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Re: [Swftools-common] making pdf2swf on mac osx 10.3.8

From: Daichi Shinozaki
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] making pdf2swf on mac osx 10.3.8
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 22:59:39 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)


keiko koda wrote:

Could someone help me with the following ...

I downloaded swftools 0.6.3 and followed instructions
to install.

I installed jpeglib with fink into the /sw/include and
/sw/lib dirs.

I invoked "./configure" (adding /sw/include and
/sw/lib dirs to the paths in Makefile.common), "make,"
and "sudo make install"

You need to pass options on the configure command-line like this:

$ LDFLAGS="-L/sw/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/sw/include" ./configure

make -f Makefile.in

If configure runs without error(s), It creates "Makefile".
You need to use Makefile instead of Makefile.in.

Hope this helps,

Daichi Shinozaki

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