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[Stow-devel] Special processing for dotfiles

From: Joris Vankerschaver
Subject: [Stow-devel] Special processing for dotfiles
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 09:34:16 +0100

Hi all,

I use Stow to manage my dotfiles, but I found it somewhat confusing to maintain stow directories full of hidden files. 

To work around this, I added an option "--dotfiles" to my stow installation. When this is enabled, file or directory names that start with "dot-" will be linked to a hidden file with "dot-" replaced by "." (e.g. bash/dot-bashrc => .bashrc, emacs/dot-emacs/init.el => .emacs/init.el, etc).

Is this something that would be of interest for the main branch? I added my (very rough) implementation as a patch to this email, but I can make a PR. There are some structural limitations that I'd need to figure out (e.g. this kind of path rewriting doesn't work well with unfolding).

Last, thanks for writing and maintaining Stow. The package perfectly fits my use case, and the code is super clean. I've never written any Perl before but I found the code base to be very understandable and self-explanatory.

With best wishes,

Attachment: 0001-ENH-Special-processing-for-dotfiles.patch
Description: Binary data

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