This error most likely happened because a "make clean"
was issued before calling make, which removed precompiled files.
The argile compiler (arc) is written in argile itself, so it is packaged with
precompiled C sources (compiled from argile sources) so that
it can be compiled when no other argile compiler is already installed.
some_source.arg --(arc)--> some_source.c --(gcc)--> executable_program
Indeed it is not clear yet in the README that "make clean" would render
the source of the compiler uncompilable (unless it is already installed).
So you just need to unpack the sources in a fresh directory, then simply do:
However it will still not compile in MinGW32/MSYS because arc uses
dlopen() function from POSIX API .
With MinGW32, it would need LoadLibrary() from Win32 APIĀ instead.
(i.e. MinGW32/MSYS/Cygwin not yet supported)