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[Swftools-common] magnifying glass

From: Jean Thierry-Mieg
Subject: [Swftools-common] magnifying glass
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 22:25:54 -0500 (EST)

Dear SWF-ers

I would like to create a magnifier using a .sc file
and swfc

i have a rectangle drawing, say

.png p1 "p1.png"
.put p1 x=10 y=10

of width 100
i now wish to cut out the piece x=20 to x=30
expand it by a factor 2 and draw it over p1 centered at 25

how do i mask a part of the picture?

next i wish to move this magnifier around 
so i make a button with the same  as=area (this works)
but how do i catch the mouse position when i click the mouse
so that the magnifier will follow

probably flasheyes.sc contains hints at what i should do
but where can i get the exact definition of the move class used in
that flasheyes.sc .action ?

function runMove() {

        move.startDrag(false, -23, -58, 23, 58);



as i mentioned a few weeks ago, i modified swfc.c and parser.lex
so that i can use swcf inside a pipe
  cat toto.sc | swfc -o stdout > toto.swf
i needed that to generate dynamic .swf pages from a server
how do i send this modif so it gets integrated ?

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