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[Savannah-dev] Re: Text conventions and localization

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-dev] Re: Text conventions and localization
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 19:06:57 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Vincent Caron <address@hidden> a tapoté :

> Mathieu Roy wrote:
>>>- I suggest to always have a blank before a colon, ie. "Value :"
>>>rather than "Value:"
>> It would contradict the English rules of punctuation, so I'm against.
>> (however, in French, you will have that extra space)
> I didn't know this punctuation spacing stuff was locale specific, oh
> my 

A good example is LaTeX documents. If you pick the usual french
classes, even if you put no space between a word and ":", a space will
be added in the dvi/ps/pdf. And with the usual english classes, even
if you put a space between a word and ":", no space will be in
the dvi/ps/pdf output. 

As a matter of fact, these rules are frequently ignored, even by
people that should now them well (for instance, lot of people at my
university are not clear with that, despite the fact that they are
supposed to have a background mainly in litterature).

But every printed books I've ever read got the punctuation right.

Apart from that, an obvious exemple of localized punctuation are the
translation in languages that have no greek/roman roots (written from
right to left, no usual punctuation... )

> OK, so let's move my request to the french translaters :).

I think that most of the translated strings should be ok regarding
that. But, well, if some of them are not, they should be fixed indeed.

Mathieu Roy

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