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[Tsp-devel] internship

From: Frédéric Blanchet-Momas
Subject: [Tsp-devel] internship
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:27:41 +0100

Hello TSP users

My company (B2i Sud Ouest) has proposed an internship there is several months in order to work on TSP.

Guillaume (Sahnes) is a trainee who will work on TSP the next 3 months.

We have defined several goals and one of them is affected to Guillaume (don't miss it's a trainee so the main goal is for him to learn and eventually to develop). But if another subject is more important, why not to switch Guillaume to a new subject.

So If another TSP developer has a better and more urgent subject, you could submit here.


Frédéric Blanchet-Momas

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