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Re: [Swftools-common] issue when embedding audio

From: Pablo Rodríguez
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] issue when embedding audio
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 13:11:09 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080926)

Matthias Kramm wrote:
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 08:55:52PM +0200, Pablo Rodríguez <address@hidden> 
trying to embed http://ousia.justfree.com/testaudio.swf (which is actually a wav file) using .sound with swfc, I get the following error:

wav_read: warning - short file (2137168352 bytes missing)
Error while reading data block of size 2147418112 (2137168352 bytes
missing)readMP3: invalid header 52 49 46 46
readMP3: not a MP3 file
"audio-test-file.sc", line 24 column 14: warning- Couldn't read WAV/MP3
file "../recslides/prueba-audio.wav"

Could you send me the original wav file (prueba-audio.wav)?

I don't know whether this is the original file, but it displays a similar error:

swfc aaudio-test-file.sc
wav_read: warning - short file (2146726272 bytes missing)
Error while reading data block of size 2147418112 (2146726272 bytes missing)readMP3: invalid header 52 49 46 46
readMP3: not a MP3 file
"aaudio-test-file.sc", line 24 column 14: warning- Couldn't read WAV/MP3 file "testaudio.wav"

http://ousia.justfree.com/prueba-audio.swf needs to be renamed to wav (as http://ousia.justfree.com/testaudio.swf), since they are actually wav files, but my hosting service doesn't allow the uploading of files using the wav extension.

In the meantime, I recommend "fixing" the file using sox:
    sox prueba-audio.wav prueba-audio-fixed.wav

I'm afraid it doesn't seem to work:

sox prueba-audio.wav prueba-audio-fixed.wav
sox formats: can't open input file `prueba-audio.wav': WAVE: RIFF header not found

Thanks for your help,


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