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Re: [Sks-devel] trouble building most recent version of sks-keyserver fr

From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Subject: Re: [Sks-devel] trouble building most recent version of sks-keyserver from hg
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 19:16:27 -0400
User-agent: Notmuch/0.22+16~g87b7bd4 ( Emacs/24.5.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Hi Brian--

I ran into the same deprecation issues you were running into (also ocaml
4.02.3), and i believe i've fixed them all with the attached patch.

I'm not a serious ocaml dev, though; so hopefully one of the more
experienced folks here can review this and let me know if i've done
anything horrible. (and if it's OK, feel free to apply it upstream!)


From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 18:52:17 -0400
Subject: Avoid deprecated ocaml

newer versions of ocaml explicitly deprecate:

 * String.create in favor of Bytes.create
 * String.fill in favor of Bytes.fill
 * Sort.list in favor of List.sort
 * Byte internal assignment like .[] <- (but Bytes.set is fine)

(for this last one, see
and, which i don't fully
---   |  2 +-  | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------    |  6 +++---   |  2 +-       |  2 +-    |  4 ++--  |  2 +-      |  4 ++--     | 12 ++++++------ |  4 ++--      | 14 +++++++-------      | 24 ++++++++++++------------    | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 13 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 3233af6..f5c7cfc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ let dirname =
 (** dumps contents of one file into another *)
 let pipe_file =
   let blocksize = 100 * 1024 in
-  let buf = String.create blocksize in
+  let buf = Bytes.create blocksize in
   let rec pipe_file file1 file2 =
     let bytes_read = input file1 buf 0 blocksize in
     if bytes_read <> 0 then (
diff --git a/ b/
index a6d3dad..19d3307 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let bytelength bits =
 let create bits =
   let bytes = bytelength bits
-  { a = String.create bytes;
+  { a = Bytes.create bytes;
     bitlength = bits;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ let flip ba bit =
   let intval = int_of_char (String.get ba.a byte_pos) in
   let new_char = char_of_int ((1 lsl (width - bit_pos - 1)) lxor intval)
-  String.set ba.a byte_pos new_char
+  Bytes.set ba.a byte_pos new_char
 let set ba bit =
   let byte_pos = bit / width
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ let set ba bit =
   let intval = int_of_char (String.get ba.a byte_pos) in
   let new_char = char_of_int ((1 lsl (width - bit_pos - 1)) lor intval)
-  String.set ba.a byte_pos new_char
+  Bytes.set ba.a byte_pos new_char
 let unset ba bit =
   let byte_pos = bit / width
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ let unset ba bit =
   let new_char = char_of_int ((lnot (1 lsl (width - bit_pos - 1)))
                               land intval)
-  String.set ba.a byte_pos new_char
+  Bytes.set ba.a byte_pos new_char
 let setval ba bit bool =
   if bool then set ba bit else unset ba bit
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ let to_bool_array ba =
   Array.init ~f:(fun i -> lget ba i) ba.bitlength
 let to_string ba =
-  let string = String.create ba.bitlength in
+  let string = Bytes.create ba.bitlength in
   for i = 0 to ba.bitlength -1 do
-    if get ba i = 0 then string.[i] <- '0' else string.[i] <- '1'
+    if get ba i = 0 then Bytes.set string i '0' else Bytes.set string i '1'
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ let copy ba = { ba with a = String.copy ba.a }
 let copy_len ba bitlength =
   let bytes = bytelength bitlength in
-  let str = String.create bytes in
+  let str = Bytes.create bytes in
   String.blit ~src:ba.a ~src_pos:0
     ~dst:str ~dst_pos:0 ~len:(String.length ba.a);
   { a = str; bitlength = bitlength }
@@ -191,17 +191,17 @@ let shift_left_small ba bits =
   if bits > 0 then
     let bytes = bytelength ba.bitlength in
     for i = 0 to bytes-2 do
-      ba.a.[i] <- shift_pair_left ba.a.[i] ba.a.[i+1] bits
