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Re: [Ampu-dev] Already done, sort of

From: alfred . differ
Subject: Re: [Ampu-dev] Already done, sort of
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 18:47:55 -0500

Looks to me like is a portal tieing together a lot of sites
with the current events and documentation needed for discussions.  It
doesn't look like they keep all those documents, though, since there are
probably copyright issues.

It also loos like has an engine behind it that is similar in
style but more limited in scope to what we have in mind.  My first
impression is that the engine is not open source and the current owners are
interested in maintaining their brand

This brings up another thought.  We may be interested in developing the
application to make AMPU work, but it will probably be necessary to develop
a site that uses the engine too in order to sell the notion to others.  (I
don't mean sell for money by the way.)  A full AMPU site probably won't be
small potatos.

Unless these sites are open sourced or free, I suggest we be careful about
doing too much research into how they work.  I think it will be important
later to ensure we have a good, clean copyright to our work.


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