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[Swftools-common] Getting pdf2swf working in a perl script

From: Colin Dodd
Subject: [Swftools-common] Getting pdf2swf working in a perl script
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 18:15:26 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

I'm trying to get the pdf2swf conversion working from within a perl script. Basically the user will upload a pdf and the server converts this to swf so it can be neatly embedded in a webpage.

If I enter the command at the shell it works fine, however if I pass the command to Unix via a perl script (using system,exec,qx or backticks) the conversion process goes fine but the inclusion of a viewer and/or preloader does not go well. As I say it works fine except when called from a perl script, here's the output I get from calling via perl:

NOTICE SWF written swfcombine "/usr/local/share/swftools/swfs/default_viewer.swf" viewport=abc.swf -o __tmp__.swf swfcombine -X 765 -Y 990 -r 20.000000 /usr/local/share/swftools/swfs/PreLoaderTemplate.swf loader=/usr/local/share/swftools/swfs/default_loader.swf movie=__tmp__.swf -o "abc.swf" FATAL Failed to read from __tmp__.swf

Apologies for the lack of carraige returns!

Can anyone help me get this working, so that my swf file ends up combined with the viewer/loader correctly?


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