+      Bytes.set ba.a i (shift_pair_left ba.a.[i] ba.a.[i+1] bits)
-    ba.a.[bytes-1] <- shift_pair_left ba.a.[bytes-1] '\000' bits
+    Bytes.set ba.a (bytes-1) (shift_pair_left ba.a.[bytes-1] '\000' bits)
 let shift_right_small ba bits =
   if bits > 0 then
     let bytes = bytelength ba.bitlength in
     for i = bytes-1 downto 1 do
-      ba.a.[i] <- shift_pair_right ba.a.[i-1] ba.a.[i] bits
+      Bytes.set ba.a i (shift_pair_right ba.a.[i-1] ba.a.[i] bits)
-    ba.a.[0] <-  shift_pair_right '\000' ba.a.[0] bits
+    Bytes.set ba.a 0 (shift_pair_right '\000' ba.a.[0] bits)
@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@ let rec shift_left ba bits =
       for i = 0 to bytelength - 1 - bytes do
-        ba.a.[i] <- ba.a.[i+bytes];
+        Bytes.set ba.a i ba.a.[i+bytes];
       for i = bytelength - bytes to bytelength - 1 do
-        ba.a.[i] <- '\000'
+        Bytes.set ba.a i '\000'
   shift_left_small ba bits
@@ -235,10 +235,10 @@ and shift_right ba bits =
         for i = bytelength - 1 downto bytes do
-          ba.a.[i] <- ba.a.[i-bytes];
+          Bytes.set ba.a i ba.a.[i-bytes];
         for i = bytes - 1 downto 0 do
-          ba.a.[i] <- '\000'
+          Bytes.set ba.a i '\000'
     shift_right_small ba bits
@@ -275,14 +275,14 @@ let blit ~src ~dst ~len =
     let newdst = (rmasks.(bitlen) land srcval) lor
                  ((lnot rmasks.(bitlen)) land dstval)
-    dst.a.[bytelen] <- char_of_int newdst
+    Bytes.set dst.a bytelen (char_of_int newdst)
 (* let full_blit ~src ~src_pos ~dst ~dst_pos ~len =  *)
 let zero_out bs =
-  String.fill bs.a ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length bs.a) '\000'
+  Bytes.fill bs.a ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length bs.a) '\000'
 let extract bs ~pos ~len =
diff --git a/ b/
index 95b599b..75f7a3a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ let create_nb_really_input inchan =
     let string =
       match !stringopt with
           None ->
-            let string = String.create len in
+            let string = Bytes.create len in
             stringopt := Some string;
             pos := 0;
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ let read_all cin ?len ()=
       None -> 1024 * 100
     | Some x -> x
-  let sbuf = String.create len
+  let sbuf = Bytes.create len
   and buf = Buffer.create len in
     read_all_rec cin sbuf buf;
     Buffer.contents buf
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ object (self)
   method virtual read_string_pos : buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> unit
   method virtual read_char : char
   method read_string len =
-    let buf = String.create len in
+    let buf = Bytes.create len in
     self#read_string_pos ~buf ~pos:0 ~len;
   method read_byte = int_of_char self#read_char
diff --git a/ b/
index d2cab69..71c53cb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ struct
     let f = (if binary then open_in_bin else open_in) fname in
     protect ~f:(fun () ->
                   let length = in_channel_length f in
-                  let buf = String.create length in
+                  let buf = Bytes.create length in
                   really_input f buf 0 length;
diff --git a/ b/
index 292f432..ad9f053 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ let push heap ~key ~data =
 let empty cmp i =
-  { a = Array.create i None;
+  { a = Array.make i None;
     length = 0;
     minsize = i;
     cmp = cmp;
diff --git a/ b/
index ca7c6d6..49cf466 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ let hexchar_to_int c =
 let dehexify s =
   let s = String.uppercase s in
-  let ns = String.create (String.length s / 2) in (* new string *)
+  let ns = Bytes.create (String.length s / 2) in (* new string *)
   for i = 0 to String.length ns - 1 do
     let first = hexchar_to_int s.[2 * i]
     and second = hexchar_to_int s.[2 * i + 1]
-    ns.[i] <- char_of_int ((first lsl 4) + second)
+    Bytes.set ns i (char_of_int ((first lsl 4) + second))
diff --git a/ b/
index 81a9d88..f4499ed 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ struct
   let copy m = { m with array = Array.copy m.array; }
