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[Savannah-dev] CVSROOT configurable on a per group basis

Subject: [Savannah-dev] CVSROOT configurable on a per group basis
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:24:07 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3


For our non-central infrastructure at CERN we would like to make the location 
of the CVS repository configurable on a per group basis (as of now it is set 
via the group type).

We do not want to add new columns to the data base without really needing to 
(and we would only want to do it in a way that the Savannah developers agree 
- it would hurt the project if everyone starts up his own code base).

Now my first question:
Would it be worth to make an effort together to add fields to the group table?
(maybe not just limited to the CVS entries. Other developers may have 
different suggestions). 

The basic philosophy would then be:
The 'group type' table provides the default values, but the 'group' table 
allows project admins to override these.    

The changes should not make existing sites incompatible with the code or it 
should be trivial for them to upgrade their DB.
I know that these changes will probably not improve Savannah much for use at, but they will make it more useful for other site layouts. 
What do you think?

A second, more specific question:
In the 'group' table there is the cvs_box entry which now always gets set to 
"subversions". This existing field could be used for the CVSROOT locations, 
if it is not reserved for another purpose (was not able to find anything in 
the gnuscripts). Are there any plans to use this entry?

This would still leave us short of one field that would be needed to store the 
URL for the CVS web viewer (viewcvs, cvsweb - however that project would like 
to manage their CVS web access).


Dr. Derek Feichtinger                   Tel:   +41 22 767 26 98
LCG/SPI Group                           email: address@hidden
CH-1211 Genève 23

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