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[Savannah-dev] [bug #2415] mail interface

From: nobody
Subject: [Savannah-dev] [bug #2415] mail interface
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 04:48:20 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3; Linux; i686)

=================== BUG #2415: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Mathieu Roy <address@hidden>
Date: mer 10.09.2003 à 10:48 (Europe/Paris)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
+ the possibility to use bug-buddy should be included.

=================== BUG #2415: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Soumis par: ddaa                      Projet: Savannah                      
Signalé le: mar 28.01.2003 à 18:03
Category:  Wishlist                   Severity:  7 - Major                  
Priority:  Normal                     Resolution:  Later                    
Assigned to:  villate                 Status:  Open                         
Fixed Release:                        

Summary:  mail interface

Original Submission:  It would be easier for busy and/or lazy contributors if 
there was a mail interface to the bug tracker, patch manager, support manager, 
and task list.

The simpler thing would be to allow sending of followup comments by mail to a 
specific address.

There could be a global address for all the Savannah mail interface and the 
target could be inferred by the "Subject:" of the mail, based on the "Subject" 
line of notification mails. An alternative implementation would use a different 
mail address like <address@hidden> or <address@hidden>.

Extra features would be to allow all operations to be done my mail, but that 
would probably require a command language and GPG-based authentification.

It seems that the Debian BTS use a different address for each bug number. Here 
is the original message from our Debian maintainer:

>> As much as I like that fact that texmacs now has a

real bug tracking system, I also have to say that using

a web interface to reply to bugs is extremely

inconvenient. Is there a way to reply to a bug *by

mail*, such that you can just cc to the bugnaumber on

the bug tracking system (as it is the case with the

Debian BTS) ? <<

Follow-up Comments

Date: mer 10.09.2003 à 10:48        By: yeupou
+ the possibility to use bug-buddy should be included.

Date: sam 21.06.2003 à 13:56        By: yeupou

La liste CC est vide

Il n'y a aucun fichier attaché actuellement

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