   let make ~columns ~rows init =
-    let array = Array.create (columns * rows) init in
+    let array = Array.make (columns * rows) init in
     { columns = columns;
       rows = rows;
       array = array;
diff --git a/ b/
index f473a64..c0d4c79 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ let pri_split pri list =
 let has_dups list =
-  let slist = Sort.list (fun x y -> x < y) list in
+  let slist = List.sort compare list in
   let rec dup_scan list = match list with
     [] -> false
   | hd::[] -> false
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ let has_dups list =
   in dup_scan slist
 let dedup list =
-  let slist = Sort.list (fun x y -> x < y) list in
+  let slist = List.sort compare list in
   let rec dedup ~list ~partial = match list with
       [] -> partial
     | hd::[] -> dedup ~list:[] ~partial:(hd::partial)
diff --git a/ b/
index 3e33077..94f3b2e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ let width_pow = power_int_positive_int 2 width
 let revstring s =
   let len = String.length s in
-  let copy = String.create len in
+  let copy = Bytes.create len in
   for i = 0 to len - 1 do
-    copy.[i] <- s.[len - 1 - i]
+    Bytes.set copy i s.[len - 1 - i]
@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ let revstring_inplace s =
   for i = 0 to (len - 2)/2 do
     let j = len - 1 - i in
     let tmp = s.[i] in
-    s.[i] <- s.[j];
-    s.[j] <- tmp
+    Bytes.set s i s.[j];
+    Bytes.set s j tmp
 let to_bytes ~nbytes n =
   if sign_big_int n = -1
   then raise (Invalid_argument "N.to_bytes: negative argument");
-  let string = String.create nbytes in
+  let string = Bytes.create nbytes in
   let rec loop n i =
     if i < 0 then string
       let (a,b) = quomod_big_int n width_pow in
-      string.[i] <- char_of_int (int_of_big_int b);
+      Bytes.set string i (char_of_int (int_of_big_int b));
       loop a (i - 1)
   let str = loop n (nbytes - 1) in
diff --git a/ b/
index 4aa4fbb..a90cc41 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -730,8 +730,8 @@ let split_at_depth t zz zzs node depth =
 let pad string bytes =
   let len = String.length string in
   if bytes > len then
-    let nstr = String.create bytes in
-    String.fill nstr ~pos:len ~len:(bytes - len) '\000';
+    let nstr = Bytes.create bytes in
+    Bytes.fill nstr ~pos:len ~len:(bytes - len) '\000';
     String.blit ~src:string ~dst:nstr ~src_pos:0 ~dst_pos:0 ~len;
diff --git a/ b/
index 63792c1..46e687d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ let rec fill_random_string rfunc string ~pos ~len =
     (* CR yminsky: I think this has the same bug as the function with the same 
name in Utils *)
     let _bits = rfunc () in
       for i = 0 to steps - 1 do
-        string.[pos + i] <-
-        char_of_int (0xFF land ((rfunc ()) lsr (8 * i)))
+        Bytes.set string (pos + i)
+        (char_of_int (0xFF land ((rfunc ()) lsr (8 * i))))
       fill_random_string rfunc string ~pos:(pos + steps) ~len
 let random_string rfunc len =
-  let string = String.create len in
+  let string = Bytes.create len in
     fill_random_string rfunc string ~pos:0 ~len;
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ let add_sarray ~data sarray =
 let pad string bytes =
   let len = String.length string in
   if bytes > len then
-    let nstr = String.create bytes in
-    String.fill nstr ~pos:len ~len:(bytes - len) '\000';
+    let nstr = Bytes.create bytes in
+    Bytes.fill nstr ~pos:len ~len:(bytes - len) '\000';
     String.blit ~src:string ~dst:nstr ~src_pos:0 ~dst_pos:0 ~len;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ let padset stringset bytes =
 let truncate string bytes =
   let len = String.length string in
   if bytes < len then
-    let nstr = String.create bytes in
+    let nstr = Bytes.create bytes in
     String.blit ~src:string ~dst:nstr ~src_pos:0 ~dst_pos:0 ~len:bytes;
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ let order_string = "530512889551602322505127520352579437339"
 (** Printing Functions *)
 let print_ZZp_list list =
-  let list = Sort.list (fun x y -> compare x y < 0) list in
+  let list = List.sort compare list in
   MList.print2 ~f:ZZp.print list
