jpg, gif, png, pdf
(Adobe Acrobat) and swf (Macromedia shockwave flash) files are
Shockwave Flash integration
Shockwave Flash files can now be added into the library allowing you to
add games, animations, mp3s and applications to you library.
Group blogs
Blogs have been added to the groups. Now users and groups can blog.
User interface
A review of the user interface has taken place. The standard template
(theme) reflects our findings.
...and about 300 other smaller enhancements.
The download is available from http://www.barnraiser.org/aroundme/
along with the demo. Please feel free to play with the demo and give us
We have been working non stop on this build throughout December and
January taking our total hourly in kind investment to 3194 hours.
Thank you to Erik Sundelöf for his huge contributions.
Kind regards,
The Barnraiser team
The Barnraiser team
dedicated to giving people the tools they need to share
knowledge and further society through social software.