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[Ant-phone-devel] Attn : Credit Union 1 Members Update Aplication

From: Credit Union 1
Subject: [Ant-phone-devel] Attn : Credit Union 1 Members Update Aplication
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 14:44:48 +0200 (CEST)

Dear Credit Union 1 Member,

At Credit Union 1 , the highest responsability to our customer is the safekeeping of confidential information you have entrusted to us and using it in a responsable manner. A fundamental element of safeguarding your confidential information is to provide protection against unauthorized access or use of this information. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal guidelines to guard your nonpublic personal information against unauthorized access. Our mission is to reduce the instance of fraud.

As a public service, our bank enables any individual, anywhere in the world, to check your credit card to see whether or not your card, and possibly your identity, have become compromised.

A frequent question we get is "where do you get compromised credit cards and personal identities from?" Credit Union 1 uses its proprietary search bot, guided by the field intelligence, to roam the internet's newsgroups, search engines, and chat rooms looking for insecure credit card and personally identifiable consumer information.

In this computer age, our personal information is stored on countless databases, on servers which are either directly connected to the internet or indirectly via internal computer networks. Some or all of your financial information is stored by: banks, employers, the IRS, credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax,Cyber Banch and TransUnion), Doctors, Health Insurance providers, Universities, marketing lists, and potentially anywhere you've ever paid for anything with a check or credit card (online & offline). Additionally, bits of your financial information are generated every day, in the form of: your name and address from piece of junk mail, a restaurant receipt with your credit card number, ATM receipts, credit card bills, bank statements.

At this time we need you to confirm your identity with our existing database and prevent fraudulent use of your financial information. As soon as our database will be confirmed we need to make some important anouncements to our customers so please confirm your identity with no delay. Please click on the link below to start the process:

Please note: The additional links that Credit Union 1 has provided are under the control of Credit Union 1. These links are provided as a convenience to the members. The inclusion of any site does not imply the recommendation or endorsement of Credit Union 1.

Thank you for your promt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your confidential information.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain the integrity of the entire Oklahoma Bank system.

Best Regards,
Credit Union 1 Online Department.

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