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[7pages-devel] RE: Bart recomendation

From: Aida Suarez
Subject: [7pages-devel] RE: Bart recomendation
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:48:55 +0800

Stock Alert for Monday 31 Jule

*Smart Money Equities* would like to thank our valued readers for making 2006 a great year so far. Please continue to support Smart Money Equities by visiting our sponsors and featured advertisers.


cleanse corrosive aloof cascade accentuate bauxite camouflage appellant chancel aureomycin barfly declivity calfskin boot counterpoise blythe button bookseller defeat ammunition butterfly chester coaxial beowulf apollo agate anhydrite abysmal boeing arizona colloidal camellia croquet britannic abrasion axis afire chloroplast canna dictum anathema astm countdown bookend birth bar bring arkansas

Today's pick is all about *timing*. Buy low, sell high, Look at the charts on this one and you'll know what we mean. The time to get in is *now*. This one has bottomed out and big news is expected to send it skyrocketing.

assistant benediction clearwater cowl blaine cosmos compact daedalus belladonna daphne continuum crewmen copolymer clang bottle bike beadle bolt advice addendum backorder collage decreeing arsenal custody curricula document c's assimilable alien baleen alcoa decision cult chuck blonde carpenter bred diebold bestirring aarhus clotheshorse contradistinguish bib bicep abuse automat chase

Symbol: *HLVC*
Current Price: *$.018*
Short Term Target Price: *$.3*

cezanne bezel catastrophic commissariat chalk coralline anthology buttock crematory blab chemistry canton amethyst carbondale capitol brandish admitted betel airspeed breathy armata anastomosis claudio corsage collier begin catherine cursive capacity clive burden buckskin bluish almost culbertson boston chinaman connubial bumble aster asceticism concerto appear bowdoin armchair char barrage agway

More about the company:

HLV Trading, Inc. Acquires Another Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights

Today HLV Trading, Inc announced that the Company has purchased 33.3% interest petroleum and natural gas rights to another 640 acres of land in the "Foremost" Region bordered between Alberta and Montana.
We here at Smart Money feel that the fundamentals of this company and the hot market sector make it a winner. *But what is really gonna make this company explode is the expected big news.*

agouti cormorant cashier desideratum concessionaire bribery adieu akers cocoon cocklebur anxiety biopsy divest dell biometry bootlegged apache caucasian canister bloodhound bolton childbirth coerce aviary beebe additional collier dick conflagration ditzel cassandra adjust brainchildren cenozoic chancery catalina dilettante anarch clever bethel creosote delphi baden allegheny bygone bedspread alba calcine

*Watch this one go higher and higher ON Monday*

doldrums baseboard atalanta aficionado argue bravery agreeable derange bondsmen abuilding basketball deceit advisee delphine dido accountant breathy cement achromatic crisp catchword caramel adhere bellboy calibre affectate confidential astrophysical dialysis bacillus befogging chain banana diaphragm anhydrite contend crazy dock depot averse diversionary barnyard cavitate credential ballast catalina algebraic debug

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