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[Tinycc-devel] Re : where are the functions?

From: david . koch
Subject: [Tinycc-devel] Re : where are the functions?
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2023 21:20:08 +0200 (CEST)


check https://github.com/Kochise/tinycc_win32 I've added more win32 header 

It's defined in winuser.h though.


----- Mail d'origine -----
De: Dieter Dewald <twoner4@gmail.com>
À: tinycc-devel@nongnu.org
Envoyé: Sun, 10 Sep 2023 04:55:48 +0200 (CEST)
Objet: [Tinycc-devel] where are the functions?

i used tcc-0.9.27-win64-bin.zip,
i written #include <windows.h> else no include,
but i got this error-message:

tcc: error: undefined symbol 'DefWindowProcA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'LoadIconA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'RegisterClassA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'CreateWindowExA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'ShowWindow'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'UpdateWindow'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'DestroyWindow'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'RegisterClassExA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'MoveWindow'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'GetDC'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'BeginPaint'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'EndPaint'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'ReleaseDC'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'SetTextColor'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'SetBkColor'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'SetBKMode'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'CreateFontA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'SelectObject'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'DeleteObject'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'SetPixel'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'CreateSolidBrush'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'FillRect'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'TextOutA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'PeekMessageA'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'GetAsyncKeyState'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'GetSystemMetrics'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'main'

i have no main, and i written the functions without A

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