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Re: [Swftools-common] 100% CPU load with slides with synced sound

From: Pablo Rodríguez
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] 100% CPU load with slides with synced sound
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 21:14:36 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101209 Fedora/3.1.7-0.35.b3pre.fc14 Thunderbird/3.1.7

On 02/08/2011 11:33 PM, Ricardo Pedroso wrote:
2011/2/8 Pablo Rodríguez<address@hidden>:
On 02/08/2011 02:07 AM, Ricardo Pedroso wrote:

What happens is that flashplayer is looping between frame 5 and 6.
So make it loop slower.

Is there any way to avoid the loop?

You can try a "setInterval()"

See script attached, it's a tiny version of your script/files.

Many thanks, Ricardo. It worked like charm.

I have discovered an issue with the slides themselves.

Adding the keyboard viewer that comes with swftools with:

swfcombine -o slides-viewer.swf keyboard_viewer.swf -F 7 -X 841 -Y 595 -r 1 viewport=slides.swf

And pressing RIGHT (and holding the key) advances the slides fine, but pressing LEFT (and holding it for 3 secs) seems to leak the CPU, since it takes much longer, it become unresponsive when it doesn't freeze display.

Why going backwards is way slower and requires more CPU than going forward?

Thanks for your help,


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