 let print_ZZp_set set = print_ZZp_list (Set.elements set)
diff --git a/ b/
index b9b4347..0acd119 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ let random_int low high =
 let char_width = 8
 let hexstring digest =
-  let result = String.create (String.length digest * 2) in
-  let hex = "0123456789ABCDEF" in
+  let result = Bytes.create (String.length digest * 2) in
+  let hex = Bytes.of_string "0123456789ABCDEF" in
     for i = 0 to String.length digest - 1 do
       let c = Char.code digest.[i] in
-        result.[2*i] <- hex.[c lsr 4];
-        result.[2*i+1] <- hex.[c land 0xF]
+        Bytes.set result (2*i) hex.[c lsr 4];
+        Bytes.set result (2*i+1) hex.[c land 0xF]
@@ -192,11 +192,11 @@ let int_from_bstring string ~pos ~len =
   int_from_bstring_rec string ~pos ~len 0
 let bstring_of_int i =
-     let s = String.create 4 in
-     s.[3] <- char_of_int (i land 0xFF);
-     s.[2] <- char_of_int ((i lsr 8) land 0xFF);
-     s.[1] <- char_of_int ((i lsr 16) land 0xFF);
-     s.[0] <- char_of_int ((i lsr 24) land 0xFF);
+     let s = Bytes.create 4 in
+     Bytes.set s 3 (char_of_int (i land 0xFF));
+     Bytes.set s 2 (char_of_int ((i lsr 8) land 0xFF));
+     Bytes.set s 1 (char_of_int ((i lsr 16) land 0xFF));
+     Bytes.set s 0 (char_of_int ((i lsr 24) land 0xFF));
 (* tail recursive *)
@@ -265,15 +265,15 @@ let rec fill_random_string rfunc string ~pos ~len =
        the random generation being deterministic *)
     let _bits = rfunc () in
     for i = 0 to steps - 1 do
-      string.[pos + i] <-
-        char_of_int (0xFF land ((rfunc ()) lsr (8 * i)))
+      Bytes.set string (pos + i)
+        (char_of_int (0xFF land ((rfunc ()) lsr (8 * i))))
     fill_random_string rfunc string ~pos:(pos + steps) ~len
 let random_string rfunc len =
-  let string = String.create len in
+  let string = Bytes.create len in
     fill_random_string rfunc string ~pos:0 ~len;
diff --git a/ b/
index 6ccfc62..27adb13 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ let decode s =
         match s.[i] with
           '%' when i + 2 < String.length s ->
             let v = hexa_val s.[i + 1] * 16 + hexa_val s.[i + 2] in
-            s1.[i1] <- Char.chr v; i + 3
-        | '+' -> s1.[i1] <- ' '; succ i
-        | x -> s1.[i1] <- x; succ i
+            Bytes.set s1 i1 (Char.chr v); i + 3
+        | '+' -> Bytes.set s1 i1 ' '; succ i
+        | x -> Bytes.set s1 i1 x; succ i
       copy_decode_in s1 i (succ i1)
     else s1
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ let decode s =
   if need_decode 0 then
     let len = compute_len 0 0 in
-    let s1 = String.create len in
+    let s1 = Bytes.create len in
     strip_heading_and_trailing_spaces (copy_decode_in s1 0 0)
   else s
@@ -120,22 +120,22 @@ let encode s =
     if i < String.length s then
       let i1 =
         match s.[i] with
-          ' ' -> s1.[i1] <- '+'; succ i1
+          ' ' -> Bytes.set s1 i1 '+'; succ i1
         | c ->
             if special c then
-                s1.[i1] <- '%';
-                s1.[i1 + 1] <- hexa_digit (Char.code c / 16);
-                s1.[i1 + 2] <- hexa_digit (Char.code c mod 16);
+                Bytes.set s1 i1 '%';
+                Bytes.set s1 (i1 + 1) (hexa_digit (Char.code c / 16));
+                Bytes.set s1 (i1 + 2) (hexa_digit (Char.code c mod 16));
                 i1 + 3
-            else begin s1.[i1] <- c; succ i1 end
+            else begin Bytes.set s1 i1 c; succ i1 end
       copy_code_in s1 (succ i) i1
     else s1
   if need_code 0 then
-    let len = compute_len 0 0 in copy_code_in (String.create len) 0 0
+    let len = compute_len 0 0 in copy_code_in (Bytes.create len) 0 0
   else s
 let stripchars = Set.of_list [ ' '; '\t'; '\n'; '\r' ]
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ let parse_post headers cin =
     if len > max_post_length
     then raise (Entity_too_large (sprintf "POST data too long: %f megs"
                               (float len /. 1024. /. 1024.)));
-    let rest = String.create len in
+    let rest = Bytes.create len in
     really_input cin rest 0 len;

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