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[Aeskulap-users] dicom issues

From: Mitchell Laks
Subject: [Aeskulap-users] dicom issues
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 21:40:43 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

Dear Alex,

sorry i just got home ...

I have very very little knowledge of dicom. However I have been lurking on 
comp.protocol.dicom and

You are correct that at times you can use a universal matching on patid. 

However it depends upon when you do it :)

if you do a patient root query then it depends upon the level of your query. 
If you   specify the patient root query and patient level, then sure.

if you go beneath patient level, to study level say then you may not.

must specify patid and MAY NOT SPECIFY NAME at the study level of a patient 
root query.

(I think).

I had the same trouble till i pointed this out to the guys from osirix, and 
they agreed and modified
their client.

to quote:
Joerg Riesmeier         
From: Joerg Riesmeier <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 19:23:05 +0100
Local: Tues, Dec 2 2003 2:23 pm
Subject: Re: findscu
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> I have a problem in the use of findscu command.

I guess your problem is more related to the DICOM query/retrieve
model and not to the findscu tool. Correct me if I'm wrong ...

> I want to built a hierarchy like this:
> I need help to write the right command with arguments
> because ,now, I m not capable to list all the series.

The DICOM query/retrieve models typically used are strictly
hierarchical, i.e. one has to specify the unique keys on the
higher levels in order to query information on a lower level.

Supposed you are using the Patient Root model, you first have
to query all patient's (or the ones you are interested in) on
PATIENT level, then all studies for each of these patients
(using the Patient ID as the unique key) on the STUDY level,
then all series for each of these studies (using the Study
Instance UID as the unique key) on the SERIES level and so on.

In case you want to read more about the different models, levels
and keys I would suggest that you read the relevant part(s) of
the DICOM standard (first of all PS3.4-2003 annex C).

Joerg Riesmeier


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Bernd Kuemmerlen        
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         More options Sep 19 2003, 4:16 am
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.dicom
From: Bernd Kuemmerlen <address@hidden>
Date: 19 Sep 2003 08:16:52 GMT
Local: Fri, Sep 19 2003 4:16 am
Subject: Query/Retrieve level question
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I have a question about the query retrieve levels and the patient root
and study root models, I tried to get the answer from the standard, but it
seems a bit vague to me...

The question is:
Is it correct (as I assume) that a study level request works basically the
same regardless if using the patient root or the study root level?

I know that for a patient root query, I have to include the unique key for
the patient level (i.e. the PatientID), but when I want to fetch
information about studies for a specific patient, I would guess that

  findscu -P -k 0008,0052=STUDY -k 0010,0010=PATNAME -aec QUERY_AET localhost 

(patient root model, study level query, query key patient name PATNAME)


  findscu -S -k 0008,0052=STUDY -k 0010,0010=PATNAME -aec QUERY_AET localhost 

(study root model, study level query, query key patient name PATNAME)
are equivalent, but I fear that I am missing a basic distinction between
these two.

Could anybody shed some light on this issue?


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T Kantchev      
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         More options Sep 22 2003, 4:06 pm
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.dicom
From: "T Kantchev" <address@hidden>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 20:06:01 +0000 (UTC)
Local: Mon, Sep 22 2003 4:06 pm
Subject: Re: Query/Retrieve level question
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Dear Bernd,
These are not equivalent. In fact Patient Name is not allowed in Patient
Root Study Level query, since Patient ID is a unique key at the root level,
which selects a single patient. At Study level of Patient Root query you
only select a subset of studies, belonging to that patient. Therefore, your
second query identifier is invalid.

See PS 3.4 Annex C, Section C.

"The Identifier contained in a C-FIND request shall contain a single value
in the Unique Key for each level above the Query/Retrieve level. No Required
or Optional Keys shall be specified, which are associated with levels above
the Query/Retrieve level."


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Bernd Kuemmerlen        
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         More options Sep 23 2003, 3:21 am
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.dicom
From: Bernd Kuemmerlen <address@hidden>
Date: 23 Sep 2003 07:21:53 GMT
Local: Tues, Sep 23 2003 3:21 am
Subject: Re: Query/Retrieve level question
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address@hidden, who claims to be "T Kantchev", wrote:

> Dear Bernd,
> These are not equivalent. In fact Patient Name is not allowed in Patient
> Root Study Level query, since Patient ID is a unique key at the root level,
> which selects a single patient. At Study level of Patient Root query you
> only select a subset of studies, belonging to that patient. Therefore, your
> second query identifier is invalid.

> See PS 3.4 Annex C, Section C.

> "The Identifier contained in a C-FIND request shall contain a single value
> in the Unique Key for each level above the Query/Retrieve level. No Required
> or Optional Keys shall be specified, which are associated with levels above
> the Query/Retrieve level."

> Todd

Ahh, I see, thanks for this clarification, I now begin to see the
difference. Even though this is written down in the standard, it is
sometimes very hard to grasp, so a more verbose description like you gave
is very helpful.


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